Chapter 9 has a reversal2024-01-17 Author: Meow has become a spirit  Chapter 9 Reversal

  "What, you are allowed to cheat but not me?!!"

  Shen Lin deliberately amplified his voice, which sounded like poison.

  Fu Xuezhi seemed to be frozen in place, her eyelashes trembling, and her face showed great pain. She breathed hard: "You clearly knew that I was drunk and unconscious at the time..." "

  Is being drunk your excuse? ! I think you couldn't bear the loneliness so you found a wild man. The wild man behind you may not be mine. Maybe you hooked up with someone else and wanted me to be your grandson!" Shen Lin seemed to suddenly think With confidence, he held Fu Xuezhi's weak point.

  "You were obviously the one who cheated first! How can you have the nerve to accuse me?!"

  Double cheating? ? ?
  Qiao Yuan didn't expect to hear such exciting things. This part was not introduced in the plot, but she always felt that the eldest sister was not like this kind of person, so she asked the system if there was anything related to it.

  Bai Zhou covered his mouth in surprise and looked at Fu Xuezhi with complicated eyes. She regards love as extremely noble and naturally cannot accept cheating.

  The Fu family didn't expect that this would happen again, and they didn't know how to react.

  Fu Xuezhi felt the eyes of her family, which made her want to find a hole in the ground to crawl into. She could only plead: "Can we talk about this in private?"

  "Talk in private? You're dreaming! Not only do I want to talk, I also want the capital to talk about it." Let the whole country know what a slut you are, Fu Xuezhi!"

  Shen Lin suddenly rushed towards Fu Xuezhi and wanted to strangle her neck.

  Fu Beixiao hurriedly pulled Shen Lin's hand away and kicked him.

  The next second, a figure suddenly rushed in. He grabbed Shen Lin's collar and punched him hard: "How could you do this to her?!"

  Shen Lin opened his eyes and sneered: "It turns out it's you. , you adulterer!!"

  At this time, Qiao Yuan already knew the reason why Fu Xuezhi hated He Tao.

  [No wonder the eldest sister hates He Tao so much. It turns out there is such a story between the two of them. ]

  Combined with what Shen Lin said, it is not difficult for the Fu family to guess what happened.

  "Don't you want to know why I cheated and sold my child?" Shen Lin lowered his eyes, looking painful: "You cheated on me first and tortured me. Do you know how painful I was during that time? I opened my eyes When you close your eyes, all you see is you and He Tao together..."

  "A Lin..." Su Zhiyin called him distressedly.

  Shen Lin thought to himself: "I felt it was too painful and depressing, and I couldn't accept it, so I found Su Zhiyin. If you want to blame, just blame me. This has nothing to do with Su Zhiyin, and it has nothing to do with our daughter Aiyin..."

  [The choice between myself and Su Zhiyin was clean, and all the faults were put on the eldest sister. What a good pua master! 】

  The Fu family naturally thought the same way. They looked anxiously in the direction of Fu Xuezhi. The family members were very protective of his shortcomings and naturally did not want Fu Xuezhi to suffer such grievances.

  Fu Xuezhi was in extreme pain. She didn't expect that an accident would lead to so much misfortune. She pushed He Tao away and said coldly: "Don't touch me." There was a hint of sadness in

  He Tao's eyes. Sour.

  Shen Lin took this opportunity to hold Fu Xuezhi's hand and said softly: "Now we are even, I know what I did was wrong, please forgive me, okay? Let's forget everything in the past and start well from now on, okay? Zhi'er ?"

  Fu Xuezhi looked at his swollen cheek like a pig's head, inexplicably a little nervous, and even more sober: "What about your illegitimate daughter? You don't care about her?"

  Su Zhiyin grabbed Shen Lin's hand in panic Sleeves, but he ignored them.

  "Ai Yin is my bloodline. I definitely can't ignore her. I will take her back home to live with her two children. As for Su Zhiyin... I will give her a breakup fee and never do anything else again. I'll go see her."     He needs Fu Xuezhi. Behind him is the entire Shen family.

  After all, Qiao Yuan was really disgusted by this suggestion.

  Seeing Fu Xuezhi's expression of serious consideration, He Tao opened his mouth in panic: "He is humiliating you! Marry me, I will marry you! It was all my fault in the beginning, I just hope you can forgive me..." "

  How can I Maybe I will marry you! You strong female criminal!"

  He Tao's eyes darkened. He still remembered the scene that day. He and Fu Xuezhi were locked in a room. He knew that he had been drugged and that Fu Xuezhi had been drugged. He knew clearly that this was immoral, but he couldn't bear to do it when she begged. When he pushed her away, he chose to indulge his desires.

  After Fu Xuezhi woke up, he lost all his memories of that time. He was the only one who remembered that absurd and lingering night. Seeing her painful and self-reproaching look, he admitted that he had forced her to do so.

  Seeing this, Shen Lin couldn't help but feel proud in his heart: "I just said a lot of things in my mind. I didn't actually think that way. I was just too angry. I love you. I will definitely treat you and the child well in the future. This matter Just let it go like this, okay?"

  Seeing Fu Xuezhi slowly stretching out his hand, the Fu family members secretly sighed and didn't know how to persuade him.

  [Get over it, you alone get all the good things in the world! 】

  No wonder Qiao Yuan was so angry, it was just because the melon she just ate was so explosive.

  Seeing that things had turned around, Xia Yunwan took Fu Xuezhi's hand and said, "It's not too late to make a decision after listening."

  [Where is the eldest sister cheating? This beast, Shen Lin, had planned it long ago! 】

  The Fu family members were all shocked.

  Fu Xuezhi also listened attentively, his heart beating extremely fast.

  Shen Lin noticed that the Fu family members across from him suddenly froze. He didn't know what happened, but he always had an ominous premonition in his heart.

  [This beast is a ruthless person, he even turns green when he is ruthless! Shen Lin had known for a long time that He Tao liked the eldest sister. In order to deceive the land from He Tao, he drugged both the eldest sister and He Tao, just to make them have a relationship so that Shen Lin could catch the adulterer. While extorting a large amount of money and land from He Tao, he used this matter as a gold medal to avoid death and kept testing the eldest sister's bottom line! ! 】

  He Tao was happy and angry when he learned the truth, and punched Shen Lin twice in the pig-headed face.

  Shen Lin was enraged and started fighting with He Tao, but he soon lost. He could only lie down on the ground and stretched out his hand in the direction of Fu Xuezhi:

  "Zhi'er, save me..."


  Fu Xuezhi's voice sounded. , He Tao retracted his hand obediently.

  "Zhi'er, I know you love me..."

  "Shen Lin, let me ask you, did you arrange the matter between He Tao and I? Was it you who deliberately administered the medicine?!" Fu Xuezhi's expression was cold and unusual. calm.

  Shen Lin paused for a moment: "What nonsense are you talking about..."

  "Since you said you didn't do it, do you dare to swear? I want you to swear on the future of the Shen family and on your and Su Zhiyin's two despicable lives! "

   Happy New Year, dear ones, all the best to the koi possessed~
    Thanks to book friend 20191207114141595 for sending me the monthly pass. I thought not many people would read it, but it's such a surprise, Crab!!
  (End of this chapter)
