obsessed 008

❝ before i leave, ❞ yoongi hyung started. ❝ i just wanna say that the little boy texted me yesterday. ❞ he finished, leaving me alone, dumbfounded.

❝ little boy? ❞ i thought.

who is he talking about?

❝ h-hyung! you can't just leave and not answer my question! who are you talking about? ❞ i caught up to hyung, who's still by the gate.

i tugged the hem of his shirt when he didn't answer and just carelessly walked out of the gate.

❝ such a pabo. i'm talking about your one and only ggukie. ❞ he answered, removing his shirt from my grip.

i stayed still, blushing. i don't know how will i react.

❝ what did the text say? ❞ i asked, I badly want to know what he asked.

❝ he was just asking if you're okay 'cause you were acting weird yesterday. ❞

❝ o-oh," did i really act weirdly yesterday? ❝ just that? ❞

❝ yup. ❞ he nodded. ❝ just that. ❞

later that night.

i heard a soft knock coming from the window. i slowly lift up the window and see jungkook sitting at the tree branch.

❝ jimin hyung, ❞ he waved his hands and smiled.

❝ g-gguk! ❞

i saw him struggling on how to get down from the tree. we heard something creak, and it's coming from the branch jungkook's sitting at.

❝ c-can you jump from there to here? 'cause maybe if you still try to go down, the branch might b-break and you'll end up falling do-down. ❞ i asked him, panicking.

❝ i can j-just a problem. . . ❞ he answered with a pained expression.

❝ w-what is it? ❞ i peeked through the window and saw that his left foot got stuck. ❝ oh shit, ❞ i muttered.

❝ don't move! i'll go down! ❞

i didn't know what he answered because i already got downstairs and by the time i got there, jungkook already lying on the floor, holding his left foot.

❝ ah shit! ❞

i ran up to him and kneeled down.

❝ hyung, I told you not to go down! ❞ he hissed in pain.

❝ but the branch. . . ❞

❝ the branch broke when you got down. ❞

i massaged his left foot but he suddenly yelped in pain.

❝ i-i think i got sprained. ❞

❝ can you walk? ❞ i asked, worried.

❝ i'll try. ❞

i helped him get on his feet. even though he's younger, he's heavier than me.

he tried walking but he'll just hissed in pain whenever he stepped on the ground.

❝ aish, why do you even have to climb up the tree when you know there's a door? ❞ i told him, more like preaching him.

❝ it'll take you longer to open up the door. ❞ he deadpanned.

❝ so why did you go here? ❞

❝ just want to tell you that we'll meet at the park tomorrow by nine. ❞
