*Charlize Theron*

#19: "I Prefer You."


Y/n's P.O.V

"Okay, you're good. We will give you time to yourself then after 10 minutes I'll be back to get you. Is that okay?" My manager, Shain, told me and I just nodded at her. After she leave the room I sighed and calm myself.

Being back on stage not to perform but be interviewed is kinda overwhelming. I'm a performer and will be on tour later this year, after being on hiatus for a year.

Being on break gave me lots of time to be with my girlfriend and myself, though we are not out yet. We want to savor this relationship with ourselves first before we tell the world. Well that's what atleast I think what Charlize is thinking.

I'm ready to tell the world because it's hard to go out and not be able to hold her, not able to be affectionate towards her. For example now that we're gonna be interviewed by Graham Norton with Emily Blunt and Sabrina Carpenter, I have to be aware of my actions and words to not be suspicious to everyone.

"Y/n?" I heard someone whisper outside my dressing room door and got followed by three knocks. I told them to come in and after they opened the door I see my beautiful girlfriend in a casual suit. I swear her beauty is just ethereal.

I immediately got up of my chair and run into her arms. The idea of being interviewed with people who I technically don't know are keeping me on my feet. I hate it.

"Love, I missed you." I said then I nuzzled my head into her neck which earned a giggle from her. I feel her arms wrapped around me and I can't help but sigh a relief. Her arms is where I feel the safest.

"We just saw each other earlier, but I miss you too." I hug her tighter and she reciprocated it until she push me away gently. "Are you okay?" She asked in a low tone, almost a whisper and laced with worry.

"I... I don't feel at ease here. I'm too comfortable with our little bubble back at home." I  said with my eyes looking at hers. She cupped one side of my cheek and I leaned into her touch. Wanting to just disappear with her.

"I'm sorry love but we have to do this. I'll be with you all the time." After saying that, sadness etched into my face knowing that even if she is with me, I will still be restless.

"You are with me, and yet when we go out of this walls, even a touch of your hand... I can't do. This sucks." I voiced out my concerns hinting her what I meant.

"Love... I'm sorry, I..." Charlize is speechless. Well it shows that she is not yet ready so I dismissed it.

"It's fine, just remind me that you're there." I said with sympathy in my eyes.

"I can post now and say something about us if thatvs what you want-" I put a finger on her lips to stop her.

"No. It's clear that you are not yet ready and it's okay Charlize. I'll wait for you until you're ready." She smiles while almost tearing up. "Hey! No tears or your make up artist will be pissed!" I said and we laugh at my words.

"Gosh, look at you my love!" She said while shamelessly running her gaze from my head to toe. I blushed at her actions and she grins. Not just any grin, it's a grin where you'll know something sinful will be out of her mouth in any seconds.

"Let's go home shall we? Let me remove that dress out of you." I giggled at her and unconsciously
rubbed my thighs together which made her grin go wider and her hands to roam my waist, hips, back and butt. "What do you say huh?" She whispered.

"That will be nice love. But... " I pulled away from her before I crave into her naughty desires. "We have an interview to do." And as if on cue, Shain knocked at my door.

"It's time Y/n!" I yelled 'coming' at her then look at restless Charlize who made herself turned on. Gosh she's such a flirt, and thatvs what she get!

I offer my hand at her. She look at it first with a frown then me, she waited for atleast three seconds. I raised my eyebrows at her before grabbing my hand. I slyly grin at her and whisper before getting out of the room.

"To turned on to even touch me?" I quietly laughed at her stunned state and left her on my dressing room. As I get out of my room I see her manager approaching me in a hurry.

"Have you seen Charlize? He asked and I pointed at my dressing room and smiled politely at him.


"So we don't have any news on who is Charlize dating right?" Graham asked. He was reading his paper but after he finished his question, he looked at the audience. And with that everyone is screaming. Now that is uncomfortable.

"Well I told her at chat just yesterday I know a lot of models but she just laughed at me!" Emily said and I hear everyone laughing so I just smiled. I don't wanna seem rude.

"Someone asked at twitter in a thread and I'm gonna read it... 'I wonder what is Charlize Theron's type. She looks so hot to settle for less.' Well we know that this one is a simper." He said and that made me laugh genuinely. Well I can't argue with that tweet, she really is hot.

"Well... I guess I really love someone who's spontaneous, mature and smart." Everyone awed but Emily and Graham mocked the audience awe.

"We know we know, now letvs go to a real deal what really are you looking for someone." We laughed at Graham's teasing.

"Taller or smaller? With beard? Hairless? Or wait, wait... Blue eyes?" Emily asked dismissing what Charlize said that made us laugh.

I sipped my drink and I hear Charlize's answer. "Well, I prefer someone taller I guess, then probably with hair since I like to play with someone's hair, you know just having something to fiddle with when they're close at you and... Yeah blue eyes is nice." I can't help but gulped at what I am hearing. Thank god she's not beside me or else she'll probably notice my uneasiness. My seat is close to Graham then Emily then Sabrina and then Charlize on the other side of the couch.

I don't know what to say to that respond of hers. I felt insecure because with the physical attributes that she said are far from mine. I small but not too small, just enough for Charlize to kiss my forehead without leaning down. I like shaving so I should probably grow my hair more. And my eyes is far from Blue. Infact they are Black. Well that's understandable because who would really prefer Black eyes than Blue?


We got in our apartment later in the evening. I'm not really talking that much, too consumed with what I found out about her preference on someone. She assumed that I was just tired so she let me be. Whenever she ask me things I answer it shortly and try to hide my growing insecurities.

I'm at the shower trying to relax after this mentally exhausting day. I heard the door opened and I sigh. I forgot to lock it. I just want to be alone for now, but what can I do? I see her all naked, jumping into the shower with me. I turned around and face the shower to not look at her.

"Love? Something is bothering you. What is it?" She asked in a whisper. Not in a seducting way but in a gently sympathizing way. She puts my hair on one side of my shoulder and spread kisses on my other shoulder ones. For the 100th times today I sighed but now in a relief way. With just one kiss, one touch, one word, she can make my worries go away.

"It's fine, i'm fine love. Just make me forget everything for now. Can you do that?" I ask in a gentle but seducing voice knowing that is probably what I need.

"That definitely I can do for my baby. Turn around for me will you?" She told me and I open my eyes to turn around and meet her blue green orbs. She raked her eyes in all my glory admiring everything I can offer. Her hands roam from my side hips then her fingertips glide upwards until it got into my side breast and she cupped it.

She earned a gasp from me because of that and I see her smirk. I kissed her desperately and really tried to match her height so I tiptoed. She pulled away from me with a frown.

"What are you doing love? Relax yourself, you seem... restless." I give up and realx my feet going back to my original height. I look down with my lips quivering and my tears are trying to escape. I removed my arms off of her and fiddle with my own arms instead.

"Hey, hey hey, love what's going on?" She put her one hand on my arm and one on my chin to raise my head.

"I'm sorry Charlize. I'm sorry if I can't be taller than you. I'm sorry if my eyes are black and not blue, I'm sorry but I really doesn't want to feel any hair on my limbs that's why I shave them but I promise to grow my hair longer so you can still play with it. I'm sorry if I can't match your preferences. This is all I am and all I can offer, It's nowhere near what you prefer but I'll try my hardest for you I promise." I said from just tearing up to full mess sob. I felt her hug me tight, tight than her past hugs and I hugged her back.

"Don't you ever say sorry for being who you are. It's you who I love. I love your height than suits perfectly to mine. I love your shiny legs and arms because they are so smooth that just by touching them I get turn on." We giggle at her choice of words. Even in a middle of something she never fails to include her naughty self. But she continues.

"I love how unique your eyes are. Your black eyes that whenever I look at them I can see myself smiling idiotly because of how inlove I am at you. You are perfect and what I said earlier meant nothing to me. Those are my preference before I met the one perfect woman that everyone want for themselves. And I got lucky to be chosen by her."

Her words melt me and weaken my knees. I don't know that she felt like that towards me. Oh how lucky I am to be with her. She's so great and gorgeous and just perfect for me.

"Now let's clean you up and take you to bed. We can put on a movie and cuddle." She said and I kiss her passionately. I wrap my arms around her neck and one hand roam into her hair and one roam into her back. She snakes her arms to my waist and taps the side of my thigh. I get that as a signal to wrap my legs to her hips.

She squeezed my butt cheeks that earned a sigh from me so she put her tongue to roam my mouth. When air is needed we pulled away and she found her way to my neck and nipped at my sweet spot. She walked towards the wall so when I felt how cold the wall is and how she suck into my neck, I can't help but moan at the sensation she's bringing to me.

"Ahh my baby, your moans are driving me wild." She said before capturing my lips again.

"You, you Charlize drives me wild." I said in between our kisses. When we pulled apart and connect out forehead, a wide smirk is plastered into her face.

"Well, I guess movie and cuddles are out of the window already."

"Yeah, I don't feel like cuddling and watching movies."

"What do you feel like doing then love?" She ask while she's walking towards our bedroom with me still in her arms, legs around her hips.

"I feel like... eating dessert." Her eyes are really dilated with nothing but lust is written. She threw me gently to our bed and she crawled slowly into me.

"Hmm, yes, eating doesn't even begin to describe what I'm gonna do to you tonight. I'm gonna devour you until all your insecurities go away. I'm gonna let you feel and know that you are the one. I prefer you


A/N: Gosh i'm getting bold these days. Just a few words and it's already considered as smut. I got carried away 😭. Guess it's a sign that I'm getting more comfortable at writing it now. Well see you on the next one!
