obsessed 006

❝ yah! ❞ someone called me as he softly patted my cheek. ❝ jimin-ah! wake up! ❞ and it's yoongi hyung.

i groaned, turning my back on him and facing the other side of my bed.

❝ it's already 9 in the morning, why won't you wake up? ❞ he lazily stated. ❝ yah, did you eat dinner last night? ❞ he asked, expression visibly was worried.

i shook my head, not feeling healthy so suddenly.

❝ why? ❞ he asked and stood up. ❝ what did you do? ❞

❝ i watched anime the whole night. ❞ i answered weakly while sitting up straight.

he froze when he saw the dry tears stained on my cheeks.

his face became serious and pointed to my cheeks.

❝ now tell me what happened to there. ❞

❝ uh, this? ❞ i pointed my cheeks and nervously chuckled. ❝ you know how emotional i am when it comes to watching some anime, right? ❞

he nodded, his right hand under his chin, ❝ keep telling yourself that, but not me, jimin. not me. ❞

❝ what? ❞ i raised both of my hands as if surrendering. "i'm telling you the truth. ❞

❝ you can't, jimin. you can't fool me. i know you since we were kids so i'm telling you right here right now that you're not good at lying. ❞ he told me calmly.

❝ okay, fine. you win. i guess, i can never be a good liar. ❞ i admitted.

i only heard him 'tss' and walked out of my room. where is he going?

❝ hyung! where are you going? ❞ i asked, managing to shout so he can hear it.

pabo, just rest. i'm just gonna cook you some breakfast. ❞ i heard him shouted back at me.

i went to the washroom to clean up my face first. geez, i cried so much last night because of you, jungkook... and i still have this dry saliva at the side of my mouth.

finished cleaning, i returned to my bed and tried to go back to sleep but can't. i sit up straight and reach for the remote control to watch again the anime.

❝ i thought you're gonna sleep? ❞ yoongi hyung asked, carrying a tray of foods.

❝ i can't. ❞ i simply answered.

❝ is it because of that kookie? ❞
