Chapter 18 - Raindrops

I updated! Just a tiny bit chaos at the moment!

Hannah Buchanan so proud of you honey! We're going on a Road Trip soon!!


Chapter 18 - Raindrops

We shoved all our bags in the car and Arii's alone had nearly taken up the whole boot and were now heading off to find a place to have lunch,

"So, did you have fun Tayte?" Noah asked,

"Oh yeah, hella fun" He replied sarcastically, I laughed,

"He had an awesome time" Arii said, "Did you both?" we looked at each other,

"Yeah, we had fun" I replied smiling. This was true, after the minor upset about Dad and Mum.

"New coat, looks cute on you bro" Arii told Noah,

"Aww thanks sis, I totally know" She laughed. When Noah acted like this, he was either really happy or hyper, or a bit of both.

"So found anywhere decent to eat lunch on your travels around town?" Tayte asked,

"Well, we had a drink at a place called 'Lockhart's' they probably do sandwiches and stuff, but it wasn't that big was it Noah" I said,

"No, it was pretty small" He grinned,

"So you get to have a drink break, but I don't"

"Shut up moaning Tay'" Arii said,

   "Stop being bossy"

"It's in my nature, especially living with 2 men and you," we all smiled.

"Ooh, what about here, this place looks cool it's called 'Loaded', look it does sandwiches and wraps and salads and Panini's and everything!"

"Looks like Noah's decided for us" Tayte said, we went inside. It wasn't that busy thankfully, there were only two tables of people eating,

"Whoa, that's a lot to choose from" Noah announced,

"Noah, inside voice please" I told him, he grinned. It was nice seeing him happy and hyper, but he wasn't half hard work when he was.

"What have you given him?" Arii asked me quietly,

"Nothing, absolutely nothing, all I did was buy him the coat," Maybe the coat had magical powers; oh jeez the craziness is rubbing off onto me!

Since Noah was talking a million years to decide what he wanted, we all went and ordered:

Chicken, bacon, salsa, mozzarella, peppers and onion wrap and a diet coke for me

Chicken, ham, mature cheddar and pickle Panini and an orange juice for Arii

Bacon, ham, chicken, cheese and Cesar salad dressing wrap and a diet coke for Tayte

Then finally a Ham, mature cheddar, peppers, tomatoes, chicken and honey mustard sandwich and an iced lemon tea for Noah

We went and sat down in the corner on some comfy seats, getting looks from the other people sat down,

"Take a picture it last longer" Noah winked, they blushed and turned away. I laughed.


The food was gorgeous, so lovely. Noah picked a good place, even though it was in passing.

"Oh my god, that food is just...jeez" Noah said lying back.

How the day was going amazing. Noah's phone then rang. He froze, but pulled it out his pocket and without looking answered it,


How are you feeling?" he dropped the phone. I knew it must have been Oscar; it was like he went into shock. Tayte picked up the phone,

"If you fucking call again, I'm going find you, torture you and leave you somewhere to rot, fuck off" Tayte said without raising his voice, but it sure would put fear into anyone. We all looked at Noah; he took a deep breath,

"He won't ruin the day" He breathed out. I ruffled his hair, he smiled, "I'm okay, thanks"

"I'll keep your phone" Tayte said, he nodded. There was a few minutes silence, until a customer came over and complimented him on his coat. Of course that brightened him right up and you wouldn't have known that 5 minutes ago that sicko Oscar had called. I think we all breathed a sigh of relief,

"Aw, thank you so much, I love it too" He said, the guy smiled. I swear he hits on any guy, gay or straight. Not that I can always tell the difference.

"Just had to say something" He said smiling back, then walked off,

"Man I'm just on it" Noah exclaimed,

"You're such a man whore" Arii said, he made an O shape with his mouth,

"Arii, how can you say such a thing?" she laughed, Tayte got up and went to pay.

"Dude, you flirt with anything"

"That is sooo not true...I don't flirt with woman"

"Yeah, because you're gay bro"

"Am I, I never knew"

"Oi, less of the sarcasm buddy boy" He put his hands up,

"Sorry" He pouted. So glad to see his was okay now.

It was around 4pm when we were heading back to the car.

"Can we get a DVD for later on, something to watch?" Noah asked,

"Is there even a DVD player in our room in the travel lodge?" Arii asked,

"Aw Man" Noah pouted unhappily,

"Let's buy a portable one" I suggested,

"What really" both Arii and Noah said surprised, Tayte and I smiled,

"Really, come one, we'll get one"



It's now 7pm and we're in the little chef for dinner. We had brought a pretty decent portable DVD player and some DVDs for later on when we go back to the room. We were waiting for our food and playing dares,

"I dare you to go over to that guy and kiss him" Tayte said to Noah.

"Oh easy darling, gay or straight, he'll want me" Noah said,

"I have no doubt in your abilities little bro" I said as he got up,

Noah's POV

I headed over, I had this in the bag, even with my bruised face I was still awesome, and everyone knew it! Well I hoped they did. I didn't want to go right over there and kiss him, as he was with a girl, possible girlfriend, possible sister or just friend. I couldn't get any gay vibes off him yet and I said yet. I made my move when the waiter was heading towards me; I walked and knocked into him, falling at the knees of this guy, hitting my head on the edge of the table, which wasn't part of the plan. Ow. I looked up at him, he was cute!

"Sorry" I said softly smiling, he smiled back at me, and I stood up rubbing my head,

"Are you okay?" He asked,

"Yeah, I'm good...I think" I answered wincing, he stood up,

"Angelo, he's fine, I am sat here you know" Old bitch face said. He ignored her and came close to me,

"Do you mind me looking?"

"Are you a doctor or something?"

"I'm a paramedic," Oh now that is hot. He smiled, "Usually get that reaction," he checked my head over, "You seem okay, luckily, no concussion"

"Or unluckily, quite fancy a ride in your ambulance," He laughed,

   "Angelo, tell him to leave"

"Chill babe," I looked into his dark green eyes, and then kissed him. Not surprising that he kissed back. Once we pulled away I blushed, shit, what am I blushing for, he smiled,

"Sorry" I said,

   "For what?"


"SIRVANNAH" He shouted back,

"I've got to go" I told him, he pulled a pen from his pocket. So all paramedics carry pens around do they, and wrote his number. He sat back down and began to fight with Sirvannah; I walked back over to the table. Everyone had their mouths open,

"What!" I exclaimed,

"You definitely are a man whore, how many is that now?" Keane said,

"Well what can I say?" I told him. I then went silent and they kept looking at me, I looked over at Angelo and bitch face, he grinned at me, only to get a slap on the arm from the bitch. I know it looks like I'm a bit of a man whore, but I'm honest to God not. I am confident, but I think this road trip has made me even more. So with Oscar, who we shouldn't mention, Blake the waiter who I promised to go travelling with and now sexy Angelo the paramedic. Fuck!

"Guys can you stop staring at me please" I said. Luckily our food came and I put my head down and ate that silently. Thinking about that kiss with Angelo.

Just as I'd finished Angelo walked past and squeezed my shoulder, then walked off behind a very stressy bitch,

"So you in there as well?" Tayte asked, I shrugged, I didn't really want to go into it, I know Blake seemed nice, but he could turn out to be psycho too, so I wasn't holding my breath. I stood up,

"Where are you going?" Keane asked,

"Just outside for a bit of fresh air" I replied, "Promise"

"Fine, don't be too long, or we'll come out and look for you"

"Yes Dad" I said, walking off. I didn't know it was raining until I felt the raindrops begin to hit me. It was dark and the rain was pouring down, I slumped outside the building against a wall, only getting partially wet and sang:

"You shout it out,

But I can't hear a word you say

I'm talking loud not saying much

I'm criticized but all your bullets ricochet

You shoot me down, but I get up

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose

Fire away, fire away

Ricochet, you take your aim

Fire away, fire away

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

Cut me down

But it's you who'll have further to fall

Ghost town and haunted love

Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones

I'm talking loud not saying much

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose

Fire away, fire away

Ricochet, you take your aim

Fire away, fire away

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

I am titanium

I am titanium

Stone-hard, machine gun

Firing at the ones who run

Stone-hard as bulletproof glass

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

I am titanium" As I stopped I looked up, Keane, Arii and Tayte were stood there, rain rolling down their faces, I stood up, they didn't need to say anything, they knew how I was feeling, Tayte slung his arm around my shoulder and we walked back over to the travel lodge.

We were in our room at 8.15pm.

By 9.30pm we'd all showered and were led on the bed with the portable DVD player ready to play 'Carrie' the horror. Arii was not too pleased.


If updates are a bit on and off it's because I'm stressing out with all this netball business!

Next update: ASAP probably tomorrow :)

Sorry for mistakes

Love you xxx

Copyright © Georgia T R Wing
