fourteen || ❆petrichor and letter by the table❆

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"They called me Mr. Rutherford, hyung!"

"Isn't that a good thing, or am I too old-fashioned now?", Seokjin whispers as he asks Yoongi, who mentally facepalms at the same.

"That's just an indirect method of calling someone a nerd for heaven's sake!"

"And they always quack behind my back", Jungkook keeps on whining, whereas Seokjin still remains blissfully ignorant to his wails.

"Maybe cuz your ass is much better than what theirs would ever be."

"Hyung, I'm being dead serious here!", Jungkook grumbles and pouts as he turns to glare at Seokjin, who smugly smiles at him in return.

"It's not like you care, do you Kooks? I mean, who even cares about those fuckers' opinions?", Yoongi questions in frustration, "But if you do care, then feel free to hire me and I'll compose an out-of-this-world diss song just in honor of those dumbasses."

Jungkook chuckles as he moves ahead to pull him into a hug, "What would I do without you, hyung?"

"Skin ship alert!"

"God are you allergic to hugs", Jungkook mumbles as he pulls away,  the three friends making their way in to the school premises, a book in the younger's hold as always. Though he knew that would bring criticism, the real reason as to why he was doing so is cuz if he put those books in his bag, he'll have to say goodbye to his shoulders for life due to the overburden his backpack would be giving him then.

"Okay then, see ya after school Kookie", Seokjin bids bye to the younger, and same goes for Yoongi as the two take their leave. But that's when Jungkook starts to fear. Fear about what was awaiting him in his class. 

With trembling hands, a pounding heart and cold perspiration, he makes his way in after twisting the door knob, eyes scanning the area and ultimately falling on the group of boys seated at the far corner, looking straight at him as if they were waiting for his arrival.

A wave of fright rushes through his body and he shudders, hand still not leaving the door knob as he contemplates whether or not to turn around and run. But even if he did, he still would've to ultimately return and face them. He definitely cannot escape every single time, right?

It was high time he faced his fears.

Taking a deep breath in, Jungkook walks his way ahead and placing his backpack on the ground, he takes his seat which was located at the very front, another reason he provided his classmates with in order for them to pick on him even more.

"Well, look who's here, the nerdie pants himself!"

"Gosh, he looks so bloated as if he just swallowed an entire calculus book."

Chris makes his way towards the boy, that disgusting smirk still etched onto his lips and a hand in his pocket, the typical bad-boy costume of leather jackets, boots and whatnot dripping in black, eyes fixated on the boy's back who was trying his level best to not whimper as he feels the piercing gaze on the back of his head.

"Hey. How about you do the math homework for us and we leave you alone for all the distress you've caused us cuz of how you failed to complete that project on time last week?", he asks in the most sweetest tone ever used, "Sounds like a plan alright."

"Yeah, do mine as well before quarter past twelve cuz we've math by the seventh period today", Isaac says as he tosses his notebook over to Jungkook's table whilst simultaneously chewing on his gum.

Jungkook pushes his spectacles back to prevent it from falling as he fumbles with the end of his sleeves, and no matter how much he wanted to say he could not do it for them cuz he needed to do an assignment for the literary club he was a part of, he was unable to do so. Nevertheless, he slowly nods, making the other boys smirk in victory.

"Aww, what a good boy you are", Isaac says in his mocking-polite tone as he pinches the boy's cheeks way too harshly, making him hiss in pain and furrow his eyebrows.

"Now now, be quick on it, hmm?"

And soon, here we are with Jungkook once again left alone in the classroom doing someone else's notes when the rest of the class was out under the blazing sun, thoroughly enjoying their games period. Yes, though he loved to sit and study quite a bit too much, Jungkook was an avid tennis player as well. The only time he actually got to shine was then, but now all thanks to his lack of ability to say no, he was stuck in the dreadful classroom where silence was the only one accompanying him.

Then came noon, all the birds started flying in circles, the wind was no longer calm, it was swift like rush hour. It passed violently through the trees and it sounded more like a grr than a whistle. The wind was obviously angry. Thick dark clouds assembled in the sky and all the merry little birds flew away in terror. The sun was nowhere to be found, as if it too got scared and hid itself behind the huge mountains of furious clouds.

Pursing his lips into a thin line, Jungkook turns around on his seat to look out of the windows, one of them slightly left ajar as it lets the terrifyingly fast blowing wind in, a few droplets of water too as Jungkook's spectacles grow damp due to the same reason.

Deciding to yeet his responsibilities away for a while, he decides to thoroughly enjoy the downpour partly cuz it was the time he loved the most. These small and not-so-prominent showers in the midst of the heatwave that provides the calm he seemed to miss out on. But what he held even closer to his heart was the petrichor, the heavenly but earthy scent produced upon the rain droplets meeting up with the soil beneath.

After a while, the trees cower from the harsh wind while leaves soar through the air. A steady drizzle of rain begins to descend from somber clouds; crystal tears landing silently on the pavement. Opaque puddles gather along the crevices and cracks of the soggy ground. Incandescent lightning illuminates the sky and is shortly followed by a deafening rumble. But despite all that, it did not fail to bring tranquility at it's finest. With the soothing sound of rain falling, cool, dreary appearance, and warm humid breezes, a storm can be a most relaxing natural setting. Before the storm, the air felt warm and familiar.

Jungkook had been longing to make some time for himself amidst the growing pressure of studies on him and all thanks to the boys, he was able to do so. Being able to see the positive side to every situation, that's something Jungkook's been following for a while now.

Though the aura surrounding him was pleasing and soothing, the room tended to grow dark over time. The gradual changing of the spring blue sky to a deeper shade of navy blue, the artwork created by the almighty himself was something Jungkook deeply admired. After all, no artist is greater than him.

Placing chin in his palm, Jungkook stares out into the open with droopy but sparkly eyes, wanting to forget about everything and solely concentrate on his present. In midst of all the hustle and bustle, he wanted to not forget about himself, but that was easier said than done.

Feet taking him to the window at the very back, he leans against the sill and looks out into the grounds, feeling awfully happy on seeing the group of boys along with his classmates sulking as they stomp the floor in annoyance, which in turn made the boy feel victorious. Like as if he's not the only one suffering and being deprived of fun.

Nonetheless, it's not everyday you get to witness rain during the summer months and that was one of the main reasons as to why he dreaded this season. Monsoon was something he held close to his heart, but as for the winter. He hated the winter season with a passion. The bone-freezing weather along with teeth-chattering wind gushing by every few minutes? Who even likes the cold weather season except for the fact that it meant Christmas was around the corner.

But thanks to his parents, Christmas was officially ruined for him. Sending loads of letters to the north pole every year around the month of December, requesting him to free his parents' schedules in order for them to celebrate the eve together, all were just mere dreams that never did and will come true. But getting to know the fact that Santa was not real, that devastated the once eight-year old Jungkook tremendously. That was around the same time when he gave up on the hope that he'll ever get to spend a proper day with his parents.

Getting lost in thoughts, Jungkook fails to notice the fluttering of paper that was apparently flying about due to how harsh the wind seemed to be blowing. He surely did not know what awaited for him in the future, and all he could do was wait. Wait for the storm to pass by.

Growing up without parental love is never easy. It made him feel so suffocated that at some point, he felt awfully lonely and the thoughts of how he believed that he had no one by his side kept returning and haunting him. Watching the children talk and skip around whilst holding onto their mother's hand in a tight grasp, reciting the nursery rhymes they were taught in primary school to their father after he returned from work. Jungkook was trying to form memories from his own childhood but in vain.

It almost felt like he never had a childhood to begin with.

Bitterly chuckling to himself, Jungkook turns around to walk back to his seat, and that's exactly when a certain something catches his eyes.

A piece of paper to be more specific.

Deciding to inspect it solely cuz it was laying about right beside where his table was situated in the class, he bends to pick the chit up, and after a bit of blowing to get rid of all the dust accumulated, he proceeds to open it.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Jungkook's lips part as he eyes the neat writing written in cursive format, placing it on the table to flatten the wrinkles formed on the paper due to how it was folded numerous times, he takes a deep breath and reads the same.

Meet me at the school library located in D-block by half past two.

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