obsessed 012

09:00 am
amusement park.

shit. na-uh. no way.

❝ a-amusement p-park? ❞ i stuttered nervously, trying to hide my uneasiness but failed.

❝ yeah. the amusement park? yah, hyung don't tell me you're scared of the amusement park? ❞ some emotion flickered in his eyes.

❝ w-why would i be scared of the amusement park? ❞ i chocked out an awkward laugh. ❝ i'm just shock that you brought me here. ❞ 'cause i thought you're going to bring to the other park (the one with trees, benches).

❝ mhm, alrighty then, let's head down first to the roller coaster. ❞ he said nonchalantly, tagging me along to where he was going.

r-roller coaster?!

i want to pull away from his grip but i don't want to be laughed by these people and especially jungkook! i want to look strong for him.

and also, the reason why i suddenly don't want to pull away is because his hands are so soft.

❝ hyung. . . ❞ he groaned, ❝ you're gripping my hand too tight. ❞

then i must be too scared to go for a ride.

❝ s-sorry, ❞ i said and blushed a little.

he sighed then stopped abruptly and faced me with his serious face.

❝ hyung, just tell me right now if you're freaking scared. i won't force you to go on a ride with me. ❞

❝ i'm not scared! ❞ i boldly told him, showing a facade. ❝ i gripped your hand too tight because i'm excited, not scared! ❞ i even plastered my-not-so-scared face, for him to believe me.

❝ you sure, huh? ❞ he challenged, now smirking.

❝ don't challenge me, gguk. for the nth time, i'm not scared. ❞ i frustratedly sighed.

he raised both of his hands, his smirk not disappearing, and answered, ❝ alright, i believe you. ❞

he grabbed my hand and together, we walked to the roller coaster, hand in hand.

❝ two tickets for the roller coaster ride, please, ❞ he politely said to the cashier.

fucking help me when the ride starts.
