Chapter 7 Exposed2024-01-17 Author: Meow has become a spirit

  Chapter 7 Revealed
  Just thinking that her granddaughter would be sold to the barren mountains, and that her daughter would be depressed and angry to death, just thinking of these made her want to cut Shen Lin into pieces.

  This beast wore a human skin and actually lied to them for so long!

  Somehow, the crying baby's cries subsided a lot when he noticed Qiao Yuan's gaze.

  Xia Yunwan was secretly surprised and tentatively held the child closer to Qiao Yuan.

  The next second, the swaddled baby actually stopped crying, and his round eyes narrowed slightly, looking happy.

  Xia Yunwan confirmed her guess and said with surprise: "Yuan'er, this child likes you very much."

  Qiao Yuan looked at the small ball and felt very fond of it.

  Shen Lin was knocked to the ground by Fu Beixiao's punch. He slowly touched the corner of his mouth, and there was blood.

  Shen Lin still hasn't recovered yet.

  Why did the Fu family come suddenly? Didn't you already make a call? Why didn't the person posted at the hospital door report it? He had clearly made a foolproof plan, how could he be caught by the Fu family?

  Su Zhiyin hugged her daughter and knelt down to check Shen Lin's condition. Knowing that a disaster was imminent, her voice was panicked: "A Lin..."

  Su Zhiyin next to Shen Lin, the child in Su Zhiyin's arms, and the sneaky Zhong who had walked away long ago. Young man, how can the Fu family not understand? Shen Lin is going to sell their Fu family's children!
  Xia Yunwan couldn't help but stepped forward and slapped her again: "Shen Lin, how can you be worthy of Zhi'er?!"

  The look in Xia Yunwan's eyes made Shen Lin panic. He almost thought that his plan had been exposed, but this was impossible .

  Even now, he is still pretending to be stupid: "Mom, why did you hit me? I was just seeing my baby daughter with my friend, and she happened to have brought her daughter over. Why did you hit me out of nowhere? By the way. "Didn't I tell you that it's okay to have me here? Why did you come here in the heavy rain? Zhi'er will scold me again when she finds out..."

  Su Zhiyin also nodded repeatedly.

  Qiao Yuan watched the performance and commented silently.

  [I'm still acting now. He's really a capable actor. If I hadn't known the truth, I would have been deceived! If Shen Lin became an actor, he would have won ten Oscars! ]

  Xia Yunwan's eyes became colder: "Her daughter? I think this is your daughter too, right? She is the illegitimate daughter you gave birth to behind Zhi'er's back!!"

  These words were like thunder, and Shen Lin's eyelashes trembled: " Even if you are older, you can't talk nonsense and slander other people's reputation!"

  "Am I talking nonsense? Then do you dare to come with me to take a DNA test? Let's see if the child in that woman's arms is related to you!!"

  Shen Linziran I dare not.

  Seeing that Shen Lin was speechless, Xia Yunwan sneered and said,
  "Not only do I know that you had an affair with that woman and gave birth to a child, I also know that you plan to sell my granddaughter to the barren mountains and ridges to be a child bride!" Xia Yunwan said in an angry voice: "Shen Lin, are you still human?!"

  The man who had escaped was carried over by the Fu family's bodyguards. He was unkempt and unshaven. He looked about forty years old, and his faded leather jacket smelled sour.

  He kept kowtowing and begging for mercy, stammering when he opened his mouth, and drool drooled down: "Please, please spare me...I, I'm not, don't blame me, it's him, it's him who wants to sell the child to me. Yes!"

  The man pointed at Shen Lin and complained loudly: "He called me over, he said he didn't want money, I, I was wrong, I was wrong..."

  He started crying like a child before anyone around him could react.

  This man turned out to be a fool! Shen Lin and Su Zhiyin collaborated to sell their child to a forty-year-old fool as a child bride. It is not difficult to imagine what the child will go through.     The faces of the Fu family have become extremely gloomy, and they wish they could eat Shen Lin and his mistress alive.

  It's one thing to hear Qiao Yuan's voice, but it's another thing to see it with your own eyes.

  "You disgusting couple!" Xia Yunwan winked. The next second, several bodyguards walked towards Shen Lin and Su Zhiyin, and wailing sounds followed.

  Shen Lin's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his body was curled up like a shrimp, while Su Zhiyin's cheeks were swollen and no longer as beautiful as they once were.

  The screams of the two were loud, but this was the lounge arranged by Shen Lin's friend, the dean, and it was extremely soundproof.

  Qiao Yuan watched with great enthusiasm and wished she could step forward and kick Shen Lin in person.

  As soon as she had this idea, she heard Fu Beixiao next to her say to her: "Go over and kick his feet to relieve his anger."

  So considerate?

  Qiao Yuan's big eyes rolled, overflowing with aura. She was not polite and went straight up to kick Shen Lin's butt a few times. When she heard Shen Lin's cry of pain, she kicked Shen Lin a few times harder.

  So cool.

  Bai Zhou withdrew her complicated gaze. She felt slightly unhappy when she saw Fu Beixiao talking to Qiao Yuan.

  She didn't like her brother talking to Qiao Yuan, even though Qiao Yuan was her future sister-in-law. She didn't know why, she was just afraid.

  In addition, Qiao Yuan's ability also made her wary. Why could Qiao Yuan know so many things and yet he could hear her voice? Can others hear it too? Or maybe only she can hear it...

  I don't know how long it took, Xia Yunwan said slowly: "When Zhi'er wakes up, ask her what she plans to do." She turned around in disgust: "This couple of bitches want to take my baby away." His granddaughter was sold to a barren mountain to make room for his illegitimate daughter to enjoy the blessings. This matter cannot be left alone."

  Shen Lin breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

  Qiao Yuan noticed Shen Lin's expression and her heart sank slightly. Others don't know her, but they have seen it in the Chigua System. Fu Xuezhi treated Shen Lin with deep love and obedience. He only hoped that the eldest sister would not make mistakes at the critical moment.

  Stay away from scumbags and have a peaceful life.

  Fu Xuezhi lost too much blood during childbirth, and due to Shen Lin's drugging and tremendous stimulation, she still didn't wake up two days later.

  The Fu family used their connections to transfer Fu Xuezhi to the top hospital in the capital. Foreign experts arrived on a special plane, and the Fu family watched over him every step of the way.

  Qiao Yuan went upstairs with hot water. Before she reached the ward, she saw the housekeeper and many bodyguards guarding the door.

  After all, Xia Yunwan and Fu Ming were old and couldn't bear to go home to rest at this time. Bai Zhou was missing, and Fu Beixiao...

  Qiao Yuan looked around, hey, where is Fu Beixiao? You were obviously still here just now, maybe you left because of something, right?

  Qiao Yuan passed by a man who was in a hurry. The man was tall and wearing a long windbreaker. He had elegant glasses on his face and held a bouquet of roses in his hand. He stopped in front of Fu Xuezhi's ward, but was stopped by the housekeeper. The expelled man did not leave immediately, silently looking at the door of the ward without saying a word.

  (End of chapter)
