The rock showdown.

After the battle in Japan the vampire lord managed to take hold of the legendary notes for the legendary music.and snatch the lyrics to from CJ's pocket he founded a note in the pocket.
CJ:it's seems that vampire dude is holding some type of rock competition.
Bloody bunny:your band does play rock music after all.
CJ:welp,off to France
When they arrive at France,the battle took place in a huge mansion that was abandoned.
CJ:why would a vampire dude pick the most darkest place in France,there isn't even a light switch!
The 2 of them suddenly heard a evil laugh,all of the candles lit up by there own revealing a enormous stage.
Vampire lord:welcome to my humble home!we're having a rock battle,your band is welcomed to join,the winner takes all!
CJ:and who will be watching us?there is barely anyone here.
Vampire lord:we will play our battle concert with an internet broadcast that everyone around the globe can see!And this is my rating machine!this machine decides which the audience likes have five hours to prepare for the concert CJ.
Outside,CJ was pacing back and forth,panicking.
CJ:I can't play without my band!I'll be a cooked beef without'em!
Suddenly,his band's van pulled up outside,inside the van there was Abel,max,Vade,ruby,olley,mark,and faith.
Abel:we got ya covered!
CJ:thank god,you guys came right on time!
At the night of the concert,CJ and the vampire lord risen up from the stage.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After the rock battle.
CJ:whoop whoop!I won!
Vampire lord:minions!attack!
CJ:oh god!
Vampire lord:finally!I caught you both!
The vampire lord snatches the legendary notes and lyrics and laughed.
CJ,s hands where tied by the strings of the notes and lyrics.
CJ:what in blue blazes!what's going on here!
Vampire lord:it's time to rule the world,once again!
