
81. Chapter 81 Don't drink it, this water is poisonous2024-02-07 Author: Meow has become a spirit  "Master, you are so complimentary."

  The master left after giving instructions, leaving a few guests to officially start the weeding work.

  The one-and-a-half-acre field was divided into several areas, and the guests divided the work.

  Gu Qing's waist is not good, and every time she bends down, it is like a big torture. She was used to being strong-willed, so she bit her lip to hold back.

  She had known for a long time that her physical condition was not suitable for participating in this kind of variety show, but Huang Yucheng was really interested. She couldn't bear to refuse him and saw him disappointed, so she came over.

  The first person to notice that Gu Qing was uncomfortable was Qiao Yuan next to her. She saw Gu Qing's pale lips and cold sweat on her forehead. She subconsciously thought of her back pain and walked over to support her: "Sister Gu Qing, you don't have back pain. , why don't you take a break?"

  The other guests looked over after hearing the sound.

  Bai Zhou came over with his shovel: "Back pain is not a trivial matter. Sister Gu Qing, go and have a rest. Leave this land to me."

  Huang Yucheng also came over at this time and took the initiative to take over Gu Qing's work. He shoveled silently: "Leave it to me. Wife, go and rest for a while."

  Gu Qing nodded, looking at him with love in her eyes: "Then thank you for the hard work."

  Bai Zhou's lips After some thought, he moved back.

  She was afraid that if she acted too deliberately, she would be criticized by the audience in front of the screen.

  An hour later, when the sun was at its peak, the guests were sweating and sitting under the big tree to enjoy the shade. At this time, they didn't bother to care about their appearance and sat directly on the ground.

  The guests' faces were all red from the sun, and they kept fanning themselves with the fans in their hands.

  Bai Zhou was diligently helping Gu Qing fan him, not caring about the sweat all over his body.

  Gu Qing was a little embarrassed: "This... you don't need to fan me anymore. I see you are covered in sweat. Don't worry about me. I have a fan in my hand."

  Bai Zhou held up the fan insistently, with a slight smile on his face. With a smile: "It's okay, I'm not very hot."

  Because of the conflict with the Fu family and Qiao Yuan's interference, Bai Zhou didn't want to contact his partial family members for the time being. She wanted them to know that even if she left the Fu family, Bai Zhou would still be dazzling. It was a great blessing for the Fu family to adopt her, and it was not because she had taken advantage of the Fu family as outsiders said.

  The Fu family held a fish-eye bead as a treasure and neglected her because of Qiao Yuan. She must make them regret it and let them clearly know who is worthy of being held in their hands and pampered.

  Gu Qing glanced at her and saw that she was really stubborn and didn't want to say any more.

  Qiao Yuan watched from the side and thought Bai Zhou was quite funny. He blindly showed his courtesy without doing any strategies. Gu Qing hated people who deliberately tried to please her.

  When Gu Qing first became famous, she was relatively simple-minded. She was tricked a lot by her relatives and people in the circle in the name of being close. Since then, she has always been very defensive, but Bai Zhou still tried to get in. , just have the word "flattery" written on his face.

  But what Qiao Yuan doesn't quite understand is why Bai Zhou keeps sticking to Gu Qing. According to the description in the book, she is arrogant and disdains to bow to anyone, oh, except Lin Mang.

  Bai Zhou belatedly noticed Gu Qing's cold expression and guessed that he had made her unhappy.

  Bai Zhou was confused and a little aggrieved. He was so hot that he didn't even bother to fan himself and was serving Gu Qing. Why was she still so ungrateful?     "It's a bit hot. Can you stay away from me?"

  Gu Qing looked at Bai Zhou.

  "Oh, oh..." Bai Zhou's eyes were covered with a layer of red, which was really pitiful, but it was a pity that the dog-licking Fu Xiyan was not here.

  A shadow was cast over, and it turned out to be Huang Yucheng walking over. He had a towel on his arm and handed Gu Qing a glass of brown sugar water.

  "You drink some water, and I'll finish hoeing the cornfield first." "

  It's so hot, please take a break!"

  "I'm not tired, so take a break first."

  [This is also It's so sweet. What kind of novel scene is reflected in reality? Teacher Huang is such a virtuous husband and wife. No wonder I am so obsessed with Teacher Gu Qing. I will also find such a virtuous husband in the future! ]
  [Let me see who dares to say that it is not true. Is it better than real gold? If this isn't true love then tell me what is? ]
  [Teacher Huang is so considerate, but why do you have to bring over a cup of brown sugar water every day? Does it have any special meaning? ]

  Gu Qing touched the warm brown sugar water in her hand, her heart filled with sweetness. She was about to pick up the cup when she heard an exclamation.

  [Don't drink it, the water is poisonous! ]

  Gu Qing was startled and hurriedly looked in Qiao Yuan's direction.

  At this time, Meng Yuan came over. She saw the brown sugar water in Gu Qing's hand and smiled: "Teacher Gu is drinking brown sugar water again? This was sent by Teacher Huang, right? Does Teacher Gu like to drink brown sugar water?"

  "I'm a little hypoglycemic. The main reason may be that my husband is a straight man and he thinks drinking brown sugar water is better for the body." [

  Of course, it's because brown sugar water is convenient for hiding poisons. Wouldn't it be exposed if you take a pill with ordinary water? ? Brown sugar water is colored and sweet, which is really a poison-proof weapon. There is a chronic poison in this brown sugar water. It will not attack quickly but will gradually corrode people's internal organs. Once you drink it, you will be silent. 】

  The two voices overlapped, Meng Yuan opened her mouth in surprise, and Gu Qing was also stunned, and began to digest the meaning of these sentences.

  Qiao Yuan had long thought that Huang Yucheng was weird, but he didn't expect that this kid had harbored evil intentions for a long time. Since I had the melon-eating system, I haven't seen anything but ghosts.

  Only then did Qiao Yuan notice Gu Qing staring at her, and she said: "Why don't you drink this brown sugar water now? I heard that consuming too much sugar every day can easily lead to diabetes. Sister Gu Qing, you should drink boiled water in the future. ."

  Gu Qing held the cup in her hand and was confused. She had heard something. There was chronic poison hidden in the brown sugar water her husband gave her...

  Gu Qing trusted her husband Huang Yucheng very much, but Qiao Yuan didn't at all. Why would he try so hard to lie to himself if he knew he could hear her voice? What good would it do Qiao Yuan to lie to herself?

  Bai Zhou, who was sitting in the distance, heard Qiao Yuan's voice and came over. He snorted coldly: "Qiao Yuan, that's enough. You really ruin other people's moods. Who saw the brown sugar water that Teacher Huang gives to Teacher Gu Qing every day?" If you don't say something sweet, why are you talking about diabetes? Are you allergic to romance or do you hate seeing other people's affection?"

  She said and looked at Gu Qing again, as if begging for praise.

  [This, this, this, Qiao Yuan did something wrong indeed. She just drank the brown sugar water sent by her husband. What does she mean by diabetes? It really ruins people's mood. ]
  [Qiao Yuan is right, eating too much sugar is indeed bad for your health, although the timing of speaking is indeed inappropriate. ]

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82. Chapter 82 Hey, another actor-level player2024-02-08 Author: Meow has become a spirit  [To be fair, Qiao Yuan's words like this are indeed quite unpleasant. ]
  [Why are everyone saying there is something wrong with Qiao Yuan? Am I the only one who thinks this is unusual? Qiao Yuan usually rarely says such incomprehensible words, except...]
  [Except when something is going to happen to someone. ]
  [It's just a coincidence once or twice. Why do some people still regard Qiao Yuan as a god? Some people in the live broadcast room should not be too ridiculous. What's wrong with a husband just giving his wife the first cup of brown sugar water? Don't be suspicious all the time. This is not a large-scale criminal investigation drama. ]

  Gu Qing held the cup in her hand and said to Bai Zhou: "Okay, don't get angry over this trivial matter. I know Xiao Qiao is also thinking about my health."

  Seeing that Gu Qing's every word was protective of Qiao Yuan. , Bai Zhou couldn't help but turn cold.

  "Wait a minute..." Meng Yuan suddenly said, her eyes fixed on Gu Qing's cup of brown sugar water: "Why do I feel that the color of this cup of brown sugar water is not right..."

  Meng Yuan's words Make everyone around you look over.

  Bai Zhou thought she was opening up for Qiao Yuan, and his face fell: "Brown sugar water isn't always this color, what's weird about it? I think you were infected by Qiao Yuan and you became old and confused."

  " But..." Meng Yuan frowned and sniffed the air carefully: "This smell is also a bit strange."

  She asked: "Sister Gu Qing, can you let me see the cup of brown sugar water in your hand? "

  Seeing Meng Yuan's dark and serious look, Gu Qing didn't dare to be careless and handed over the brown sugar water in her hand.

  Meng Yuan took the brown sugar water and sniffed it carefully, frowning.

  Different from the guests around her, she studied medicine since she was a child. Although she was idle when she grew up because she was not interested in medicine, her sense of smell is much more sensitive than that of ordinary people.

  "This water is not right...the smell is wrong..."

  Gu Qing's heart sank.

  Bai Zhou said: "What can you smell here? Do you want to speak for Qiao Yuan?"

  Meng Yuan paused: "I don't know how to explain to everyone. I studied medicine since I was a child, and people around me say that I The gifted sense of smell is much more sensitive than ordinary people, and this bowl of brown sugar water has a faint pungent smell. But I'm not sure, it's best to let a professional test it."

  As soon as Meng Yuan finished speaking, she saw someone not far away. Fu Beixiao and Huang Yucheng came over after hearing the noise.

  Fu Xiyan saw that everyone had serious expressions and his eyes fell on a bowl of brown sugar water. He couldn't help asking: "What's going on?"

  Bai Zhou said: "It's not Qiao Yuan's fault. She didn't let Sister Gu Qing Drinking brown sugar water is said to make you prone to diabetes. Xiaoyuan was even more nervous and said there was something wrong with the brown sugar water. Now we are planning to use the brown sugar water to test it." After

  Bai Zhou finished speaking, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, as if he thought trouble.

  Huang Yucheng froze when he heard this: "No need to test!"

  Feeling the eyes of the people around him, Huang Yucheng restrained his expression and said: "There can be no problem with this bowl of brown sugar water. I have been watching it. There won't be any problem." If there is something wrong, I don't think there is any need to submit it for examination. We don't need to make such a fuss."

  Just after he finished speaking, he felt a gaze coming towards him. It was a little girl. Her black pupils were clear and transparent, as if she could see everything about him clearly.

  Huang Yucheng panicked for no reason.     Qiao Yuan said: "Meng Yuan has studied medicine. I believe in her intuition. If you are not afraid of 10,000, just in case, we'd better check it out. After all, it is related to Sister Gu Qing's health. I think Teacher Huang Sister Gu Qing, who loves her so much, must also care about her."

  Huang Yucheng's expression changed. At this time, if he refused, he would be a little bit unable to get off the stage, but if he agreed...

  Gu Qing said: "Yucheng, how about we let the program team Let's take it for a test. Anyway, there's no loss. Maybe there's something omitted, but it's not necessarily true. After listening to Meng Yuan's words, I felt my heart beating very hard. I don't want to drink this cup of brown sugar water..."

  Huang Yucheng could only nod. , he knew that stopping him would arouse suspicion: "Okay... what you said makes sense, I can't take risks with you."

  He took the brown sugar water in Gu Qing's hand and put it in Fu Chuan's hand, and smiled : "It's about my wife's physical safety, so I'm sorry to trouble you."

  [It's just a cup of brown sugar water, it's not necessary. It makes Teacher Huang Yucheng unhappy. Come to think of it, someone would make a cup of brown sugar for his wife. It's just water and so many people are suspicious of it. ]
  [So many people say there is something wrong, it's best to check it out. Anyway, it's just a bowl of brown sugar water. It's a bit strange that Huang Yucheng is so reluctant. If a normal person hears that the brown sugar water his wife drinks may be poisonous, shouldn't he rush to have it tested? Why would he still hesitate? ]
  [Before the truth of the matter comes out, I will follow Qiao Yuan and believe whatever she says. She said you couldn't drink this cup of brown sugar water, so maybe there was something wrong with it. ]

  Fu Chuan handed the bowl of brown sugar water to the doctor accompanying the show to collect samples. Since the test would take a long time, the guests put this matter behind them and concentrated on taking care of the cornfield.

  Huang Yucheng, who was originally hard-working and capable, kept making mistakes for some unknown reason. The hoe almost fell on his feet. He reacted belatedly and broke out in a sweat.

  Gu Qing, who was standing next to him, was the first to notice him and felt a little distressed: "I told you that you can't do so much work alone. What should you do if your body is exhausted? You go and take a rest first, leave this place to me... ..."

  "But your waist..." Huang Yucheng shook his head: "I'm fine, I won't be tired in a while, but your waist is not fine, go and rest nearby."

  He said and pushed Gu Qing came to a shady place to rest.

  "You just rest here, don't worry about anything else."

  Gu Qing couldn't help but smile.

  Not far away, Huang Yucheng picked up the hoe again, and his figure gradually faded away.

  [Hey, he is another actor-level player, and his fighting ability is even better than Shen Lin. ]

  Gu Qing subconsciously looked at Qiao Yuan next to her, and couldn't help but feel a little thump in her heart.

  She had heard of Shen Lin, a scumbag who kept a mistress outside and took advantage of his wife...

  Gu Qing closed her eyes, remembering what Qiao Yuan had said before, and her heart sank.

  As the sun went down, the guests packed up their hoes and prepared to go home.

  This time the weeding task was a little more difficult than they imagined. It took a lot of effort to hoe the seemingly small area. Fortunately, everyone helped each other to complete the task.

  Huang Yucheng did the work of two people by himself. His body was shaky and almost unbearable. He was holding a hoe in his hand and barely managed to steady himself. The sweat on his forehead dripped onto his lenses, making his vision blurry.

83. Chapter 83 She disappeared2024-02-08 Author: Meow has become a spirit  Gu Qing felt extremely distressed and hurriedly helped Huang Yucheng. Seeing him trying to squeeze out a smile to comfort herself, Gu Qing's heart softened completely.

  But Qiao Yuan's words echoed in her mind again, torturing her with conflicting feelings.

  Not long after the guests returned home, they saw Fu Chuan walking over in a hurry. He had a very bad look on his face and hesitated to speak while holding the inspection report in his hand.

  Fu Xiyan saw him first and asked, "Have the test results come out?"

  Seeing Fu Chuan's expression, she had a bad feeling in her heart.

  Huang Yucheng quietly held his hand.

  Bai Zhou said: "Why such an expression? Is it possible..."

  Fu Chuan said: "There is indeed something wrong with this brown sugar water..." He shook his head and said: "A small amount of toxins have been detected here, which are poisons that corrode the organs, so The dose is very small, so it can be understood as a chronic poison..."

  He looked in the direction of Huang Yucheng as he spoke.

  Gu Qing trembled: "This, this is impossible, how could it be poisonous..."

  [Is it impossible? Is this the effect of the show? If not, I'd call the police. Wouldn't it be a crime to poison someone? ]
  [Is it really poisonous? ah? ? ]
  [Good guy, I knew it was right to follow Qiao Yuan's thinking. ]
  [Who gave this poison? Couldn't it be Huang Yucheng? He is the most suspicious, but he loves his wife so much that there is no way he would do such a thing...]

  Gu Qing's body shook and she almost fell off the bench. Huang Yucheng's reaction was even greater than hers. His face was full of disbelief. He raised his hand and slapped himself hard several times. He knelt in front of Gu Qing and cried bitterly. He looked even more painful than her:
  "How could that be? In this way, how could that bowl of brown sugar water be poisonous? Could it be that the brown sugar I got from my neighbor was poisonous, or that there was something wrong with the spring water I got from the mountain...I, I..." He burst into tears and cried. It was extremely touching: "I almost killed you, I, I really deserve to die, I really deserve to die!!"

  He said and slapped himself hard several times.

  Gu Qing came back to her senses and hurriedly held his hand: "Don't, don't be like this, I know it's not your fault..."

  Huang Yucheng suddenly raised his head, seeming to remember something: "By the way, I'm looking for a neighbor When I borrowed brown sugar, I heard him say that they have a serious rat problem here. Could it be, could it be that some rat poison was accidentally mixed into the brown sugar..."

  Gu Qing also took a breath and saw Huang Yucheng's nose was bruised and his face was swollen. Xiang Xian hurriedly comforted him: "It's okay. Fortunately, I didn't drink. Stop beating yourself. How could I blame you..."

  It turned out to be such an inadvertent mistake, and everyone couldn't help but feel lucky.

  Huang Yucheng got up from beside Gu Qing and kowtowed to Qiao Yuan and Meng Yuan, murmuring:

  "Thank you, thank you... If it weren't for your reminder, I almost killed her... Thanks to your reminder, I will I will repay you even if I am a cow or a horse..."     Meng Yuan was startled and hurriedly helped him up from the ground: "Don't, don't be like this, Teacher Huang, you are hurting us too much. We are also very happy that Sister Gu Qing is okay. Please get up quickly."

  Huang Yucheng stood up straight and said He took off his glasses and wiped his tears. Everyone present was moved by him.

  Qiao Yuan was also a little surprised. Huang Yucheng's rank was really not low. After all this trouble, who would suspect that he deliberately poisoned him, and who would be willing to suspect him?

  [How could there really be poison in this brown sugar water? Rat poison? Drinking this will kill you. Fortunately, Teacher Gu Qing is blessed with good fortune. ]
  [This neighbor was too careless. If Sister Gu Qing really drank this cup of brown sugar water, the neighbor would probably not be able to escape his fault. ]
  [How come you mix food with rat poison? This was so careless and almost killed someone. ]
  [Oh, Teacher Huang Yucheng cried so pitifully. He must have been so guilty that he almost killed his wife... Stop crying, it makes me feel a little distressed. This is not you. It's my fault, I can only blame the neighbor for being careless! ]
  [I always feel that something is not right. Huang Yucheng is very strange. He doesn't feel sorry for his wife. He is always there waiting for something to happen and he cries more sadly than anyone else. But if he says that he feels sorry for his wife, it cannot be justified. He heard Meng Yuan It's really strange that he wouldn't let others test it when he said the water was poisonous...]
  [Is this also a coincidence? Qiao Yuan so coincidentally prevented Gu Qing from drinking the brown sugar water? I always felt that she knew something and had an extraordinary calmness compared to the people around her. ]
  [I feel the same way. Qiao Yuan has a feeling that everyone is drunk and I am alone, and she is quite separated from the people around her. ]
  [I always feel weird that this brown sugar water is poisonous. I didn't expect it to be accidentally mixed with rat poison? It always feels a little unjustifiable, and judging from Qiao Yuan's expression, I always feel that there should be new plot developments next. ]
  [Thank God, Teacher Gu Qing is fine. I am your fan! ]

  When the matter came to an end, Gu Qing was only slightly frightened, but Huang Yucheng almost fainted from crying, and was finally sent upstairs to rest by Fu Xiyan.

  None of the surrounding guests, including the audience in the live broadcast room, laughed at Huang Yucheng. Everyone felt that Huang Yucheng was a real man who loved his wife.

  After dinner, everyone's mood calmed down a lot, and they chatted around the table for a while. However, as it got darker, several other guests returned to their rooms one after another, and only Qiao Yuan, Meng Yuan and Gu were left in Nuo Da's courtyard. clear.

  Qiao Yuan crawled on the stone table with a pillow, and the coolness spread from her bare arms to her brain, which made her feel a lot more comfortable. There was no air conditioning in the room, so it was more suitable to stay outside where the cool breeze was blowing.

  Qiao Yuan's head already felt a little sleepy, and she half-closed her eyes.

  Next to them, Gu Qing and Meng Yuan were chatting.

  Gu Qing seemed to admire Meng Yuan very much and said: "It turns out that you have been learning medical skills since you were a child. You smelled something wrong with the medicine right away. It's really amazing."

  Meng Yuan said modestly: "Actually, it's not that exaggerated. I I grew up soaking in medicinal herbs as a child, so I am very sensitive to the smell of medicine. However, since I entered the entertainment industry, I have not touched medical skills, and my sense of smell has long been inferior to before. And..."

  Meng Yuan was reluctant. She glanced at Qiao Yuan and said, "Thanks to Qiao Yuan, if she hadn't spoken, I wouldn't have paid attention to that cup of brown sugar water."

  Gu Qing smiled and nodded: "Yes, Xiao Qiao helped me a lot." She added Holding her forehead, she said, "Speaking of which... I've been feeling headaches and backaches lately, and sometimes I can't get enough energy. Xiao Meng, can you help me feel my pulse?"

  Meng Yuan asked while feeling her pulse with her hand: "It sounds like you have a lot of mental problems. Have you not seen a doctor before?"

  I saw a boy who voted for two monthly votes but did not have a name. Thank you very much~
  There will be a limited exemption in the next few days. Thank you for your support.

84. Chapter 84 The poison was administered by Huang Yucheng2024-02-15 Author: Meow has become a spirit  "I have been seeing a doctor. The doctor at home checks me almost every day, and they all show that there is nothing wrong with me."

  She said, wondering aloud, and then hammered her waist: "But it's really strange. I obviously feel that my body is fine." It's because I feel uncomfortable and can't keep my spirits up every day. Yu Cheng said that I'm under too much psychological pressure and it's easy to overthink..."

  Qiao Yuan suddenly asked: "Have you always done check-ups at home? Have you never been to other hospitals?"

  Gu Qing nodded: "Yes, the doctor at home is a classmate of Yu Cheng. He has very good medical skills. We are good friends in private."

  Meng Yuan, who was feeling the pulse, frowned: "I... eh, strange, your pulse is very weak. , stick out your tongue and let me take a look."

  Gu Qing did as she was told.

  Meng Yuan frowned in confusion: "Do the medical examination reports at home show that there is nothing wrong?"

  "The doctor said that I am in good health. What's wrong? Why do you look like this, Xiao Meng? Is there something wrong with my body... ..."

  Meng Yuan nodded and shook her head: "Your face is pale and your eyes are slightly blue, and your energy and blood are deficient. You look very weak no matter what, but the doctor at home says you are very healthy?"

  Meng Yuan began to doubt herself: " I haven't touched medicine for several years. Maybe I'm wrong. After all, the instrument's detection is more accurate. But it shouldn't be. Although I haven't touched medicine for several years, my ability to feel the pulse is impossible. It has dropped so much..."

  Meng Yuan and Gu Qing looked at each other, both confused.

  Gu Qing said uncertainly: "Is it possible that my body is weak because of psychological problems? My body functions are healthy, which makes sense..."

  Meng Yuan shook her head: "It's impossible."

  The two of them racked their brains for a long time. She didn't understand where the error was until an urgent reminder came:

  [Meng Yuan's pulse test result was correct, but the mistake was caused by Huang Yucheng and his colluded classmates. They had already replaced the physical examination report and could detect the body's It's weird to have problems! ]

  Meng Yuan first breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Qiao Yuan affirming her medical skills, and then her whole body almost burst into tears. What did her ears hear?
  Who colluded with classmates to replace Sister Gu Qing's physical examination information?

  But the more explosive place is far more than that.

  [Huang Yucheng has gone so far in this game, he actually started giving chronic poison to his wife two years ago! After the brown sugar water incident was exposed this time, he thought he would switch to other methods to get rid of his wife. It's true that people cannot be judged by their appearance, and their thoughts are deeper than the sea. They directly staged a "disappearing her"...]

  Meng Yuan couldn't help but opened her mouth in surprise. She said how could there be a sudden problem with her pulse. It turned out to be because...

  Meng Yuan momentarily Not knowing how to express his inner surprise, he looked in Gu Qing's direction.

  The shock on Gu Qing's face was no less than hers, she clenched her hands and took a breath.

  Qiao Yuan had no reason to lie to herself, but what she said...

  In the afternoon, when she heard Qiao Yuan say that chronic poison had been added to the brown sugar water, Gu Qing had a vague suspicion in her mind, but she had always rejected the idea.

  But Qiao Yuan made it clear this time that her husband had evil intentions and colluded with his personal doctor to give her poison.

  Gu Qing felt cold all over, but she still had some sense.

  Some clues from the past come to mind:     His daily diet of brown sugar water and chicken soup, his deteriorating physical condition, and his insistence on participating in an extreme survival show...

  are so weird.

  At the same time, Gu Qing was struggling. They had been in love for so many years, and he had no reason to kill himself... Huang Yucheng was born kind. His hands shook when he killed a chicken in his hometown, so how could he poison himself and murder himself...

  Gu Qing stood up abruptly: "I, I have a headache, I'm going to go out for a walk..."

  Seeing that Gu Qing didn't look well, neither Meng Yuan nor Qiao Yuan followed her.

  Qiao Yuan looked at Gu Qing's back and sighed secretly, feeling a little bit sad.

  Huang Yucheng hides his tricks very well, and when he is so ruthless, he is even willing to use them to show his pity. This kind of person is very scary. He hides around and makes no one aware of him. He is like a poisonous snake that spits out information, waiting for the opportunity to move. Biting into the prey's arteries.

  I don't know if Gu Qing can escape this...

  Bai Zhou was in a depressed mood. She slipped out for a walk alone, with the photographer behind her chasing after her. She couldn't help but feel a little bored, but she also knew that this was the other person. You cannot ask the other party to leave your job.

  The figure in front of her became more and more familiar as she looked at it, and she called out tentatively: "Hey, Teacher Gu...is that you, Teacher Gu?"

  Gu Qing turned around and saw her barely showing a smile, but her face was full of fatigue and fatigue. I can't hide my tiredness no matter what.

  "Teacher Gu, why are you here? Have you been walking here all the time? Why didn't I see you just now?"

  Gu Qing shook her head: "No, I just came out. I was chatting with Xiao Qiao and Xiao Meng just now. ."

  Bai Zhou narrowed her eyes slightly when she heard Qiao Yuan's name. Seeing the cameras around her, she said very cryptically: "Qiao Yuan...it's better to have less contact with Teacher Gu. Of course, this is just my suggestion. After all, I I have no right to interfere with your choice."

  Gu Qing looked up at her with a sharp look in her eyes: "Why?"

  "Why, because..." Bai Zhou sighed, his eye circles slightly red: "That's not true. We have known each other for a long time, Qiao Yuan... always likes to bully me, isolate me and even say bad things about me secretly behind my back. She has a refutational personality, always likes to refute what I say and do, and even irritates the people around her. Let's criticize me together..."

  [Huh? Is Qiao Yuan actually this kind of person? Doesn't this amount to bullying? ]
  [One thing to say is that the refutational personality is really annoying. No matter what I say, she will subconsciously refute it. Qiao Yuan actually led the people around to criticize Bai Zhou? ]
  [Zhou'er cried so pitifully, I don't know how long I have been accumulating so many grievances...]
  [Don't follow others' opinions. This is just Bai Zhou's unilateral statement. There is no evidence to prove that Qiao Yuan is the kind of person she said. ]

  Gu Qing's expression cooled slightly: "You said Qiao Yuan isolated you and said bad things about you?"

  Bai Zhou nodded with tears in his eyes: "I don't want to complain about her, it's all her fault. I don't want to Sister Gu Qing, you were deceived by her innocent appearance..."

  "Then what are you doing now?"

  Bai Zhou looked at her confused.

  "She hasn't said anything bad about you to me. It can even be said that she has never mentioned you. On the contrary, you have been telling me that this is not good for Qiao Yuan and that it is not good for me to stay away from her. That's it. ..."

  Gu Qing looked at her steadily:
  "Which one of you two do you think is more of a bully?"

  The limited exemption has begun.

85. Chapter 85 Be sure not to go to the back mountain2024-02-09 Author: Meow has become a spirit  Bai Zhou was stunned on the spot, and the audience in the live broadcast room who had been confused suddenly woke up:
  [So I have realized it, it is Bai Zhou who co-authored the instigation of dissension? Qiao Yuan never said anything bad about her, but she was kind enough to just start spreading rumors about others? ]
  [Why is Bai Zhou like this? It's too much! ]
  [Fortunately, I was moved by her tears and started to feel sorry for her. Unexpectedly... my pink color turned dark. ]
  [If the entertainment industry is true or false, everyone can just watch and enjoy it. ]

  "No, it's not like that, Teacher Gu, please listen to my explanation..."

  Gu Qing obviously had no intention of listening to her excuses anymore: "There's no need to explain to me. If you have time, go and apologize to Qiao Yuan. "

  Bai Zhou held his hand tightly without saying a word.

  Gu Qing was too lazy to argue with her anymore and turned around and walked towards the yard.

  The lights were still on in the yard, and all the photographers had dispersed. Only Qiao Yuan was sitting alone at the stone table. Somehow, Gu Qing knew that Qiao Yuan was waiting for her.

  She walked over: "It's already getting late, why don't you go back to bed?"

  Qiao Yuan smacked her lips and thought about which topic to start with: "Sister Gu Qing, do you know where we are now?"

  Gu Qing was stunned for a moment: "It seems to be in a village on the outskirts of Beijing. What's wrong? Why do you suddenly ask about this?"

  Qiao Yuan nodded and said: "I suddenly remembered the report I saw before. Our current location is very close to a wildlife park. There is a closed They are all ferocious and wild bears and tigers. I can faintly hear the bears barking at night. Can you hear them?"

  Gu Qing got goosebumps for no reason and thought about it: "Okay, it seems there are. "But..."

  Qiao Yuan said, "It's so close to the zoo. It's safer for us not to go out at night."

  "Don't worry, Xiao Qiao, I won't go out at night. But...the animals are all in the zoo." It's closed, don't be too scared."

  "That's what you say, but I heard that the zoo is in a remote location and very few tourists come here. The managers are neglecting it. What if they really can't keep an eye on the bears and tigers? What to do? After all, their bear..."

  Qiao Yuan lowered her voice: "I almost killed a tourist once, and since then, the zoo's business has become sluggish."

  Seeing Gu Qing take a breath of fear, Qiao Yuan's goal was achieved.

  She made up everything about the zoo, but the thing about bears hurting people is true. She didn't expect Huang Yucheng to be so uncontrollable. After seeing the suspicion of killing someone with chronic poison, he simply thought of a more extreme method. He discussed with the director of the zoo and planned to lure Gu Qing to the back mountain, where there was a ferocious black bear that had been hungry for three days.

  Gu Qing nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay... I will definitely not go out."

  She believed that Qiao Yuan's reminder must be reasonable.

  Qiao Yuan was worried and warned again: "The back mountain is very close to the zoo. Don't go out at night. No matter who tells you to go out, don't go. Don't go to the back mountain. Safety is the most important thing."

  "Okay, I remember it."

  Gu Qing's heart beat very fast for no reason.

  At twelve o'clock in the night, Gu Qing usually fell asleep early. She was in poor health, but she was in a good sleep state. Once she fell asleep, she would sleep so hard that she couldn't wake up no matter how others called her.

  But there were too many things she encountered today and Qiao Yuan reminded her that her heart was beating wildly. The excessive suspicion and fear overwhelmed the sleepiness in her head. At this time, her brain was sober and confused.

  According to the rules of the show, every guest has a house, and Huang Yucheng is no exception, but he is very clinging to Gu Qing and squeezes into the same room with her.

  Since the two were husband and wife, the program team did not interfere too much.     Suddenly she felt the person next to her move, and then there was the sound of shoes being put on.

  Gu Qing held her breath and did not open her eyes immediately.

  Where is he going so late?

  There was no sound for a long time, but Gu Qing knew that Huang Yucheng had not left. She could feel a prying gaze, as if someone was looking at her.

  Gu Qing still had her eyes closed, her breathing was even and long, and she looked like she was asleep.

  She didn't know how much time had passed before she heard footsteps, and then the door was opened. A gust of cool breeze came in and silence returned.

  Gu Qing opened her eyes, put on her shoes and followed.

  She was so curious, where was Huang Yucheng going? She vaguely felt that there would be a big discovery this time, and this discovery would solve all her doubts.

  Gu Qing played an assassin during filming, and the director asked her to be as light and invisible as a real assassin. Gu Qing trained for that role for three months, but she never expected that the skills she learned on-screen could be used off-screen.

  Gu Qing followed Huang Yucheng, always keeping a distance of more than one meter.

  Finally, Huang Yucheng stopped at the end of the corridor. There was an abandoned house where no one lived. He looked around, stepped forward and tried to fiddle with the lock, but he couldn't open the lock at all.

  He had to give up the idea. There is no one around at all. The guests who are deep in sleep are far away from here. It is safe here.

  Then he took out his cell phone.

  Gu Qing slightly opened her eyes in surprise. The program team asked all guests to hand in their mobile phones. Why did Huang Yucheng prepare a backup phone? What was his purpose in preparing this backup machine? Who does he want to use it to contact?

  Gu Qing was full of doubts. Huang Yucheng over there had already dialed the phone, and she couldn't help but hold her breath to inquire.

  Gu Qing knew that this kind of distrust of her husband was inappropriate, but the current development was really strange, everything was too strange...

  "Hello?" Huang Yucheng deliberately lowered his voice: "Why are you calling me at this time? Me? Didn't I say that I can't answer the phone on the show? If she finds out, we will be finished... I know that the sleeping pills you gave are very useful, but don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. Caution is always a good thing, I can't afford the price."

  "How's the progress? Huh, forget it, it was going well but someone messed up this matter. Gu Qing seemed to have a stress reaction and didn't drink the water I gave her at all. I really have a headache..."

  Gu Qing covered her mouth with both hands and looked at the man covered in the night in disbelief, tears filling her eyes.

  If you were still hesitating before, everything is clear now.

  It turns out that her husband really wants her life.

  Her heart was already numb, and she listened quietly to the husband on the other end describing the "hunting plan" against her.

  "Is the bear ready? I will sprinkle food attractants on Gu Qing's clothes, but you must remember to find someone to watch and leave Gu Qing for a breath. If you die for a long time, you will not be able to transplant the heart..."

86.Chapter 86 Gentleness Trap2024-02-10 Author: Meow has become a spirit  "How is her situation?" Huang Yucheng frowned and warned: "You first find a way to delay it, and I will definitely raise enough money. The last investment failed and I lost all my money. But it doesn't matter..."

  A flash of sharpness flashed in his eyes: "I will soon have money, and I will soon have money that I can't spend all my money. If you comfort Runying, I will definitely rush back to be with her as soon as possible... ..."

  Gu Qing trembled and covered her mouth in disbelief.


  it turned out that he wanted to take away his heart for his stepsister...

  why? What is their relationship? When did it start?

  Gu Qing was trembling and cold, unable to accept this fact, and shrank back.

  This tiny movement was quickly caught by Huang Yucheng. He was already very nervous, and no clue could escape his ears. His ears twitched, and he hung up the phone in a hurry and stuffed it into his pocket: "Who? Is there someone there? Here?"

  Seeing him getting closer and closer, Gu Qing's heart beat faster and faster. She was afraid that the angry Huang Yucheng would choose to attack here.

  Huang Yucheng walked over quietly, and he seemed to see a figure at the corner: "Who are you?!"

  The moment he turned around, he found nothing, and the corridor was still empty.

  Huang Yucheng had some doubts in his heart. At this time, his phone vibrated and he answered the call: "Hello? It's nothing. I just heard a sound and came over to take a look... Don't worry, there is nothing here. Maybe I am hallucinating." It's gone."

  Gu Qing felt like she was being held by someone's arm and came into a room. The door was closed and she returned to a safe state.

  Qiao Yuan's voice came from behind: "Sister Gu Qing, are you okay?"

  Gu Qing finally felt relieved. There were tears in her eyes, and she felt helpless as she didn't know who to talk to.

  "I, I'm fine, Xiao Qiao, why are you here?"

  "I just went to the toilet. When I saw you standing alone outside, I wanted you to come inside and sit."

  Gu Qing looked at Qiao Yuan lustfully She stopped talking, with complex and tangled emotions on her face. After a moment, she seemed to have made up her mind and looked at Qiao Yuan and said, "Xiao Qiao, can you do me a favor?" It was precisely because of

  Qiao Yuan that she knew about Huang Yucheng. Qiao Yuan is absolutely trustworthy for hiding so many secrets.

  Qiao Yuan said, "Sister Gu Qing, what do you want me to do for you   ?


  Thinking of the plan he had made, he let out a deep breath, with obvious hesitation and confusion in his eyes.

  His eyes stopped at the incense on the table, which had been burned out.

  "Mr. Huang, Ms. Gu Runying's condition is very bad. If a suitable heart source is not found in time, I'm afraid..."

  Thinking of what the doctor said in his mind, Huang Yucheng clenched his fists, as if he had made some kind of determination in his heart. He walked to the bed and pushed Gu Qing gently, calling her name.

  Gu Qing opened her eyes drowsily: "What's wrong?"

  Huang Yucheng said: "I'm very hungry and want to make some food, but there's not enough firewood at home. Let's go out and collect some firewood."     "It's so late... to collect firewood?"

  Huang Yucheng nodded: "My stomach is growling with hunger, and I can't hold it any longer. It's all because my mind is filled with the fact that you were almost poisoned, and I really can't eat dinner. ..."

  As he spoke, he pretended to be in unbearable pain and touched his belly: "Honey, you know, I'm timid. It's too dark outside, and I'm...a little scared."

  Gu Qing looked straight at it . Looking at him, as if he wanted to see a hole in him: "Cowardly? You are obviously very courageous."

  Huang Yucheng was stunned for a moment: "I was often intimidated by my family when I was young. You know I'm afraid of late at night."

  "Can you bear with it a little longer? I heard that there is a wildlife park nearby. I can occasionally hear bears barking. What about you, can you hear it?"

  Huang Yucheng was obviously panicked for a moment: "It's not like it's so close. Like? We won't sneak into the zoo, and the zoo guards are very powerful, so they won't let those animals escape casually."

  He said with a smile and scratched Gu Qing's nose: "You, you, how old are you? The older you get, the more timid you are. Don't worry, we're just going to the back mountain to collect some firewood and bring it back. I've been feeling dizzy and nauseous lately, and it's probably a stomach attack. I'm afraid that not eating in the afternoon will cause stomach problems."

  Gu Qing looked at him quietly for a few seconds and finally nodded.

  Before leaving, she glanced at the burned incense on the table.

  Huang Yucheng took Gu Qing's arm and went out smoothly. He was overjoyed when he suddenly heard a faint questioning voice coming from the side: "Yucheng, do you remember the first time we met? Huang

  Yucheng was stunned for a moment: "...Why did you suddenly ask this question?"

  "Suddenly I want to have a heart-to-heart talk. We are usually very busy at work and haven't had a serious conversation for a long time."

  Huang Yucheng thought for a moment: "I remember We have known each other very early, when we were twelve years old?"

  "It was eleven years old. That summer, I heard my mother say that there was a neighbor coming next door. People in the village tend to reject people with foreign surnames. I often see you. You sat alone on the big rock at the entrance of the village waiting for your parents to come home. Later, after school, I saw you helping a little girl from the same village drive away the bully in the village. You were so thin at the time, but you still stood in front of her. You are so kind and brave, so I took the initiative to play with you, and we got to know each other."

  Huang Yucheng remained silent for a while, and then said after a while: "It's been a long time."


  The two of them soon arrived at the back mountain, The ground was covered with dry leaves, which made a crunching sound when stepped on.

  Huang Yucheng bent down first, and his voice sounded a little low: "Just here, we will go home after picking up." "

  Huang Yucheng, do you love me?"

  Huang Yucheng paused, stood up and walked over gently. He put his finger on her forehead: "What's wrong? Why are you acting strange today? Are you feeling unwell?"

  Tears flashed in Gu Qing's eyes, but she blinked twice and held back the tears, then smiled. Laughing: "We have been together for so many years, and I am so busy at work that I have no time to accompany you. Am I sorry for you? You don't love me anymore because I am too busy and have no time to accompany you?"

  "You are talking about What?" Huang Yucheng said anxiously: "How can I blame you? I know you are busy at work and I understand your ambition. I will tolerate you unconditionally and become the most powerful shield behind you and your perch when you are tired. So, I will love you forever, don't think so much."

  Gu Qing smiled bitterly.

  If she hadn't heard that phone call with her own ears, she might still be trapped in the gentle lies spun by Huang Yucheng.

87.Chapter 87 Someone come and help me2024-02-10 Author: Meow has become a spirit  She couldn't figure it out. After more than ten years together, her husband seemed to be a different person.
  She looked into Huang Yucheng's gentle and concerned eyes, and there seemed to be a fire burning in her heart. She couldn't bear it anymore: "That's enough, stop pretending!"

  Huang Yucheng looked at her blankly for two seconds: "What's wrong with you? I know. It's really wrong for me to wake you up when you're sleeping soundly, but... I'm really afraid of the dark. We won't stay here for long. Let's collect some firewood and go back, okay?"

  Gu Qing couldn't help but sneer. He spoke out: "You are not even afraid of killing, but you are still afraid of the dark?"

  "You, what are you talking about..."

  "I want an answer, when did you hook up with Gu Runying? You clearly knew that I She is the one I hate the most in my life! She and her mother's mistress forced my mother to death. My father, grandparents, and everyone around me were taken away by her. You clearly know that I hate her the most. I hate her so much that I can't wait for her. Go to hell! But you..."

  Gu Qing pointed at Huang Yucheng, her trembling fingers showing her inner peace: "You are the person I trust and love most! You clearly know that I only have you as a relative, but why do you You want to do this to me?! You let the bear come and kill me just to get my heart to save the person I hate the most?!"

  Gu Qing gritted her teeth, a tear falling from her eyes.

  Huang Yucheng paused and thought of something: "So... you were eavesdropping, right?"

  "Yeah, how else could I recognize your true face?!"

  After being discovered, Huang Yucheng didn't bother to talk anymore. Disguising himself, he smiled sarcastically, as if he had changed into a different person: "Should I say you are stupid or something? This place is far away from where the program team is, which means that no one will come to save you even if you scream. "

  You clearly know that I want to kill you but you still don't run away. What are you betting on? That I can't bear to kill you? How much sincerity do I have for you?" Huang Yucheng couldn't help laughing, and he closed his eyes. : "You should know that I decided to abandon you from the moment I made the decision."

  "I just want the answer." Gu Qing said, groping in his pocket for a while with his hands behind his back.

  "What answer do you want?"

  "When did you and Gu Runying get together?"

  "It's been three years."

  "So long..." Gu Qing couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

  "Of course you can't notice it. You only have work in your eyes." Huang Yucheng said, "I know I'm sorry for you, but do you know?"

  There was a hint of memory in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised a bit. A very happy smile: "Fate can't be stopped. My reason can't restrain my feelings. Even though I warned myself countless times, I still couldn't help falling in love with her..." "

  She is sick and needs to be replaced." A new heart needs to be replaced with a healthy one. Your match was successful, but I know that you hate her so much that you can't give your heart to her willingly, so I can only find another way..." "

  You Didn't you say you love me? Give her your heart so that you can stay in her body forever and listen to me tell you that I love you."

  "You're crazy!" Gu Qing couldn't help scolding.

  As a message prompt sounded, Huang Yucheng knew that it was time. He asked: "Do you feel dizzy? I have long planned to get to know you today, so I lit sleeping incense in the room. You inhale it." I'm afraid I'll lose consciousness soon after taking so much. It's okay. You won't feel any pain when I go there later. Just treat it as the last time I take care of you. If you want to blame it, just blame those nosy guests. I originally wanted you to It's better to die more comfortably, but after the incident is exposed, I can only change to a faster and more brutal method, otherwise you are so smart, sooner or later you will doubt what happened to me, right?"     "I can totally afford to wait, but Runying can't wait anymore. She is lying on the hospital bed very thin. You are her sister. You have never hurt her and protected her since she was a child. You should compensate her this time.

  " As soon as he fell, Gu Qing fell to the ground in vain: "Have you ever thought about the future? If one day, our child knows all this, he will resent you and sever the relationship with you..."

  Huang Yucheng sighed. , there was a little guilt in his eyes: "I can't control so much anymore. I will try my best to hide all this from him. This is the only thing I can do."

  Gu Qing laughed with tears and stretched out her hand towards him: "So We have been together for many years, and we have experienced so many wonderful things together. I gave birth to your child after nine in vitro fertilizations, and I blocked a knife for you. Have you forgotten all this? We have a family and children, and these are nothing compared to a person lying in a hospital bed. Gu Runying?"

  Thinking of everything he had experienced in the past and his warm and harmonious family, Huang Yucheng's mind wandered for a moment, and he retracted his hand the next second.

  The roar of a bear could be heard faintly nearby, getting closer and closer.

  Huang Yucheng knelt down and kowtowed to Gu Qing three times: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I can't help you in this life. If, if there is a next life, I will repay you like a cow... If you don't close your eyes and turn into a ghost. If you remember to come to me, not Runying, I beg you..."

  Tears finally fell from Gu Qing's eyes, and she watched Huang Yucheng run away in a hurry.

  After about a minute, Qiao Yuan ran out from behind the big tree. She was holding a mini stereo in her hand. As the light of the stereo went out, the originally frightening and ferocious bear roar disappeared.

  Qiao Yuan put the stereo into her pocket, stretched out her hand to help Gu Qing up on the ground: "Sister Gu Qing, are you okay?"

  Gu Qing shook her head, her expression clear. She was not intoxicated by the sleeping incense at all, just because Her brain and body were too tired, and she didn't want to move or say a word.

  Several figures walked over not far away, it was Fu Chuan and several other photographers.

  Having just visited this big show, Fu Chuan couldn't calm down for a while. He shook his head and said: "I didn't expect Huang Yucheng to be such a person. It's really scary. Fortunately, we were prepared in advance. By the way. , I just received news that the bear has been subdued by the police."

  A cold look flashed in Gu Qing's eyes.

  The few trials just now were the last chance she gave Huang Yucheng. They were the last chance Nian gave him in terms of their relationship as husband and wife over the past ten years. They were also the last chance she gave herself to give up.

  Now that Huang Yucheng has made his choice, she will make him recognize the reality.

  She would let him fall down at the peak of his wish fulfillment and accept the punishment he deserved.

  Huang Yucheng stumbled all the way back home. He covered his pounding heart. After timing, he shouted: "Come on, come on, help!"

  Happy New Year!!

88. Chapter 88 "Gu Qing's Funeral"2024-02-10 Author: Meow has become a spirit  His voice was so desperate that it made people's hearts tremble when they heard it, and soon the lights in the house came on one after another.

  Fu Xiyan was the first to run downstairs, wearing a denim jacket as he ran. He ran towards Huang Yucheng: "What's wrong? Brother Yucheng, what's wrong with you?"

  Soon other guests followed one after another. When I arrived, I saw Huang Yucheng looking heartbroken and couldn't help but ask him what happened.

  Bai Zhou suddenly said: "Hey, where's Sister Gu Qing? Why isn't Sister Gu Qing here?"

  As Bai Zhou's voice fell, the people around him also looked around, and they couldn't see Gu Qing's shadow at all.

  Huang Yucheng covered his face and cried bitterly: "Me, my wife, her, my wife is dead!!"

  Several guests trembled collectively. Meng Yuan rubbed her eyes and said in disbelief: "Teacher Huang, you What are you talking about..."

  Huang Yucheng choked with tears: "My wife just said she was hungry, so we went outside to collect firewood for cooking. Who knew we encountered a bear? My wife was entangled by a bear trying to save me. I'm afraid... ..." His face became extremely pale: "I'm afraid it's more likely to happen..."

  The guests took a collective breath, and the staff quickly called the police, and then a group of people rushed to the back mountain with shovels and other tools.

  When they found that they couldn't hear the roar of the bear, everyone was relieved at first but soon became nervous because the smell of blood here was very strong.

  When we arrived at the place Huang Yucheng mentioned, there was no sign of a bear or a human being. There was only a pool of blood on the ground, spreading to the direction of the grass.

  Seeing all this, Bai Zhou screamed and almost fainted. Fortunately, Meng Yuan helped her in time.

  The horror of the scene in front of them was unacceptable to everyone present.

  The staff took the risk to follow the blood trail, but could not find any trace of Gu Qing.

  After hearing this, Huang Yucheng fell to his knees on the ground, covered his face and cried bitterly.

  The crying this time was real. Didn't he say that people should be optimistic about Gu Qing and let her breathe? Why is she already dead, not even the scum left...

  What can Runying do...

  Fu Xiyan patted him Shoulders, he sighed heavily.     *
  After the evil bear incident, the program once again announced a break and all guests were sent home.

  The "passing" of Gu Qing has aroused considerable public opinion in China and even around the world, and countless people remember her.

  [Who died? Gu Qing is dead? How can this be? I was watching her live broadcast the day before, but why did people say she was gone...]
  [Teacher Gu Qing whined, my goddess...]
  [It was the first time I faced the fragility of life, and I left right away... ...]
  [What did the program team do? You don't even know there's a bear nearby that hurts people? Now, Teacher Gu Qing is dead. Can you shoulder this responsibility? ]
  [I heard that the bear ran away from a nearby zoo. Who could have expected that such a thing would happen. However, although the program team cannot be blamed for this, they must bear a lot of responsibility. At least the program will definitely not be able to continue. . ]
  [In the first episode, Fu Xiyan was almost bullied, and in the second episode, there was such a shocking incident. Is this show a guest-starrer? ? Otherwise, something happened to every guest on this show? ! ]

  Fu Chuan looked at the last sentence of the comment in a daze.

  Yes, why are all the weird things happening on their show? Is this metaphysics or something?
  No wonder Qiao Yuan named his show before: "No Survival". Without Qiao Yuan's several reminders, I might not have been able to escape the fate of being dead and disabled.

  Gu Qing's "body" was not found in the end. Huang Yucheng cried so hard in front of the camera that he almost fainted. He cried heartbreakingly while retching, but the people on the scene just felt sorry for him and sat still again." "Twenty-four filial piety and good husband".

  The reporter couldn't stand it anymore and stretched out his hand to pull him up, but he collapsed on the ground looking crazy: "Why are you leaving... How can I live if you leave! Why do you want to save me? Why don't you let me Come with you, so that I can still take care of you when I die, and we will never be separated..."

  The people on the scene were deeply moved. Many people took out their handkerchiefs and secretly wiped the corners of their eyes, and kept comforting Huang Yucheng: "The dead cannot be resurrected. Teacher Huang, you have to take care of your body. Teacher Gu sacrificed his own life to save you, so that you can live well. Teacher Gu has a spirit in heaven. If you see you despising your own life, you will not know what to do. How distressed I am, please cheer up..."

  The audience watching the media live broadcast was even more moved. Huang Yucheng was originally an ordinary director with a little reputation, but after this tearful performance, with the influence of "Dead Wife" , he quickly became the epitome of "good man".

  [It's really sad. How could God be so cruel? Such a couple was separated like this. It's hard to imagine how Huang Yucheng would live without the support of Teacher Gu Qing...] [
  Looking at myself with my own eyes His wife died in front of him. Needless to say, he was suffering in his heart. I hope Huang Yucheng can live bravely and strongly, taking your wife's share with you! ]
  [I cried as I watched. Originally, I never understood how Teacher Gu Qing and Director Huang could be together, because they are so different in terms of status, but now I finally understand...] [I heard that
  they were still young when they were young. We grew up together, no wonder Director Huang couldn't bear the blow and became crazy...]
  Huang Yucheng quickly recovered and organized Gu Qing's funeral. The funeral was grand in scale, and celebrities from all walks of life came in an endless stream to express their condolences to this important person. A legendary actress with great international reputation.

  In addition to domestic celebrities, there are also some well-known foreign directors and actors, all of whom are friends that Gu Qing has worked with. Mentioning Gu Qing's death, everyone couldn't help but sigh. She was the most promising Chinese actress to win the Oscar, but she suffered a tragedy on the eve of the awards. She was really jealous of the talent... Everyone praised

  Huang Yucheng's seriousness towards his late wife. , only Huang Yucheng himself knows that the money he is spending now is not even a fraction of the huge inheritance left by Gu Qing.

  Before the funeral began, Huang Yucheng, wearing a solemn black suit, pushed a woman into the back room.

  "Why are you here? Didn't you say you need to rest?"

  Gu Runying's face was pale and she could tell that her end was approaching and she wouldn't live much longer. However, she smiled fiercely and happily: "She died before me. I had to come over to take a look while I was crawling. I heard that the bones eaten by bears could not be found. Bah, you deserve it! My mother has long said that she will not live long like her short-lived mother. Things like lifespan have long been destined!"

89.Chapter 89 Uninvited Guests2024-02-10 Author: Meow has become a spirit  After Gu Runying finished speaking, she looked at Huang Yucheng carefully: "She died...you really don't regret it?"

  Huang Yucheng paused for two seconds. Gu Qing's pleading and painful eyes before she died often appeared in his mind. At night, he When she closed her eyes, Gu Qing looked like she was being eaten by a bear.

  The heart-rending cry of his son could be heard faintly across the wall. Ever since Gu Qing's accident, he had often cried holding Gu Qing's photo.

  Huang Yucheng, who was crying noisily, had a headache. He clenched his fists and said, "I don't regret it. If I have to say regret it, it's all because those people didn't do things well. They were scared away by the bear. That's why we couldn't do it." Get Gu Qing's heart."

  "But it doesn't matter." Huang Yucheng said: "Before, I had no money and I was tied up. Now it's different. Once Gu Qing dies, all her inheritance will be mine. I have arranged for someone to give it to you. To find a new heart source, I offered a pretty high price. I believe it won't take long..."

  Seeing Gu Runying didn't speak, Huang Yucheng thought she was scared: "Don't worry, one person does the work and the other takes responsibility, Gu Qing is me Kill, this has nothing to do with you, she will not pester you. I have already found a master, and when the time comes, let him directly let her break up Gu Qing's soul and never be reincarnated, so that Gu Qing can't do anything to us. "

  "Soul? Why are you so superstitious? Where can a soul come from when there is nothing left after death..." Gu Runying did not continue. She knew that Huang Yucheng just wanted to buy peace of mind.

  After all, given the severity of what they had done, Huang Yucheng was afraid that he would not be able to sleep well day and night.

  "Forget it, I support you."

  As soon as Huang Yucheng held Gu Runying's hand, he heard a bang and the door was opened. He was startled and quickly let go, but his son still saw all this. .

  His son Huang Haolin is fourteen years old. Not only does he look like Gu Qing, but he also has the same large frame. He is tall, not much shorter than Huang Yucheng.

  Huang Haolin became angry instantly, and the wet tears in his eyes turned into anger. He pointed at Huang Yucheng and said, "What are you doing?! Holding hands like this in public? Have you ever thought about my mother? My mother is watching from the sky. Where are you adulterers and adulterers!"

  Huang Yucheng said angrily: "What adulterers and adulterers? Where did you hear that? Who taught you? You didn't learn well at a young age... This is your mother's sister. Your aunt, I was just comforting her."

  "You can pull it off, I am fourteen years old, not four. Who holds the hand of the opposite sex when comforting someone? You are married and have no sense of shame! And she What kind of aunt is she? My mother hates her and I hate her. She is not worthy of being my aunt at all. You are better off. Just a few days after my mother passed away, you were here making out with other women. Don't you have any shame?!" "

  You ...You..." Huang Yucheng was so angry that his hands were trembling.

  "You vixen mistress, get out of my house quickly, don't get in my mother's eyes!" Huang Haolin stepped forward and grabbed Gu Runying's arm and pulled him out. He was so strong that Gu Runying was pulled to the ground by him, and she screamed A few short screams.

  "Enough, enough!" Huang Yucheng hurriedly shouted: "Butler!!"

  It wasn't until the housekeeper came over with several servants that the chaotic scene stopped.

  Huang Haolin was locked in the room upstairs and was not allowed to come out without orders. Now the surroundings were quiet again.

  Gu Runying patted her sleeves and asked Huang Yucheng: "Do you really not regret that your son got into this trouble with you because of me, brother-in-law?"

  Huang Yucheng closed his eyes, but still said: "I don't regret it. , he is in the rebellious stage when he is young, it will be better when he grows up."     She comforted Gu Runying and said, "Don't be angry. I know he went too far today, but he didn't hit you lightly or harshly when you were so weak. Another day I'll let you beat him up to vent your anger..."

  "It's hurt. My sister wants to beat her son. I'm scared to death and go to hell."

  "Gu Qing is not worthy of being your sister. You are so young and don't know anything about what happened back then. They say that no matter what happens to adults, children are innocent. But Gu Qing, as your biological sister, hates you so much. She obviously has so much money but she is not even willing to pay for your surgery. It is obvious that the money is just a drop in the bucket to her..."

  Huang Yucheng seemed to also agree. She found an excuse for herself, and felt instantly relieved: "So everything we did was because Gu Qing was cold-hearted and heartless. As for her son, just think of it as repaying her debt."

  Gu Runying raised the corner of her mouth. Smiling, listening to Huang Yucheng describe an infinitely bright future: "We have money now, and you can recover after the heart transplant operation. Gu Qing left a lot of money, and we can travel around by then. I You can use this money to make a comeback. By the way, don't you always say that those directors are blind and only like Gu Qing but look down on you? When the time comes, I will directly buy a script. I will be the director and you will be the heroine, okay?"

  Gu Runying smiled and nodded, and her originally pale face suddenly gained color.

  She looked at Gu Qing's photo in the room with a smile on her lips.

  So what if Gu Qing looks down on her again? Now she is spending Gu Qing's money to live in Gu Qing's house, occupying Gu Qing's husband, and can use her son at will.

  She, Gu Runying, is finally coming out again.

  Gu Qing's funeral began soon. Huang Yucheng's every move was as flawless as if it had been carefully planned. He burst into tears in front of the media.

  Gu Runying also officially attended the funeral as Gu Qing's sister. Under the flashlight, Huang Yucheng looked at Gu Runying and solemnly promised: "Runying, you have always been in poor health and cannot be without someone to take care of you. Don't be afraid. , even if Qing'er is gone, you will still be my biological sister, Huang Yucheng. Even if I lose all my family property, I will cure your illness and take care of you on behalf of your sister."

  Gu Runying looked at him with tears in her eyes. , such a touching scene almost made everyone present cry.

  Qiao Yuan, who was standing nearby watching the show, couldn't help but clicked her tongue.

  [The dog man and woman really get together. ]
  Fu Xiyan, who was feeling sad next to him, suddenly heard Qiao Yuan's heartfelt voice. He came slightly closer, with a bit of uncertainty in his voice: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

  When there was thunderous applause around him, he suddenly saw an uninvited guest walking straight into the mourning hall. , she was dressed in red clothes and wore a red hood.

  Huang Yucheng pointed at her and cursed: "Who are you?! Get out! My wife is holding a funeral. Who do you want to disgust when you come in wearing red? You have offended my wife. Security guard, hurry up and get this out of here!" Get this woman out!"

  People around pointed at the woman in red and started talking.

  Just when the security guard was about to touch the woman in red, the silent woman suddenly took off her hood. She slowly raised her head, and the originally fierce bodyguard took half a step back in fright.

90. Chapter 90 Revealing the true face of the scumbag2024-02-10 Author: Meow has become a spirit  Someone on the field screamed:
  "It's a corpse scam! Help!"

  Huang Yucheng stared at the person in front of him and took half a step back: "Who are you? Are you a human or... Ghost?"

  Gu Qing sneered: "Can't you even recognize who I am? Who threw me to the bear, who wanted to kill me!"

  Huang Yucheng's eyes widened, almost suspecting that he was hallucinating. , he murmured in disbelief: "No, it's impossible..."

  When they saw the shadow behind Gu Qing, everyone on the scene breathed a sigh of relief, and then they started talking:

  "This, this woman is really Teacher Gu ? But, isn't she already dead? How could she suddenly come back?" "How could

  this be Teacher Gu? She was clearly reported to be dead, and her husband also confirmed it. How could she suddenly be deceived? Corpse..."

  "Teacher Gu is fine. I'm so happy. What did Teacher Gu just say? Huang Yucheng deliberately threw her to a bear to kill her?" "

  No, it can't be all Huang Yucheng's fault. If he has a plan, if this woman is really Gu Qing and what she says is true, then Huang Yucheng is too scary..."


  Huang Yucheng saw the changing attitudes of the people around him and knew that if he delayed it any longer, all his previous efforts would be wasted.

  Huang Yucheng's eyes flashed with cruelty.

  Regardless of whether she is real Gu Qing or fake Gu Qing, he just wants Gu Qing to die...

  After the funeral, he will inherit Gu Qing's entire inheritance, and he must not make any mistakes at this moment.

  Huang Yucheng's face turned cold: "What are you talking nonsense here? I can tell at a glance that you are not my wife. Did you try your best to get here to cause trouble? What is the purpose of plastic surgery to look like my wife?! It's a pity that no matter what your purpose is, I won't let you succeed. This is my wife's funeral, not a place where you can run wild!"

  He shouted: "Security! What are you doing standing still? Didn't I say that? Kick her out? Kick this fake out quickly, she must not disturb my wife's purity!"

  When everyone heard Huang Yucheng say so firmly that the woman in red was a fake, they couldn't help but feel a little suspicious. .

  Gu Runying also said: "You had plastic surgery to look like my sister just to defraud money, right? It's a pity that we never condone scammers. You should leave now!" The

  two people closest to Gu Qing both insisted that this was a fake. Goods, everyone calmed down slightly and had their own considerations in mind.

  Seeing that the current situation was not good for Gu Qing, Qiao Yuan stood up and said, "This is obviously Teacher Gu Qing. How can there be any plastic surgery technology that can make people look exactly the same?"

  Gu Qing smiled and nodded to her, as if she was grateful.

  Suddenly there were rapid footsteps on the stairs, and a boy about fourteen or fifteen years old ran down and threw himself into Gu Qing's arms: "Mom, you are finally back. Mom, I knew you were not dead. I knew they were all You are lying to me!!"

  Gu Qing patted his head.

  Huang Haolin turned around and confronted Huang Yucheng and Huang Yucheng: "This is my mother, why don't you admit it?! Do you want to drive my mother away?!"

  "Shut up!" Huang Yucheng said angrily: "You know What?!"

  Qiao Yuan said: "Mr. Huang insisted that this is not your wife before he has even looked at her up close? What are you afraid of? What are you trying to hide?"

  "You..." Huang Yucheng was momentarily blocked. He was speechless and just said: "What do you, an outsider, know? This is my wife. I can recognize it no matter how far away she is..."     This was a bit far-fetched, and the people present faintly sensed that something was wrong.

  Gu Qing's eyes fell on Huang Yucheng, and then on Gu Runying, who was sitting in a wheelchair with a sick look on her face. Her eyes were so cold that she wanted to carve out a piece of flesh on them:

  "In these days without me, you and Gu Runying must be very happy, right? You spend my money to live in my house, and you will get a large inheritance immediately and realize your wish." "Do

  you think it's ridiculous to say that? You always feel that you are arrogant and conceited. Your outstanding talent is good material for soaring into the sky. You hope to become the most famous director. But all the reputation and status you have now are given to you by me. Without me, Gu Qing, who would remember you as a ten-year-old? A bad film director who can't even be ranked in the eighth tier!"

  "Enough!" Huang Yucheng seemed unable to accept it. It was the first time he heard Gu Qing say such harsh and cold words.

  He was now extremely convinced that the person in front of him was Gu Qing, but how could she not be dead? How could she not be dead...

  "Butler! Quick! Get this lunatic out!"

  The butler did as he was told and came forward with his bodyguards, but then... When he met Gu Qing's eyes, he was stunned on the spot.

  He is the housekeeper hired by Gu Qing, and he usually listens to Gu Qing's words.

  Huang Yucheng insisted that the person in front of him was not Gu Qing, but he felt that...

  the housekeeper didn't know what to do for a moment.

  "Butler!!" Huang Yucheng's roar came, but the butler seemed unable to hear it.

  "Huang Yucheng, you want fame, wealth and even a beautiful woman, but where can such a good thing happen in the world? Don't you want to be famous all over the world? Don't you want to become a well-known director? In front of so many people today In front of the guests, in front of so many media, I, Gu Qing, will satisfy you today and help you make a name for yourself!"

  As soon as Gu Qing finished speaking, she heard a familiar male voice coming from the hall:

  "She is sick and needs to be replaced. A new heart needs to be replaced with a healthy one. Your match was successful, but I know that you hate her so much that you can't give your heart to her willingly, so I can only change a method..." The moment in the

  hall Come on, this is the voice of the male host Huang Yucheng.

  After searching several times, everyone's eyes stopped on the big screen on the side.

  In the picture, Gu Qing and Huang Yucheng are confronting each other. Gu Qing's face is full of sadness, while Huang Yucheng's face is full of sinisterness. Anyone can see that something is wrong between them. And the background in the picture... is the mountain behind where the media reported that Gu Qing was killed.

  Huang Yucheng looked at the big screen in disbelief. He staggered and almost fell. He shouted: "This is fake! Don't believe it! This is fake!"

  He shouted while picking up a bench and moving toward the big screen. The direction of the screen was smashed.

  But he did not succeed. He was quickly restrained by the bodyguards brought by Gu Qing and placed face down on the floor, unable to move.

  The playback on the big screen continued, and Huang Yucheng felt the eyes from all directions.

  He is a person who cares about face and his reputation very much. Letting him stand trial in front of so many people and the media is even more uncomfortable than killing him!

  Huang Yucheng looked at Gu Qing pleadingly and stretched out his arms desperately to reach her shoes:

  Thank you book friend 20221121181006700 for your monthly pass.
  Happy New Year, my dears, I will catch up on my sleep and continue updating.
