Chapter 12 - One bottle down

Updated as promised!


Chapter 12 - One bottle down

Keane's POV

3 hours later...

I was fucked!

I didn't know what time it was.

Not that I cared.

I was slumped outside the services, empty bottle of vodka strewn next to me. It was dark and cold and I was severely drunk, to the limit where it was serious. Surprisingly I could think rationally, or it was probably just my mind playing tricks on me;

I could choke on my own vomit...

My system could shut down...


I needed to get back to the travel inn.


I was that drunk that it wasn't in any type of stage, I managed to pull myself and stagger my way in the direction I thought the travel lodge was...stumbling over a few dozen times, lying on the cold concrete and forcing my legs to get up.

Oh god I felt so felt like a good thing to do at the time. I reached the reception; a young woman was in there,

"Are you okay?" She asked,

"...234" I managed to slur hoping she'd understood me and that I was comprehensible. I then collapsed to the floor, knowing I was going to be sick any moment, or pass out.


"KEANE" I heard someone shout, I opened my eyes slightly, Tayte, Noah and Arii were rushing over to me,

"You didn't" Tayte said,

"Sick" I think was all I managed to slur out.

"You fucking did, you prat" I heard him sigh, "Come on, help me quick, we need to get him back to our room" Tayte grabbed me, hauling me up with Noah on my other side, I think they dragged me back to the room,

"Thank you" Arii said to the receptionist, rushing after us. Literally as soon as they threw the door open, Tayte threw me into the bathroom and I puked my guts up,

"I'll sort him out, I have before"

"He's our brother" Arii and Noah said,

"He's in no state to be any ones brother" He said closing the bathroom door.

Tayte's POV

Keane was still puking his guts up.

He was such a twat.

"How much did you have?" I asked,

"Fuck..." He said puking up again and then slumped to the floor groaning,

"Keane this is serious, if you don't tell me, I'm driving you to the nearest hospital or I'm calling an ambulance"

"Shit" He groaned,


"I...I don't know" I slurred, "Don't...shout grumpy,"

"What do you mean you don't know...don't play games with me Keane...I know your fucking pissed out of your brain but seriously how much did you have?"

"A bottle" I slurred closing my eyes, he slapped my cheeks,

"Of what Keane? Please tell me WKD or something with a low percentage," he puked up again and then shut his eyes once more, sinking to the floor,


"Keane, for fucks sake what alcohol? And don't you dare say you don't know, Christ man"

"I don't..." He started and then went silent, I shook him,


"Vodka" He muttered and I metaphorically face planted myself. He was such a twat, he could have killed himself. I grabbed the plastic cup from the side in the bathroom and turned on the cold tap, " doing?" He groaned, "No"

"Saving your life" I told him, he slumped away from the toilet, I wiped his mouth and began to force him to drink the water, since I know he was in no state to make himself drink."Drink it Keane, don't spit it out"

"I'm sorry",

"Just drink it, we'll deal with all the sorry's later"


"Keane for Christ sake drink the bloody water," he began sipping it, "Down in one, there's a lot more to come"


"Keane, I'm not having any of it right now, so just shut up and drink the water," he downed it and I filled it up again, putting it to his lips. After a few more cup fulls, he puked up again.

"My head...fuck..." He moaned,

"Wait here" I told him, leaving the bathroom and shutting the door. Noah and Arii leapt on me as soon as I came out,

"How is he?" Noah asked "Tayte I'm sorry"

"He's going to be okay right?" Arii asked,

"Guys; give me a break okay...I'm still dealing with him, he's pretty ill actually" I went over to my bag and pulled out some ibuprofen (Actually thinking about this, not such a good mix with alcohol, especially the amount he'd had, he'd have to just suffer through the night). When I went back to the bathroom Keane was led against the wall, eyes shut. I began to panic just for a few seconds,

"I feel so shit" He said,

"And whose fault is that?" I told him,

"Noah's and that fucking Oscar guy" he said slowly, I smiled,

"Noah's really sorry"

"Keep it" I made him drink more water. Which he actually managed to do himself.

"Are you going to be sick?" I asked,

"I'll just sleep in here" he mumbled,

"Funny, come on, your brother and sister want to talk to you"

"I don't...want to talk" he told me, I helped him up, "Thank you Tayte, I couldn't...couldn't ask for any one better for a best mate, you really are....another brother"

"No worries Bro...ditto to you", I opened the door and we walked out, Noah and Arii stood up.

"Keane I'm so sorry" Noah said, Keane ignored him, I led him to the bed and pulled his top off,

"Get in now" I told him, he slid in and smiled, "Please sleep and if you feel a little bit sick you get up okay..."

"I guess"

"Looks like I'll be spending the night making sure you don't choke on your own vomit" He said. Nice thought, Noah and Arii climbed on the bed.

"Keane are you okay?" Arii asked,

"No" He replied,

"You smell of alcohol, you didn't..."

"Go figure" He muttered shutting his eyes,

"I'm the one you should be pissed at not Arii" Noah said,

"Fuck off" He said,

"Okay, Noah, Arii...I'd just leave him be for the night okay", Noah looked really upset and Arii was just worried more than anything. God knows how I was going to get him up in the morning, considering we had to be out by 11am, great! It didn't take him long to be out cold,

"He hates me" Noah said, I didn't reply, Arii looked at me,

"What, I'm not going to lie" I said, she huffed,

"He doesn't hate you, I thought that when we'd fallen out, but he doesn't he's just angry and you can definitely relate to that" She said,

"I seriously fucked up" He said, lying back on the sofa bed. Arii got up and I grabbed her, spinning her round to face me,

"What?" She snapped,

"I love you" I told her, she smiled,

"I love you too". She then went off into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

"I'm never going to forgive myself" Noah said, "He could have killed himself by alcohol poisoning, how much did he even drink?"

"A bottle of vodka"

"Shit" He said, rubbing his eyes, "Why's everything going wrong?"

"Because that's life Noah, we'll get through it, stick together and we'll be okay in the end," Arii came out of the bathroom in only a vest and panties, "Hello gorgeous" she blushed,

"You're sleeping with Keane" She told me,

"Alright spoil sport" She laughed and jumped next to Noah, kissing his forehead,

"Where's my goodnight kiss?" she rolled her eyes and climbed on the bed and kissed me, "Goodnight beautiful"

"Night sexy" She said, I smiled, pulling of my tee,

"Can I turn the lights off?"

"Yeah" Noah said, lobbing his tee on the floor. I flicked the switch and darkness swallowed us up.


2am in the morning. I had to drag Keane to the bathroom before he puked up in his mouth and died from choking on it.

"I said to tell me when you flaming needed to be sick"


"One day, you'll be the death of me"

"Who are Mum?" I smiled and we got back into bed. He rolled over and fell straight back to sleep. It took me a little while longer. I was worrying about him wasn't I.

Eventually my eyes drooped and I fell back to sleep.


How was it?

If the alcohol bit is wrong and unbelievable sorry!

But...ya know!

Love you G x

Next update : Probably tomorrow


Copyright © Georgia T R Wing
