Chapter 5

Jeremy (Narrator): The Ohsama Sentai and the four Super Sentai teams were confronted by Metsukai, the little brother of Dr. Iokal, and explained about his revenge to our heroes. Just then, the two Kyoryugers that were gone to space to search for the Dagded, Daigo Kiryu and Utsusemimaru, have come back since two years ago, as the two of them brought back ups to aid the the Sentai Teams in the final battle against Metsukai! The Story Goes On.

After the recap, the Five Super Sentai Teams, along with the 19 past Super Sentai teams, charge at the New World Army, beginning the final battle to save the planet Earth!

(Since I can't think of some team ups for the 23 Super Sentai Teams, let's just skip down to Kyoryugers, shall we?) As the Eleven of them are battling against the Upgraded Copy World, as Kyoryu Red (Daigo) tells to the World...

Kyoryu Red: Well, it seems like you're the only World monster to go up against us, pal!

Copy World: Are you sure about that-Copy?

The Upgraded World uses his Copy Scanner Arm to send out the Zorimas, and the past Debo Monsters that the Kyoryugers fought long ago, but with some other ones: Nagareboshi (Meteor), Hyogakki (Iceage), Viruson (Stingrage) (who the trio called themselves the Zetsumates), Kokodoko (Puzzler), Spokron (Game Face), Honenukky (Bones), Shinobinba (Ninja), Karyudosu (Hunter), Kibishydesu (Professor Strickler), Akkumoon (Nightmare), and Zaihodoron (Spell Digger). The Attacking Group of the Four Seasons from 2114, and the seven members of the Neo Deboth Army, making the Kyoryugers shocked upon Copy World's upgrade.

Kyoryu Black: Oh My.

King Kyoryu Red: Eh?! Another World Monster can summon the Deboth Monsters from the past, just like Ultimate Warumono World?!

Copy World: Bingo! Thanks to Metsukai's adjustments-Copy. He upgraded my Copy Scanner Arm to, not only to make evil copy versions of the people, but to keep every Sentai villain of the past in my scanner file-Copy! And it seems like you know these guys pretty well.

Kyoryu Gray: Of course we do, since 10 years ago.

Kyoryu Cyan: We have defeated the Deboth Monsters since then...

Kyoryu Violet: And this time we'll do it again!

Kyoryu Red: But this time... (happily shouts) WITH SOME MORE BACK UP!!!

Ten Kyoryugers: Eh?

As the Kyoryugers are confused upon Daigo's words, the two detransform teams behind the Kyoryugers arrive to aid them, and they are amazed of who it was. It was none-other than the two other Kyoryuger teams: 

The Future Kyoryugers from 2114 - Dai-Kun (Future Kyoryu Red), Icchan (Future Black), Nobuta-San (Future Blue), Soujiro (Future Green), Ami-neesan (Future Pink), and Uppy (Future Gold).

And the Kyoryuger Brave (PR Dino Force Brave) from South Korea: Kwon Juyong (Brave Kyoryu Red), Jeon Hyeonjun (Brave Black), Sechang Kim (Brave Blue), Lee Pureun (Brave Green), Yun Dohee (Brave Pink), and Kwon Juhyeok (Brave Gold).

Kyoryu Green: It can't be... You guys are-

Dai-Kun: That's right, Souji! My past and Uppy's Great Grandfather told us to aid you guys in the battle against Metsukai!

Kwon Juyong: So by using the power of our Brave we can defeat the copy Deboth Monsters and save Earth from Metsukai's revenge!

King Kyoryu Red: That's amazing! Thank you!

Kyoryu Silver: Daigo, you and Utsusemimaru did well by bringing our greatest Sentai heroes from the multiverse to our aid.

Kyoryu Red: Well, thanks father. (comes to his son's side) Also, Daigoro, the guy name Dai-Kun over there is your Grandson.

King Kyoryu Red: Eh? Really?!

Dai-Kun nods as he says to his past Grandfather.

Dai-Kun: It's an honor to meet you, Grandfather of the Past.

King-Kyoryu Red: Nice to meet you too, Grandson of the Future.

After that, Kwon says...

Kwon Juyong: Well then, shall we do this?

Future Kyoryugers and Brave: Yes!

The two teams then pull out their respective Zyudenchi (Dinocells for Kyoryuger Brave), as they shout...

Future Kyoryugers and Brave: BRAVE IN!

before clicking their respective Zyudenchi and insert them into their transformation devices: The Five-Core Future Kyoryugers with their Gaburivolver, The Five-Core Kyoryuger Brave with their GabuGaburivolver, Uppy with his Gaburichanger, and Kwon Juhyeok with his GabuGaburichanger.

'Gaburincho: Gabutyra! Parasagun! Stegotchi! Zakutor! Dricera! Pteragordon!'

'GabuGaburincho: Cannontyra! Stegotoup! Forkcera! Parasaizer! Raptorax! Pteravolt!'

Future Kyoryugers: Kyoryu Change!

Kyoryuger Brave: Kyoryu (Dino in Korea) Change!

The Two Five-Core Kyoryugers then spin their blaster's cylinder, while Uppy and Juhyeok pulls back the Gaburichanger's trigger, as the Future Kyoryugers dance in Samba Style, Uppy dance in Kabuki style, and the Kyoryuger Brave dancing together. After that, they both shouted...

Kyoryugers: FIRE!!!

As they pull their triggers to their respective devices, and transform to the Future Kyoryugers and Kyoryuger Brave respectively, as they perform their roll call.

Future & Brave Kyoryu Reds: You'll be surprised when you hear! 

Future Kyoryugers:

Future Kyoryu Red: The Fanged Brave! Kyoryu Red!

Future Kyoryu Black: The Bullet Brave Kyoryu Black!

Future Kyoryu Blue: The Armored Brave! Kyoryu Blue!

Future Kyoryu Green: The Slashing Brave! Kyoryu Green!

Future Kyoryu Pink: The Horned Brave! Kyoryu Pink!

Future Kyoryu Gold: The Thundering Brave! Kyoryu Gold!

Future Kyoryugers: The strongest braves in history! Zyuden Sentai... KYORYUGER!!!

Kyoryuger Brave:

Brave Kyoryu Red: Brave Kyoryu Red!

Brave Kyoryu Black: Brave Kyoryu Black!

Brave Kyoryu Blue: Brave Kyoryu Blue!

Brave Kyoryu Green: Brave Kyoryu Green!

Brave Kyoryu Pink: Brave Kyoryu Pink!

Brave Kyoryu Gold: Brave Kyoryu Gold!

Kyoryuger Brave: Zyuden Sentai... Kyoryuger Brave!

After the roll call, the two Kyoryuger leaders shouted:

Future Kyoryu Red: It's about to get Wild! So just try and stop us!

Brave Kyoryu Red: We'll blow them away with full force Brave!!

Before they charged at the copy Deboth Monsters, as the original Kyoryugers joined them too. And after two minutes of battling, the three Kyoryuger teams, along with the 23 Super Sentai Teams, have defeated the World Monsters, as the six Sentai leaders (KuwagataOhger, Two Kyoryu Reds "Daigo & Daigoro", DonMomotaro, Zenkaizer, and Kiramai Red), confront Metsukai.

King Kyoryu Red: Game Set and Match, Metsukai!

KuwagataOhger: We defeated your New World Army, and we're going to take you down to dirt once and for all!

Metsukai: Well here's the point: You may have defeated my army, but I got a few tricks up my sleeve.

Just as he says that, he takes off his cloak and performs martial art techniques in front of the Sentai Leaders.

Kyoryu Red: Eh?! Dr. Iokal's brother can learn Martial Arts?! 

Zenkaizer: He's like a Kung Fu Fox Doctor at Zenryoku Zenkai!

Metsukai: Indeed I am! I trained in the Martial Arts of the Fox Combat Technique at the dojo back in Kitsunetopia. My brother was also a martial artist as well, but he gave up that life to me so he could work on his plan of taking over the multiverse. Now that I've reached my full potential of the Techniques, I'll use them to defeat you all so I could avenge my brother's death, and destroy the Earth!

Kiramai Red: We won't let you as you pleased!

DonMomotaro: So just come and attack us with your Kung Fu attacks!

Metsukai: Very well then, Here I go!

He then charges at the six Super Sentai Leaders, as they try to defeat him with their weapons. But much to Metsukai being more powerful than Dr. Iokal, he defeats the four sentai leaders (Kyoryu & Kiramai Red, Zenkaizer, and DonMomotar) in one blow, leaving only KuwagataOhger and King Kyoryu Red standing, just as Metsukai performs his powerful technique, overflowing with red and gold energy.

Metsukai: Fox Combat Technique - Kitsune Inferno Boost!

He then lets out a red and gold flaming fox outta his right hand to charge at the two Red Sentai Rangers, swatting them to the ground with the rest of the four Sentai Leaders.

Kyoryu Red: Daigoro!

Mestukai: HaHaHaHa! Did you witness it? This is the power of the Fox Combat Technique that possesses me! Now that I got you six down, I'll kill you and the rest of your teammates so the Earth will no longer exist after I demolish it! And then... I'LL WILL AVENGE MY BIG BROTHER!!!

???: I don't think so! Red Bute!

Just then, Metsukai gets hit by a whip, and it reveals Akarenger, from the First Super Sentai Team: Himitsu Sentai Gorenger, holding his Red Bute.

Zenkaizer: Akarenger!

Akarenger: Metsukai, you may have wanted to destroy the Earth for your brother's intentions, but for us, the Super Sentai, we'll never let you do that for your revenge!

Metsukai: But I must! This is for the sake of my brother, and my family who despises you and the rest of the heroes who killed him! So why don't you just surrender so that I'll conquer the multiverse?!

Akarenger: Well that's not an option! Because Heroes Never Give Up! When there are times of sadness, terror, and depression caused by our enemies from our worlds, we'll never give up! Cause that's what being a Super Sentai is all about: Never Give Up!

KuwagataOhger: Never Give Up?... (amazed upon Akarenger's words, he changes into his evil personality and gets up) Of course! Never Give Up! NyaHaHaHaHa! (turns to Akarenger) Thanks for the vulnerable lesson, Akarenger! For now, leave this to us!

Akarenger nods, as KuwagataOhger approaches to Metsukai, pointing his OhgerCalibur to him.

KuwagataOhger: Well Metsukai... YOU'RE THE ONE WHO IS GOING TO SURRENDER!!! Because we, The Super Sentai, will show you how strong we really are! Now then my Sentai Crew... ON YOUR FEET! NYAHAHAHAHA!

As he laughs, The Five Sentai Leaders start to get up from the ground, with King Kyoryu Red happily sighing...

King Kyoryu Red: Always acting like an Evil King. Oh well, Gotta do this then!

Kyoryu Red: That's My Boy!!! The Power of Brave is overflowing to us! So that means with our Courage and Dinosaur Might, We're Ready to Fight whatever comes next!

DonMomotaro: He's right. My strength is also overflowing with the power of Brave.

Zenkaizer: Same here! This Overflowing Brave gives me the energy at Zenryoku Zenkai!

Kiramai Red: As well as my Kiramental, which wants me to shout... Hiramei-King!!!

After the Five Sentai Leaders get up to their feet, they join with KuwagataOhger, as he shouts...

KuwagataOhger: Alright then, My Faithful Crew... LET'S DO THIS!!!

Five Sentai Leaders: RIGHT!!!

They begin to attack Metsukai, first with Kiramai Red and Zenkaizer using their Kiramai Shot and Geartlinger respectively to fire at Metsukai, charging towards him, as the two kick him to the ground. Just as Metsukai tries to get up, he gets swatted away when Kyoryu Red and DonMomotaro slash him with their GaburiCalibur and Zanglassword respectively. And lastly for not least, KuwagataOhger and King Kyoryu Red pumping their King GaburiCalibur's lever three times, allowing them to pull the trigger, summon the red energy blast manifestations of God Kuwagata and Gabutyra respectively to hit at Metsukai.

King Kyoryu Red: This is for our Planet: Earth!

KuwagataOhger: And our Planet: Chikyu!

KuwagataOhger & King Kyoryu Red: And the rest of the Multiverse! 

'King Vamola Mucho!'

Metsukai: This can't be... Getting defeated by you brats?! I thought I was strong enough to defeat you all so I could get my revenge! But why... WHY?!?!?!?!?!

He then explodes, as the Six Sentai Leaders do their victory pose.

King Kyoryu Red: Now that was the true power of Brave!

Kyoryu Red: Because we ARE Brave!

Just then, The Ohsama Sentai, the Donbrothers, Zenkaigers, Kiramagers, and the Kyoryugers regroup with their respective Sentai Leaders, as they celebrate their victory, along with the 19 Super Sentai teams (Except for the Future Kyoryugers and Kyoryuger Brave).

Kyoryu Pink: WOW! You did it! Daigo! Daigoro!

TonboOhger: Hell Yeah! Now that we defeated that Fox Scientist, we can head back to Chikyu with no stupid tricks!

???: HaHaHaHa! Are you sure about that?!

This made the 19 Sentai teams confuse and turn to the explosion, where they found out that Metsukai has survived the attack.

Zenkaizer: EH?! He's alive?!

KuwagataOhger: But How?!

Metsukai: Didn't you realize that I'm based on a fox at Kitsunetopia? And foxes love to play nasty tricks on people. So I fake my death by using a small bomb that I drop from my sleeve before I collapse. Pretty cool, isn't it?

InuBrohter & Kiramai Blue: Like hell it isn't!

KijiBrother & Zenkai Gaon: You no good lying Fox!

Metsukai: Good! That's what I wanted to hear! And I'll never be defeated until I extinct Earth and conquer the rest of the planets in the Multiverse for my brother's plan! (he looks at the sky and shouts) MetsuKaizer Robo, Deploy!

As he shouts his commands, Metsukai's greatest robotic invention: The MetsuKaizer Robo (who it's suit is retooled from Ijirudestroyer IV to be in a red and gold color background) was launch from his construction apartment in Kitsunetopia to Earth, as the robot lands on the other side of the Quarry, allowing Metsukai to enter it's cockpit.

Zenkai Vroon: What?! That robot looks similar to Ijiurde's robo (Ijirudestroyer IV), but with some retools?

Metsukai: Indeed it is! So I'll introduce my latest invention: The MetsuKaizer Robo! Unlike the robot that Mechanical Officer Ijirude created back in Tojitendo, my robot packs a lot of power to annihilate one planet! As in... THE EARTH!

Kyoryu Red: Well listen here, Buddy! We won't let that happen! Because we, the Kyoryugers, and the Ohsama Sentai, will defeat you and bring peace to the entire universe! (turns to his friends and the Six Monarchs) So let's summon our Mecha Partners, Everyone!

Kyoryugers: Right!

KuwagataOhger: But we don't have our Shugods on Earth, since they're at Chikyu!

???: Not to worry everyone, I already brought them to Earth again!

By hearing the mysterious female voice, The Caucasuskabuto Castle (who has brought the Ohsama Sentai's respective Shugods) arrives at the Earth's quarry as it lands to the ground, much to the Monarchs' amazement.

HachiOhger: Ah, Suzume (Kaguragi's little sister), thanks for bringing our Shugods to our rescue!

Suzume Dibousuki (who is piloting the castle's cockpit with the Ohger CrownLance): Well you're welcome, Brother. But I got a little help from Flint of the World Pirates (the Goldtsuiker Siblings) for sending this castle to Earth for not six months, but in One Hour!

Spider Kumonos: Well, now.

PapillonOhger: Is it true, Gold and Silver Pirates?

Twokai Flint: Well of course it is.

Twokaizer: My sister uses the Timeranger Sentai Gear to make the Castle-like spaceship to go fast forward to earth in one hour, thanks to the original Kyoryu Red's plan.

Kyoryu Red: Well don't mention it. However, She did bring not only the Shugods, But...

Just then, a red minisize tyrannosaurus Rex called Minityra, who was with the Six Monarchs in their adventure of returning to Chikyu, appears outside of the castle and jumps towards Kyoryu Red's arms, much to his son and the Ohsama Sentai's amazement.

King Kyoryu Red: Minityra?!

Kyoryu Red: Hey, Gabutyra! Long time no see!

KamakiriOhger: Aw, how adorable! So it seems like you two became friends 10 years ago, am I right?

Kyoryu Red: Of course, because he's my partner! And I never would have thought we would get to see each other again since two years ago. 

King Kyoryu Red: Well luckily you did, Dad.

Kyoryu Blue: Looks like the returning (Kaettekita) Zyudenryu has come back (Kaette ki) to see his Human Partner! 

Even though everyone thinks it's a lame joke, Daigo laughs.

Kyoryu Red: Nice Joke, Nou-San! (turns to Minityra) So what do you say, partner? Would you help us defeat Metsukai and save the earth, just like we always do?

This made Minityra happy, as Kyoryu Red understands his partner's emotion.

Kyoryu Red: Alrighty then! Go, Gabutyra!

As he shouts to his partner, Minityra leaps off his partner's arms and transforms into a giant size T-Rex Zyudenryu named Gabutyra, as it confronts the MetsuKaizer Robo.

Kyoryu Red: Now then, shall we?

Kyoryugers: Right!

As they do that, Kyoryu Blue, Pink, and Gold pull out their respective Zyudenchi from their MoBuckle, shouting...

Kyoryu Blue, Pink, & Gold: Brave In!

Before clicking the charger as they throw them to their respective Zyudenryu's mouth in their locations: Kyoryu Blue's Stegotchi, Kyoryu Pink's Dricera, and Kyoryu Gold's Pteragordon.


They then appear to aid Gabutyra, as Kyoryu Red turns to his son...

Kyoryu Red: Hey, Daigoro! Do you want to do our Combination phrase together?

King Kyoryu Red: Of course, Dad!

Two Kyoryu Reds: Raiden Kamitsuki Gattai (Thunder Biting Combination!)

KuwagataOhger: We should go too!

Ohsama Sentai: Right!

KuwagataOhger: Now then, it's Time for your Advent... (raising his OhgerCalibur)

Ohsama Sentai: EXTREME KING-OHGER!!!

As they both shouted their Robo's Combination phrase, the final battle against Metsukai's is about to begin in the final chapter of this story!

To Be Continued...
