Chapter 1

The Story begins when the Uchu King Dagded Dujardin is attacking the citizens at the Kingdom of Shugoddam in the Planet of Chikyu by summoning meteor showers to strike at the buildings.

Dagded Dujardin: That's right! Suffer! Suffer to my act of revenge! Soon I'll take over Chikyu as my plaything!

???: Like I'll let you!

Suddenly, the King of Shugoddam, Gira Hastie, appears to confront the Uchu King.

Dagded Dujardin: There you are, The Self-Proclaim Evil King, have you come here to see me destroying YOUR Kingdom?

Gira Hastie: NyaHaHaHaHa! No, I'm (Ore-Sama) here to stop you by the name of "Injustice"! And by the name of your doom is, The Evil King: Gira! 

Meanwhile Goma Rosalia is attacking the Nation of Technology: N'Kosapa, as he spots the Nation's castle.

Goma Rosalia: Target Found! The Castle of N'Kosapa. Once I demolish that tower, I could continue to help my comrades to destroy other kingdoms!

???: Like Hell you won't, Slack-Jawed Tanuki. 

Just then, the King and President of N'Kosapa, Yanma Gust, arrives to confront him.

Goma Roslia: Still wanted to pick a bone with me, eh?

Yanma Gust: You damn right I am. The Intelligence King, Yanma Gust! 

Meanwhile, Hilbil Leech is attacking the kingdom of arts and medicine: Ishibana.

Hilbil Leech: Alrighty then, time to control the people of this kingdom to cause havoc around this nation! And soon I'll be Queen!

???: Well too bad there's already a queen.

Just then, the Queen of Ishibana, Himeno Ran, along with her butler, Sebastian, who is holding her OhgerCalibur, arrives to confront her.

Himeno Ran: The Dazzling Queen, Himeno Ran! I will do as I wish, and stride down my own path. (holds her right hand out) Sebas.

Sebastian: Yes, My Queen!

He then hands the Queen her OhgerCalibur. Meanwhile, Minongan Moth is attacking the country of agriculture: Toufu.

Minongan Moth: I must destroy this Kingdom's crop of fruits and vegetables on Dujardin-Sama's orders.

???: Oh really? Let's see you try!

Just then, the King and Lord of Toufu, Kaguragi Dibousuki, arrives to confront him.

Kaguragi Dibousuki: Because I, The Lordly King of Bounty, Kaguragi Dibousuki~, will take you down by force! Even if it means getting my hands dirty. 

Meanwhile, Glodi Leucodium (in his monster form) approaches the Kingdom of Ice and Snow, Gokkan, as he looks at the Ziburn Castle.

Glodie Leucodium: So this is the castle of Gokkan that the previous monarch, Karras Dehaan, held as queen? No matter, I'll destroy this castle before destroying Ishibana so I could have my world of silence.

???: I won't let you do it for your own desire. 

Just then, the King of Gokkan, Rita Kanisuka, appears in front of the castle to confront Glodie.

Glodie: The monarch who tried to seal me in frozen ice just like Karras did. 

Rita Kanisuka: Correct. The Immovable King, Rita Kanisuka! Gokkan stands resolute. And I shall not waver!

Meanwhile, Kamejim Unka (the former member of Bugnarak as Prime Minister) is attacking the In-Between Land of Bugnarak. 

Kamejim: It's been a long time since I was in this cave. But due to the look of this right now, I shall demolish it.

???: Well I don't mind stopping you.

Just then, the King of Bugnarok, Jeremy Brasieri, appears behind Kamejim to confront him, drawing his Kumonos Slayer to Kamejim's neck.

Kamejim: My long time rival, The King of the In-Between, Jeremy Brasieri.

Jeremy Brasieri: Well, Now. You actually stole my line. No Matter, I shall defeat you. 

And now, back at Shugoddam, as Gira explains to Dugded...

Gira: We are the warriors clad in crowns! And together we are...

Gira, Yanma, Himeno, Rita, Kaguragi, Jeremy: The Ohsama Sentai: King-Ohger! 

After that, the Five-Core Monarchs activate their respective colored switches on their OhgerCaliburs, while Jeremy inserts the Change Kumonos Key onto his Kumonoslayer's key slot. 

'Qua God!' 'Tone Boy!' 'Come and Kick It!' 'Pop It On!' 'Hatch It!' Guys Go!'

The Five Monarchs then twist the blue switch, hook the yellow switch, hit the violet switch, and push the black switch, while Jeremy lifts the Kumonoslayer in front of his face, with the spider facing upwards, as the Six Monarchs shouted...

Gira, Yanma, Himeno, Rita, Kaguragi, Jeremy: Ohgai Busou! (Royal Raiment!) 

The Five Monarchs then pull the red switch, while Jeremy turns the key, initiating the transformation into the Ohsama Sentai King-Ohgers (KuwagataOhger, TonboOhger, KamakiriOhger, PapillonOhger, HachiOhger, and Spider Kumonos respectively). 

'You are the King, You are the, You~ are~ the King~!' 'Spider Kumonos~!'

'Tonbo, Kamakiri, Papillon, Hachi, KuwagataOhger!'

After the Ohsama Sentai transformed, they charged at the Uchu Villains, battling them to protect their Kingdoms.

Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger intro - Zenryoku King. Performed by Takayuki Furukawa.

The battle sequence goes on for 1 minute, until the Five Monarchs hold onto the OhgerCalibur's trigger before activating their colored switch three times, while Jeremy turns the Change Kumonos Key on his Kumonoslayer, initiating the finisher standby sequences.

'Ohger Charge!' 'Hit Search!'

The Ohsama Sentai then press the trigger on their respective Transformation Swords and perform their respective finishers:

KuwagataOhger summoning a red energy manifestation of God Kuwagata's pincer to deliver a powerful slash against Dadged,

TonboOhger encased his OhgerCalibur's blade in the form of one of God Tombo's wings before delivering a blue energy slash at Goma.

KamakiriOhger summoned a yellow energy manifestation of God Kamakiri's Raptorial Claws to deliver a powerful slash against Hilbil.

PapillonOhger summons a swarm of butterflies to form a giant Butterfly that looks similar to God Papillon to attack Glodi, before PapillonOhger slashes the opponent multiple times at great speed.

HachiOhger summoned a swarm of hornets to merge onto the blade, converting it to be engulfed in fire. HachiOhger then slashes Minongan in various flame attacks.

And Spider Kumonos delivers a purple energy slash at Kamejim, as both of the Uchu Five Jesters get defeated in the process.

'Ohger Finish!' 'Dancing King!'

After that and the theme song ends, the Five Jesters retreat back to their Space Background Lair, while Dagded, who is immune to KuwagataOhger's attack, is still standing, as KuwagataOhger walks towards him.

Dagded: You fool! Have you forgot that I'm still invincible?

KuwagataOhger: Of course I know, Dagdon Dujardone.

Dagded: It's DAGDED DUJARDIN! Jeez, This is SO BORING after your comrades pulled a prank on me for not getting separated.

KuwagataOhger: Well that's because we'll always stick together when big threats come to our Kingdoms. We're always prepared from your and the Five Jesters attacks, and in order to protect our nations, and the people that we love! Even though I didn't know that my crew would pull a prank on you and didn't tell me about it.

Dagded: So this is why we pull off our All Out Attack Plans so that we could finally destroy Chikyu and use it as our child's plaything!

KuwagataOhger: Well too bad your plan failed. Now drop down to your knees and surrender to the King of Evil!

Dagded: Okay, fine.

Just as Dagded drops to his knees, he mysteriously summons a portal behind KuwagataOhger, as Dagded shouts...

Dagded: SIKE!!!

He quickly pushes KuwagataOhger off towards the portal, getting trapped in there and detransforms back to Gira in the process.

Dagded: Hope you have a good day on Earth again, cause that will be your last! HaHaHaHa!

After that, the Uchu King leaves Chikyu by using the portal to teleport him to space with the Five Jesters. Meanwhile at the Quarry on Earth, the portal drops Gira and lands him to the ground, where he finds the other five detransform monarchs, who are also teleported by Dagded's portal to Earth.

Gira: Everyone! Are you alright?

Yanma: Yeah, we're fine, Octomush. That stupid Uchu King is always pulling something outta his sleeve.

Himeno: Just when we defeated the Uchu Five Jesters, we got sucked into Dagded's portals, which leads us to Earth. Speaking of which...

Rita: We're back to Earth again. But it seems different since the last time we came here.

Gira: Wait. What do you mean by that, Rita?

Just as the Ohsama Sentai are wondering about what Rita said, Kaguragi sees something disturbing.

Kaguragi: My friends, take a look at that.

The Six Monarchs take a look to see what's going on. There, below the ground, they find that the Zyuden Sentai Kyoryugers, Daigoro Kiryu (Prince) as King Kyoryu Red, Ian Yorkland as Kyoryu Black, Nobuharu Udo as Kyoryu Blue, Souji Rippukan as Kyoryu Green, and Amy Yuuzuki as Kyoryu Pink, are battling against an army of past 46 Super Sentai Footsoldiers, as the Ohsama Sentai recognizes them.

Jeremy: Well, Now. Looks like we got some war going on here.

Gira: It's Prince! And the rest of the Kyoryugers!

Himeno: It seems like they're battling against a whole army of villains.

Yanma: So does that mean that these damn Deboth Army have been revived yet again?

Rita: Wrong. This time someone must have revived the Zorimas and the rest of the henchmen to attack Japan.

Kaguragi: Well, we should go help them!

Gira: Your right! Everyone, Let's Go!

Ohsama Sentai: Right!

The team pull out their respective Transformation Sabers and transform into the King-Ohgers once again, before Gira pulls out the OhgerCrown as he press the Red Gem.

'King! King!'

Ohsama Sentai: Ohgai Busou!

Gira: Shiso Korai!

Gira then places the crown on his head, initiating the transformation into King KuwagataOhger. 

'You are the King, You are the, You~ are~ the King~!' 

'Spider Kumonos~!' 

'You are, I am, We are the, We are the King! King-Ohger~! King KuwagataOhger!'

During the transformation sequence, they jump off a cliff and landed on the ground to charge and attack the villains to aid the Kyoryugers, as the story will be continued.

To Be Continued...
