600 years later

In the night of the moon,a black haired boy named CJ was sleeping,until he heard something crashed outside.
CJ flopped to the floor of his room.

CJ:what was that noise,it's 2 in the morning.
When CJ got outside,he sees a bunny rabbit doll on the ground.
CJ:what is this doing here?
He picked up the rabbit doll on the ground.
CJ:I should get this cleaned,don't want the others to find me wandering at night.
When CJ got inside,he cleaned up the rabbit doll that was on the ground.
CJ:I maybe to old for dolls but...this one I can keep.
CJ went back to his room carrying the rabbit doll that he found,he lays it on the side of his bed and went back to sleep.
The next morning,CJ was getting something to eat when his twin sister,faith walked in holding the rabbit doll.
Faith:mind telling me how this got here?
CJ:I founded this rabbit doll last night,I thought I could bring it back
Faith:hey!I was holding that!
While CJ was singing a song,the rabbit doll came to life,with pink eyes
CJ:Gah!it's alive!
Bloody Bunny:whoa!easy there,I don't mean harm...I'll explain what happened

Elizabeth bilski presents:

On command x bloody bunny
