Chapter 3

Jeremy (Narrator): The Ohsama Sentai aided the Zyuden Sentai Kyoryugers in defeating the Horde of Foot Soldiers on Earth. After that, they were confronted by the non-Kaijim or Deboth monster named Ultimate Warumono World, who was responsible for summoning the Horde, and also Debo Senking. Just then, The two teams were saved by the three leaders of the Super Sentai, along with their teammates, as the five of the teams confronted the two monsters and the horde once again. The Story Goes On.

After the recap, the King-Ohgers, Kyoryugers, Donbrothers, Zenkaigers, and Kiramagers battle against the foot soldiers Zorimas and Cambrimas to save the Earth once again.

First Group: KuwagataOhger, DonMomotaro, Zenkaizer, Kiramai Red, and King Kyoryu Red. With the three latters battling against the Foot Soldiers, while DonMomotaro and KuwagataOhger are battling against the Cambrimas. After that, DonMomotaro says...

DonMomotaro: Alright, My Comrade, Let's finish this in one blow.

KuwagataOhger: Right! But you're also part of my Crew!

DonMomotaro: No, you're my comrade.

KuwagataOhger: Crew Member!

The two Red Rangers argued, as the three Sentai Rangers looked on.

King Kyoryu Red: Should we stop their argument?

Kiramai Red: Maybe. What do you think, Kaito (Zenkaizer)?

Zenkaizer: I don't know. But let's just see if the Cambrimas get their attention. But look out!

As he shouts, the three rangers dodge the Foot Soldiers attack, as they charged up their weapons for the finisher: King Kyoryu Red pumping his King Gaburicalibur lever three times, Zenkaizer cranks his Transformation Gun Geartlinger's handle, while Kiramai Red combines his Kiramai Sword and Shot to form the Kiramai Buster.

'Hero! Super Zenkai Time!' 'Go-Go! Bangbang!' 'Kira-Kiramai Charge!'

King Kyoryu Red: Zyuden Brave Finish!

Zenkaizer: Zenkai Finish Buster!

Kiramai Red: Kiramai Buster!

They then pull the trigger to their respective weapons, striking the grunts in the process, as they explode.

'King Vamola Mucho!' 'Dai Zenkai!' 'Checkmage!'

After that, the two Cambrimas charged at DonMomotaro and KuwagataOhger, breaking their argument, as they too charged up their weapons: DonMomotaro spinning his Zanglassword's gear four times, while KuwgataOhger holding onto his OhgerCalibur's trigger before activating the red switch three times.

'Ohger Charge!' 'Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Come On!' 'Av~ataro Zan! Avataro Zan!'

The two then pull the trigger, as they slash through the Cambrimas to their deaths after shouting out...

'Ohger Finish!' 'Hissatsu Ōgi! Avataro Zan!'

KuwagataOhger: CREW!!!

DonMomotaro: COMRADE!!!

As the two Cambrimas explode, KuwagataOhger says to DonMomotaro while posing for victory...

KuwagataOhger: You're still my Crew Member.

DonMomotaro: Wrong. You're my Comrade.

Second Group: TonboOhger, SaruBrother, Zenkai Vroon, Kiramai Blue, and Kyoryu Blue. With Kyoryu Blue, Zenkai Vroon, and Sarubrother are battling against the grunts with their melee combat skills, while Kiramai Blue and TonboOhger battle the grunts with their respective swords: Kiramai Sword and OhgerCalibur. 10 seconds later, Kyoryu Blue carries the two Cambrimas and spins at an 360 degree angle before throwing the two towards SaruBrother and Zenkai Vroon.

Kyoryu Blue: Nobuharu Double Spin Throw!

SaruBrother: Here they come! Are you ready, Vroon?

Zenkai Vroon: Positive! My Engines are always at VROOM VROOM max!

Behind them, TonboOhger and Kiramai Blue charged up their swords, with the former holding onto his OhgerCalibur's trigger before activating the blue switch three times, while Kiramai Blue presses his Kiramai Sword's button, charging the blades to blue energy.

'Ohger Charge!' 'Kiramai Charge!'

TonboOhger: Are you ready to strike the grunts together, Slacked-Jawed Tanuki?

Kiramai Blue: Affirmative.

After that, SaruBrother and Zenkai Vroon uppercut the Cambrimas, letting TonboOhger and Kiramai Blue jump into the air and strike the Cambrimas with their respective swords, after pressing the trigger.

'Ohger Finish!' 'Checkmage!'

Third Group: KamakiriOhger, OniSister, Zenkai Gaon, Kiramai Yellow, and Kyoryu Black. With Zenkai Gaon and KamakiriOhger battling the grunts with their Gaon Claw and OhgerCalibur respectively, while Kyoryu Black, Kiramai Yellow, and OniSister battle the grunts with their respective blasters: Gaburivolver, Kiramai Shot, and DonBlaster, just as KamakiriOhger asks to the four successors...

KamakiriOhger: I may want to ask, why did your teams, except for the Kyoryugers, call yourselves the Reiwa Super Sentai?

Kyoryu Black: Oh My, what a pretty good question.

Kiramai Yellow: Because we, the Kiramagers, became the first Super Sentai team of the Reiwa Era in 2020 after the era was established on May 1st, 2019.

Zenkai Gaon: After that in 2021, it's us: The Zenkaigers!

OniSister: And after that is me and my teammates from the Donbrothers in 2022!

Kyoryu Black: And for me and the Kyoryugers: the Heisei Era, in the year of 2013, while some of the Sentai Teams from the Showa and Heisei eras as well! So that means you, with the Ohsama Sentai, became the fourth team of Reiwa in 2023.

KamakiriOhger: I see! Well let's quickly finish this up so we can defeat Debo Senking and Ultimate Warumono World and save the Earth!

Four Rangers: Right!

Fourth Group: PapillonOhger, KijiBrother, Zenkai Magine, Kiramai Pink, and Kyoryu Pink. The three female pink rangers attack the grunts, while KijiBrother and PapillonOhger battle them alone, before the former asks the PapillonOhger...

KijiBrother: Pardon my rudeness, but are you also a female?

PapillonOhger: Negative. I'm a Gender Neutral. Which means I'm both being a male King, and being female on the outside.

KijiBrother: Oh, I see. So, should we still help the girls?

PapillonOhger: No. We can take care of them ourselves, as Male Sentai Rangers!

KijiBrother: Right! Sorry for the question!

While battling the grunts, Zenkai Magine shouts out...

Zenkai Magine: Nu-Nu-Nu Magine!

Using her magic to shrink the Foot Soldiers, as Kiramai and Kyoryu Pinks look at them in adorb.

Kyoryu Pink: Wow... They look so cute when they're small!

Kiramai Pink: I agree with you, Miss Yuuzuki, they do look cute.

Zenkai Magine: All thanks to my magic! Now's your chance!

Kiramai & Kyoryu Pinks: Right!

The two latters then pull out their blasters: the Kiramai Shot and Gaburiolver respectively, to shoot down the mini foot soldiers around them.

Fifth Group: HachiOhger, InuBrother, Zenkai Juran, Kiramai Green, and Kyoryu Green. With Kiramai & Kyoryu Greens battling against the grunts with their Kiramai Sword and Gaburicalibur respectively, while HachiOhger and Zenkai Juran come up to InuBrother, and say...

Zenkai Juran: Hey, Mister Dog! Would you like the Lord-Dude to give you a boost attack?

InuBrother: First of all: I'm not a Dog! And Second: Yes! Give me the boost!

HachiOhger: Okay then! (he picks up InuBrother and throws him to the air) HERE YOU GO!!!

InuBrother: WHAT THE FUDGE?!?!?!

HachiOhger then holds onto his OhgerCalibur's trigger before activating the black switch three times, engulfing the blade in flames, before he connects his OhgerCalibur's blade with Zenkai Juran's Sword.

'Ohger Charge!'

HachiOhger: Here you go, Mister Juran.

The Juran Sword also engulfs into flames, as Juran says...

Zenkai Juran: Thank You, Lord-Dude.

InuBrother then falls from the sky, allowing HachiOhger and Zenkai Juran to use their swords to bat him in flames flying towards the foot soldiers, after HachiOhger presses the trigger onto his OhgerCalibur.

'Ohger Finish!'

InuBrother: HOT!! HOT!! HOT!!!! (He then sees Kiramai and Kyoryu Green, and shouts) MOVE!!! I'm going to crash!!!

Kyoryu Green: Dodge!

Kiramai Green: Right!

The two Green Sentai Rangers dodge at fast paste, as a firing InuBrother strikes at the grunts, causing a big explosion, as InuBrother lands on the ground with the four Sentai Rangers posed in victory.

Kiramai Green: VICTORY!!!

HachiOhger: A Job well done!

InuBrother: Oh I'm going to get you for this.

Sixth Group: Spider Kumonos, DonDoragoku, Twokaizer, and Kiramai Silver, as Spider Kumonos says...

Spider Kumonos: Looks like I get to team up with the Super Sentai's Sixth Rangers, right?

DonDoragoku: Yes! And I'm excited to team up with you guys so we could save the Earth!

Twokaizer: Don't get too excited, or else you'll get exhausted.

Kiramai Silver: Yeah. And that will not be a perfect Wonder if you do that.

DonDoragoku: Right, sorry.

Spider Kumonos: Anyways, let's finish this in one go!

Sixth Rangers: Right!

As they say so, Spider Kumonos turns the Change Kumonos Key on his Kumonoslayer, DonDoragoku holds onto the trigger on his Ryuko no Geki in Spear Mode, Twokaizer spins his Geardalinger's (in sword mode) wheel, and Kiramai Silver presses the button on his Shiny Breaker in Drill Mode, initiating their finisher standby.

'Hit Search!' 'Dragon Ōgi!' 'Zensoku Zenshin! Mawase Mawase! Ippai!' 'Drill Ippatsu! Hairi Masu!'

After that, they pull the trigger on their respective weapons and slash the Foot Soldiers in the process.

'Dancing King!' 'Gekiryunoma~i! Ah-tatatatatata!' 'Twokai ni Dokyun!' 'Itcho Agari!'

As the five Sentai teams defeat the Foot Soldiers, they confront Debo Senking and Ultimate Warumono World.

KuwgataOhger: Looks like you're all alone now, you filths.

King Kyoryu Red: We'll defeat you two and save the Earth!

Debo Senking: I don't think so! Because I'll be taking your guys' Braves just like the civilians from last time! Take This!

He then uses his Freezing Staff to deliver another powerful dark violent energy slashes at the five sentai teams. But they reflect it with their weapons, causing an explosion behind them.

Debo Senking: What The?!

Zenkaizer: We won't give up that easily. (pulls out the #1 Sentai Gear (Himitsu Sentai Gorenger) from his Zenkai Buckle) Because we will use this Sentai Gear to stop you!

He then inserts the gear and twisting the handle on his Geartlinger.

'Ichi (1) Bang!'

He then pulls the trigger, summoning the spirit of the Gorengers.

'Babang! Babang! Babang! Babang! Ba-Ba-Ba-Bang! Gorenger!'

The spirits then possess the Five Sentai Leaders: Akarenger to KuwagataOhger, Aorenger to King Kyoryu Red, Kirenger to Zenkaizer, Momorenger to Kiramai Red, and Midorenger to DonMomotaro, gaining the ability to perform the Gorenger's first team finisher, the Gorenger Storm, as KuwagataOhger shouts...

KuwagataOhger: Juru (Kiramai Red), The Gorenger Ball-thing!

Kiramai Red: Okay!

He then pulls out the Gorenger Storm Ball, dubbed the Super Sentai Storm.

KuwagataOhger: Super Sentai Storm! Go!

As the four Sentai Leaders go along, Kiramai Red kicks the Ball, to Zenkaizer, to DonMomotaro, to King Kyoryu Red, and to KuwagataOhger to kick it towards Debo Senking.

Kiramai Red: Here we go! Kaito!

Zenkaizer: Zenryoku Zenkai! Taro (DonMomotaro)!

DonMomotaro: Okay! Daigoro!

King Kyoryu Red: Alright! Gira, Now!

KuwagataOhger: Okay! Finish!

The Super Sentai Storm hits Debo Senking, as he falls to his death after saying this...

Debo Senking: Not Again! (Changing to Luckyuro's personality) Unluckyuro! And for that, (Changing to Endolf's resent personality) my head hurts! 

He then explodes to smithereens, as the five sentai teams confront the World Monster.

Zenkaizer: And that just leaves you here, Super Warumono World!

Ultimate Warumono World: It's not Super! It's Ultimate-Warumono! Because I was upgraded by my master!

OniSister: Look, I don't know who your master is, but he doesn't exist!

KuwagataOhger: I Agree! So let's finish this up and save Earth!

Super Sentai: Right! 

The five teams then charge up their weapons for the final finisher: The Five-Core King-Ohgers hold onto their OhgerCalibur's trigger before activating their colored switch three times, while Spider Kumonos turns the Change Kumonos Key on his Kumonoslayer.

'Ohger Charge!' 'Hit! Search!'

King Kyoryu Red pumps the lever three times on his King GaburiCalibur, while the other Kyoryugers spin the cylinder on their Gaburivolvers after inserting their respective copy Zyudenryu from their MoBuckles.


Kyoryugers: Zyuden Brave Finish!

The Five-Core Donbrothers spin their DonBlaster's gear five times, while DonDoragoku holds onto the trigger on his Ryuko no Geki in Spear Mode.

'Parry Time! (Donbrothers name)' 'Hey! Come on!' 'Dragon Ōgi!'

DonMomotaro: Frenzied Peach...

Donbrothers: Blast Party!

DonDoragoku: Lightning Dragon Flash!

The Zenkaigers cranking their Geartlinger's handle, while Twokaizer spins his Geardalinger's wheel.

'Hero! Super Zenkai Time!' 'Zensoku Zenshin! Mawase Mawase! Ippai!'

Zenkaiger: Zenkai Finish Buster!

Twokaizer: Twokaizer - Gold Scramble!

The Four-Core Kiramagers press the button on their respective weapons, After Kiramai Yellow & Pink insert the Kiramai Bullets into their Kiramai Shots, while Kiramai Red uses the Kiramai Buster, and Kiramai Silver presses the button on his Shiny Breaker, but in Beam Mode.

'Kiramai Charge!' 'Beam Itcho! Yoro Konde!'

Kiramagers: Kiramai Rush Stream!

After that, they both press the triggers, delivering an energy strike at Ultimate Warumono World:

The King-Ohgers deliver their respective energy slashes.

The Kyoryugers deliver a manifest blast of their respective Zyudenryu.

The Donbrothers release a powerful, rainbow-colored blast, while DonDoragoku launches a red energy dragon.

The Zenkaigers release a supercharged energy blast, while Twokaizer launches a gold energy slash.

And the Kiramagers release a shiny energy slash and blast, while Kiramai Silver launches a giant energy drill beam.

'Ohger Finish!' 'Dancing King!' 'King Vamola Mucho!' 'Vamola Mucho!' 'Yo~ Donburako!' 'Gekiryunoma~i! Ah-tatatatatata!' 'Dai Zenkai!' 'Twokai ni Dokyun!' 'Checkmage!' 'Itcho Agari!'

Ultimate Warumono World: Noooooooooo! Oooooooooooow! NOT AGAIN~!!!!!! MASTER~!!!!!

After that, he explodes to his death, as his Tojiru Gear breaks into pieces.

KuwagataOhger & King Kyoryu Red: ALRIGHT!!! WE DID IT!!!

Super Sentai: ALRIGHT!!!

The Five Super Sentai teams cheered for joy. But it was interrupted when a mysterious laugh was heard.

???: HaHaHaHaHaHa! Congratulations, Super Sentai. You might have defeated my upgraded World Monster, but you haven't saved Earth, yet!

KuwagataOhger: What?

Just then, red lightning bolts come from the sky and strike on the Super Sentai, causing a big explosion that results in the five teams to collapse and detransform.

Daigoro Kiryu (King Kyoryu Red): What was that?

Just then, the mysterious figure wearing a black cloak and a red fox mask, that Ultimate Warumono World mention, approaches in front of the falling Sentai, just as the Zenkaigers and Kiramagers recognize the mask, but in opposites of the color.

Kaito Goshikida (Zenkaizer): That mask... Could it be?

Juru Atsuta (Kiramai Red): Dr. Iokal?!

???: WRONG! My name is Metsukai, and the colors of my mask are different compared to my older brother, Iokal's, mask.

Souji Rippukan (Kyoryu Green): Older Brother?

Metsukai: That's right! Born as the second child and scientist of my family from Kitsunetopia (Fox Topia). And I have been waiting for this moment to come: To get my revenge on you two (points to the two Sentai teams), Zenkaiger and Kiramager (then to the Kyoryugers, Donbrothers, and King-Ohgers), including the rest of you three teams, for killing my Big Brother!!!

With those words spoken from Metsukai, the story hasn't ended just yet!

To Be Continued...
