Chapter 19 - They're coming

Chapter 19 – Their coming

Ariiayla's POV

I was out voted, which I knew was going to happen. I wanted to watch At Worlds End with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in, but NO! We're going to watch a horror instead and they really think I'm going sleep tonight.

Half way through they stopped it for a toilet break. I took this as my chance to grab my headphones and lie on the sofa bed,

"Baby A, I don't think so" Tayte said diving for me, I dodged out his way and attempted to run away from Tayte in the small room, I went to the door and opened it, "Arii" He came after me,

  "Tayte, NO" I screamed running. Unfortunately he caught up with me slinging me over his shoulders and carrying me back to our room,

"TAYTE" I shouted,

"Where'd you two run off to?" Keane asked,

"Nowhere" I huffed "Tayte put me down"; he threw me on the bed and took my headphones and phone off me. Dick. "I don't want to carry on watching the film" I moaned,

  "Tough" Was the answer. Fine, I'd just shut my eyes and hopefully fall asleep. I snuggled up to my pain in the ass boyfriend Tayte and shut my eyes; they didn't seem to notice as they were too engrossed in the film.


"It's okay, don't struggle my child"

"HELP" I was slapped hard and I cried out in pain. He put tape roughly across my mouth,

"As it seems I can't trust you" He spat, stroking my cheeks, I whimpered, he brought a knife from behind him and ran it across my naked shivering body, "Sssh, everything is going to be okay," I shut my eyes, tears running down my cheeks. He was a psycho and I was well and truly trapped with him, I tried to kick my legs, he laughed, "No need to struggle my child, you'll be okay" he ripped the tape off and before I could scream, rammed his lips onto mine, forcing his snaking tongue into my mouth, I bit down hard and he pulled away,

"Fuck off" I screamed, he slapped me again and grabbed the knife, bringing it just below my eye, he put his other hand round my neck,

"Apologize, now" He said,

  "Never" I croaked out, he squeezed tighter and pressed the knife harder,

"Now," I was shaking, my heart was beating and I was crying,

  "S...sorry" I cried, he dropped the knife, let go of neck, I breathed out heavily, he kissed me again and this time I was too afraid to fight back, when he pulled away he stood up,

"You're so beautiful," he undid his belt and pulled his trousers down.


"NOOOOOOOO" I screamed,

  "Arii, Arii hey baby it's okay" Tayte said, hugging me, I was crying and shaking, I shut my eyes and clutched onto Tayte,

"Arii" Keane and Noah said, there was horror in their voices,

"Don't let him get me again, please don't let him get me" I cried,

"Who? Arii..." Keane said helplessly,

"Cylan" I whispered, Tayte kissed my forehead softly,

"He won't ever get you, he'll have to kill me to get to you" Tayte said gently to me. Keane stood up and put his head on his hands, pacing the room. Noah got up and went to Keane, hugging him,

"It'll be fine Keane" He whispered, "We will all get through this"

At Midnight we all fell to sleep together, with Bastille 'Oblivion' playing softly in the background.


We woke up in the morning around 8ish. I stretched out and slipped out of Tayte's arm, who was just sitting up. I got up, noticing my brothers weren't here, I headed over to the bathroom to check, and they weren't in there either.

  "Where are Keane and Noah?" I asked,

"No clue honey, I've just woken up too," he ruffled his hair, and he looked so gorgeous, even though he'd just woken up. "What?" He said,

  "Nothing" I blushed, "Just thinking how gorgeous you look"

"Come here beautiful" He told me, I went over and he pulled me onto the bed, "You know I'm going to marry you one day right" my mouth dropped open, he smiled,

  "You honestly mean that" I said, he kissed me softly on the lips, when he pulled away he sang,

"105 is the number that comes to my head

When I think of all the years I want to be with you

Wake up every morning with you in my bed

That's precisely what I plan to do

And you know one of these days when I get my money right

Buy you everything and show you all of the finer things in life

We'll forever be in love so there ain't no need to rush

But one day I won't be able to ask you loud enough

I'll say will you marry me

I swear that I will mean it

I'll say will you marry me

How many girls in the world could make me feel like this?

Baby I don't ever plan to find out

The more I look, the more I find the reasons why

You're the love of my life

And you know one of these days when I get my money right

Buy you everything and show you all of the finer things in life

We'll forever be in love so there ain't no need to rush

But one day I won't be able to ask you loud enough

I'll say will you marry me

I swear that I will mean it

I'll say will you marry me

And if I lost everything

In my heart it means nothing

Cause I have you, girl I have you

To get right down on bended knee

Nothing else would ever be better, better

The day when

I'll say will you marry me

I swear that I will mean it

I'll say will you marry me

I'll say will you marry me

I swear that I will mean it

I'll say will you marry me

Got me singing

Got me singing

Would you marry me baby

105 is the number that comes to my head

When I think of all the years I want to be with you

Wake up every morning with you in my bed

That's precisely what I plan to do"

I cried, I literally cried,

"I love you so much Baby A and I promise I meant every word", I wrapped my arms around him, and he nuzzled into my neck.

  "We brought break..." Keane began, "What's happened?" I pulled away,


"What's wrong?" Noah asked,

"Tayte" I said, smiling at him, he kissed me,

  "What's up Tayte?"

"Nothing, don't worry guys", they both looked at us strangely, "Promise"

We tucked into mini pancakes and syrup and some bacon buttys, finished off with orange juice.

  "I thought we'd go to a bigger town for the day, maybe go to the cinema or something?" Keane suggested,

"Yeah boy" Noah said,

  "I told you already"

"Oh, and was I excited?"

"Yes, you did a dance" Noah smiled,

"Oh yeah" I rolled my eyes,

  "Sounds awesome, another nice chill out day"

"Okay then, we'll leave in 20 minutes"


20 minutes later all in the car,

  "Can I drive?" I asked,

"Your not even legally allowed on the road sis,"

  "But you've taken me out before,"

"And I told you never to say that out loud," everyone smiled. "Soon Arii, soon,"


We found a car park 35 minutes later.

"I love you" I whispered to Tayte, standing on my tiptoes and kissing him grinning,

  "I love you more ," I slipped my hands into his, he squeezed it tight and we walked on down the street, my brothers following,

"You two look really loved up" Noah said, we turned and looked behind,

  "It's because we are" I said, turning back.

We found a shopping Centre and went in; it had the typical shops that most shopping centers had. We stopped in a few CD and DVD shops, we found a really cool one called 'ReRun' and brought a couple of CD's, Fall Out Boy: Rock and Roll chronicles and Panic at the Disco: Too Weird To Live Too Rare To Die. They'll be played in the car later.

We stopped off around 11.15am for a drink and a bite to eat. Which consisted of a shared strawberry milkshake and half a brownie for Tayte and I, two straws in the milkshake and Keane had a coffee and a cookie, Noah had a chocolate milkshake and a cupcake with pink icing and swirly red sauce (Typical Noah).

  "Your bruises are almost gone now" I told Tayte, stroking his cheek, he took my hand mid-stroke and kissed it,

"Pity, kind of liked the bad boy look" He said winking,

"Guys, what went on in the room when we were gone?" Keane asked,

  "What'd you mean?" I replied,

"Why all of a sudden are you so loved up? Why were you crying? What's wrong with you Tayte?"

"You're not dying are you Tayte" Noah gasped, Tayte laughed,

"No, don't be stupid, I'm fine and so is Arii"

  "Then if your fine why was she crying?"

"She is right here" I said, "And if you must know, it's because Tayte sang to me and told me something"

"Told you what?"

"Man what is this, interrogate Arii and Tayte day!" I exclaimed,

  "Why, does it need to be?" Noah said,


  "Then just tell us then" Keane said,

"Alright, tetchy aren't you" I said, Tayte smiled,

"I told her I was going to marry her someday," There was silence for a few minutes as my brothers digested Tayte's words,

"So Arii you cried because Tayte said he was going to marry you someday" Keane said,

  "He also sang me a song too" I said,

"What song?"

  "Marry you by Jason Derulo"

"Aw, you are just too cute" Noah said grinning, "But be warned if you fucking hurt my baby sister I will kill you okay" I laughed,

"Thanks for that Noah, love you too" Tayte said, Noah winked at him,

"Seriously though Tayte" Keane said,

  "I know, I know...I fucking love Arii more than anything in this world, I won't ever hurt her and you both know that"


Next Update: Monday!!

Let me know what y'all thought of it!

Sorry for any mistakes!

G xx

Copyright © Georgia T R Wing
