La grande finicion

Having obtained the legendary notes and lyrics,the vampire lord have been changed his evil powers,BB realizing she was losing control due to the vampire lords power,she fled the scene,now he holds cj's friends as prisoners,and demanded that CJ to sing the legendary music,so he could be free from his doll form,as a mysterious flying stage flies over the city of,Bangkok,finally, the last concert is about to begin.
The vampire lord cackled and played the organ piano,summoning his friends and the maid Kikky from earlier.CJ raised up from the bottom of the stage and began to sing the legendary music

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As CJ continued to to sing,the vampire lord looked from above him.
Vampire lord:my powers are coming back!

While CJ was singing the legendary music,a 15 year old girl in a red dress snatched the legendary notes and lyrics and tore them apart.
Vampire lord:NO! The music!you ungrateful swine,who are you anyway!
???:you may call me Ashley.

CJ stopped singing the lyrics and lost the vampire lords control,his friends and the maid Kikky were free.
CJ:there free!the song must have been destroyed,thanks Ashley!
Ashley:your welcome.
Ashley landed on the stage and the broom she was riding on turned into a red imp named red,Ashley's sidekick.

Red:you can count on us anytime!now get out there and save bloody bunny.
Abel,Max,And Olley got out there instruments.Max tapped his drumsticks to start the song.
Olley:let's do this!
Ruby:I-I'll do my best!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The demon rabbit god,caught by the attention of ruby's singing turned around to see on command,playing there song.CJ was trying to get bloody bunny to recognize him.
CJ:BB!its me,CJ!
Then bloody bunny finally remembered him,and started to remember all  the times she had with him.and snapped out of the vampire lords control.although the legends notes and lyrics were destroyed,the vampire lord turned into his true form.
Vampire lord:I'll show you true evil power rabbit god!
The vampire lord and bloody bunny were battling on the streets of Bangkok.
Bloody bunny:You.Made.CJ.Rot!
Bloody bunny was pushed off by the vampire lords attacks and was about to deliver the finishing blow.
Bloody bunny:it's over!
CJ:BB don't!
CJ jumped off the floating stage and was flying of some type of magic.CJ used his own music to turn both of them into tiny dolls.
Vampire lord:I'm losing my power!
Bloody bunny:so this is the end hm?
CJ:looks like it.
Bloody bunny smirked.
