Foudre (G.I oc)

Name: Foudre
Sexuality: Bicurious (unsure about how he feels towards girls )
Likes: Slimes (except pyro ones) Swimming and Being left alone with his slime pals
-has a group of slimes that he considers his family who he takes care of And Makes sure to never leave behind

Dislikes: Fire, anything to do with fire, and someone trying to kill his slime family

Why he hates fire: His ex best friend And him got onto a fight and His ex best friend nearly Burned half his face off, And left a lot of weird burn scars on his face and his arms. (Hence the gloves)

Any time he finds slime condensate He keeps in a memorial bag for the Dead slimes to be respectful to his slime family.

He hates people- Happily will kill a person and not a slime-
