twenty-three || ❆be there for him❆

┌────── ⋆⋅❆⋅⋆ ──────┐

The wintery day brought silver clouds and a shine to the perfect black street, brown wands sprinkled with the most magical of water crystals. The kind of chill that awakened the other senses and warmed them, the white-blues and silvers of wintry dreams swirled in the sky up and above as he watched on from inside the café that appeared so dull as if it lost it's glow, lost in thoughts.

Jungkook held out his cherry-red hands wide for a hug, his kittened hands looking so sweet and comical. The extra-thick wool and elaborate stitching made them look so much larger than usual, but that was Yoongi always showing his love through knitwear for the dear little one of his.

"You can have it, it's not like my parents are in grave need of it anyways."

"You sure about that?", Yoongi questions with skeptical eyebrows, making Jungkook, a now seventeen-year old nod vigorously, his hair hopping along just like it does every time he hops about as he hands a bouquet of origami flowers to the elder.

"Yep, I am", Jungkook giggles, hiding the heartbreak all-too-well behind that bright smile of his as he hands it over to Yoongi, who pleasantly smiles back at him, "I'm so grateful you were able to persuade that Michael, god am I so grateful I'll forever remain in debt to you for getting me this job!"

"Big words, big brains", Yoongi states in a rather proud tone, making Jungkook shake his head with a small smile, "I was just being grateful."

"I can see that, kiddo. But don't be, this was the least I could do for you."

"I love you hyung!", Jungkook bubbles as he rushes to hug the living daylights out of the elder, who groans with pinched eyebrows and closed eyes, a wide gummy smile on, secretly in love with the sweet gesture of the younger he adored so much, but he was never gonna admit that now, was he?

"Anyways, gotta go inform Jin hyung about this. See ya later", Jungkook pulls back and waves at him, making Yoongi coo internally as he too lifts his hand, palms hidden beneath the mittens he'd knitted which matched with the younger's as he eyes him leave the shop while hopping around.

"What a big baby he is", Yoongi chuckles as he finds himself in a situation where he was unable to contain the exceptionally wide smile sprawling across his lips as he puffs his chest in pride on realizing the fact that he was the cause behind Jungkook's happiness at the moment.

This was the least he could do for the younger, and he'd go any extent to achieve anything Jungkook aspires of.

Yet, here we are with Yoongi listlessly staring out at the dust of snow gathering on the hemlock trees outside the café he was seated at, his mind clouding with Jungkook, and just Jungkook.

How much ever he tried to contact the younger, his phone was either switched off or out of reach, just like Jungkook himself and that seriously did worry him to death. Oh how much he wanted to meet up with him but to no avail cuz it's been more than two weeks since he was left on read, and the matter when narrated by Seokjin did not ease his nerves at all, Yoongi had decided to take a step ahead and actually march to the younger's house.

But before he could start laying out his plans, Seokjin put an end to it real quick.

Lecturing him day and night about how the younger's parents, especially his mom was the real lucifer on earth, Yoongi sighs as he recollects the memories of how Jungkook had tried concealing the truth about his parents from them and how they were back at home but in vain as he ultimately decides to confide and hand over his complete trust to his hyungs. 

The way Jungkook completely broke down the day he spent his birthday all alone back when he was fourteen, and how Yoongi and Seokjin secretly snuck into his house at least so that he was not the only one eating the cake he'd baked on his special day, oh how could he forget all those memories they'd knitted together, and how each and every melancholic moment remaining so intact and vivid in his mind.

But now, all he could do was pray for the best.

"Come on now, it's not like he's gone forever, right? I'm sure he'll come back, and if he didn't I'll see to it that I spank his ass cuz how dare he leave without info-"

"Chim!", Hoseok shuts him up with just a glare, making Jimin lower his head and sigh, after which he walks up to where Yoongi was standing and softly pats his back.

"I'm sure everything's gonna be alright, or at least all we could do is hope for it all to be alright again. There's nothing much that we could do in our power as long as I'm concerned but I'm sure Jungkookie is strong."

"Oh yes, he really is", Yoongi nods as he lets out a drawled sigh, "But I don't think he'll be able to endure it any loner. It's been years, Jimin, years since he's been suffering from MDD. And though he's never really enclosed this fact to just about anyone, I know it and for once, I can't help but worry about him so much. It's just, the boy's been through so much from such an early age, being neglected and having his feelings trampled upon one too many times, and I cannot stand it when the parents are the very cause behind all that. I can't help it you two, what if he does something he shouldn't be doing? Something out of haste, some thing horrific an-"

"Now, now", Hoseok says as he too joins in, pulling Yoongi into his own warm embrace before softly raking his fingers through his hair, "All we can do is pray Boongi, just think positive for now, yeah? I do not want to see you like this so cheer up, and oh yes, the treat's on me today!"

"Hell yes!", Jimin pumps his fist in the air as they too decide to help Yoongi prepare the necessary since the shop wasn't really having any customers at this time of the day, which was quarter past nine in the night and so, they all head to the pantry, unaware about the turmoil happening on the other end of the city.


"You've got a lot of explaining to do, Jungkook."

Mrs. Jeon clicks her tongue in annoyance as she advances further, rather slowly as she eyes he way Jungkook curls into a tiny ball as he shrinks himself into a corner of the room nearby.

"Mrs. Lee just called and she's not very happy with this whole relationship you're currently sharing with Anna, and it's progress", Mrs. Jeon states in a low growl, "Why can't you do one thing the right way, huh? You're an adult for heaven's sake Jungkook, do I need to sit and teach you manners at this age?"

Jungkook could do nothing but weakly shake his head as he bites his lips, trying to prevent himself from sobbing out loud, frightened beyond beliefs as he slides his back against the wall and pulls his knees close to his chest.

"Start behaving like a man for once, Jungkook", she bellows, making Jungkook flinch so bad that he starts to hiccup rashly, "And please, I beg you to stop acting like a kid when you're clearly not one. Grow up!"

"Ditching her on the dates you go on, not eating a single morsel when with her, no small talks exchanged, no greetings, no smile, then what is the use of even going? Are you planning on remaining a nance all your life? Is that what you desire?"

Jungkook tries to control his hiccups but to no avail as he shakes his head, silently crying as his heart starts to beat rather fast, his vision blurring out and mind hazy such that he was not able to focus on the present at all. Plus, the headache that seemed to seize his mind just helped in worsening the matters even more, his palms sweating profusely along.

"N-no I-"

"Don't you try to justify and clear your side by stating 'I didn't mean to' when you clearly did, cuz those shitty excuses ain't doing the job, young man", Mrs. Jeon raises her voice even more, the tone used now turning into a bit more of a silenced scream that once again left a profound, awfully deep impact on Jungkook's already wounded heart.

He couldn't take this anymore.

"Now on, better start to behave well around her, do I make myself clear?", she questions with a stern expression, scoffing on seeing Jungkook cry out way too loud than he'd ever done, or at least in front of her, "We were kind enough to give you ample time to get to know each other better. Our company's already falling at the stock market and if this deal does not work out, you'll be the one to blame, Jungkook. All fingers will point at you and so, better start to cope up with this new lifestyle which doesn't involve you being a whore for boys, and I absolutely do not want to see you crying like the pathetic brat you are so stop it!"

Jungkook sniffles as he blows his nose rather audibly on the kerchief taken from his pocket, tears rolling down uncontrollably as he once again shakes his head and whimpers before saying, "P-pwease d-don't hwurt Kookie.. Kookie's very s-sowwy-"

"What the hell is wrong with that attitude of yours?", Mrs. Jeon bellows as she quirks an eyebrow at the unusual behavior exhibited by the younger which appeared so not right to her, "What nonsense is this now?"

"P-pwease, Kookie's v-very very s-sowwy", Jungkook sobs out loud, the extremeness in the situation he was put in forcing him to go into his head space as he shudders in pure fright, "P-pwease.."

"What's going on over here?", they hear the voice of Mr. Jeon, and Mrs. Jeon rushes to inform the elder of the happenings and how Jungkook was just putting up an act in order for her to take pity on him and leave him alone for now, or so she thought after making her own analysis of the situation that met her eyes.

"Now what new illness did this boy bring upon himself?", he mutters under his breath, slightly coherent enough for Jungkook to hear and wail even louder, "K-Kookie's s-sowwy! P-pwease d-don't b-be mad.."

Mrs. Jeon covers her mouth incredulously on the very thought of how shamelessly Jungkook was behaving at the moment as if he were some five-year old just in order to escape her wrath, not being able to open her mind from thinking delusional about this and calculating her own answers when the real solution was far different from all that. 

"We've gotta do something about this real quick, and no one, I repeat no one should speak about this matter again, am I clear?", Mr. Jeon turns around to glare at the maids who were standing right outside the doorstep, merely nodding as he sends them away, thereafter pinching his nose in frustration, "He seems to be a bundle of problems alright."

"Agreed. We need to think abut a solution to this, sooner the better", Mrs. Jeon says as she eyes the way Jungkook was sucking his thumb at the moment, a highly disgusted expression forming on her face, "-before he decides to taint this family's name even further than he already has."

"Hmm", Mr. Jeon hums as he looks away, not wanting to spare a single glance at the whimpering boy who was huddled in the corner, his curious doe eyes now welled up with tears just like how they'd been for ages which scans the room, his mind clouding with the thought of finding the koala whom he used to love to tuck to bed, "Wh-where's Mr. k-koala?"

"Koala what now?"

Jungkook's lips turn upside down and form a furious pout which anyone would've cooed at, anyone but his parents who's blood pressure seemed to rise on each passing second, and seeing the abnormal behavior shown by the younger, Mr. Jeon finally arrives at a conclusion which might help them once and for all.

"We're gonna pay Dr. Yoon a visit, and we're gonna leave to there right now."

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