
Name: Mocha Frappe Cholamn (Cho-Laa-mn)

Personality: Talk shit get hit. Full of sass at all times, may be small but can whoop your ass and isn't easily intimidated. Tends to pout or Whine when being scolded by his twin brother, Very kind to people who are his fans.

Random fact: If he finds out someone Simpson for he may or may not do something for them to be nice (doesn't mind stepping on someone's head so long as they praise and pay him for example)

Info: High heeled thigh high boots are a must when he feels like being classy, Hoop earrings are an Always. Always has a Coy and calm composure. Isn't flattered easily.

Someone random: "Your beautiful"
Mocha: Ik?? Tf wasting my time telling me something I already know-

-3 ex boyfriends

-Powerful boss man

-Owns 4 different pairs of glasses To match outfits.

-walk in closet

-Is currently not in a relationship
