Epilogue: Six Months Later- September 2021

Gina's POV:

"Gina, Your alarm clock is beeping, please turn it off. I don't have class till 3:00 pm today. I know that you don't have class today but why is your alarm set so early?" I look over across the room and see Kourt with her sleep mask still on looking annoyed since she isn't a morning person.

"Sorry Kourt, my meter is beeping," I go over to my nightstand and check my glucose monitor to see if my glucose reading is high or low this morning.

Great. It's 79. I need to eat something before it drops to a lower number.

"It's fine. I'm going back to bed. Take care of yourself," I listen to my roommate talk and watch her cover her body again with her duvet blanket.

"Kourt, wake up I need your help. E.J's coming to visit New York today. We're going on our first date today what do I wear?" I get up and grab a juice box from our mini fridge to raise my glucose reading then sit on my bed.

"Gina, what time is it?" I hear Kourtney's voice from under her side of the dorm room.

"Uh 8:45 am," I look at my phone for the time as I sip on the juice box.

"And what time is E.J coming to pick you up for your date?" I her her grumble from under her sheets since she likes her beauty sleep.

"Uh, his private jet arrives at the airport at 12:00 pm, so I guess his driver should arrive outside or dorm by 1:00," I tell her as I try my best not to pull my roommate out of bed.

"Wake me up at 10:00 am then," I hear Kourt's voice then watch her as she puts her sleep mask back on.

"Ugh, I'll just call Ashlyn for fashion advice since I'm already up and she's a morning person," I grumble to myself since my glucose meter woke me up early in the morning alerting me of a low reading.

After finishing my juice box and watching my glucose meter to make sure that the number on the meter is going up, I head to the dorm lounge to call my other best friend, Ashlyn who is attending UPENN in Pensylvania and make sure to close the door in case anyone suddenly walks in on me talking about my famous boyfriend to my bestfriend.

And of course, she picks up on the first ring.

"Hey, Ash hope I didn't wake you up too. I need some fashion advice," I place my phone in front of me since I pressed facetime instead of voice call and put my air pods in so that no one can hear her.

"Nah you didn't wake me up bestie. Just got out of my 8:00 am lecture. How's FIT with Kourt? Why do you need fashion advice you are studying at a fashion and design school?" I look at my phone camera and see Ashlyn walking out of a building which I assume is a lecture hall.

"Because today's my first date with him and I don't know what to wear," I talk to my phone quietly since people in our dorm might hear me.

Everyone knows that E.J and I are dating but we haven't had time to officially hang out or go on dates like regular couples. He has his own life and I have mine.

"You've been dating him for six months and haven't gone on a proper date yet? I've been dating Red for 7 months and we've been on quite a few dates since he's at UPENN too," I listen to Ashlyn and watch her gasp as she sits down on a bench outside her lecture hall.

"He's a busy man. He hosted the Teen Awards and then he had rehearsals for his world tour and then he went on his world tour. And while he did that, I had to pack for college and get settled in and switch my doctors so that they are all here in New York instead of back in Oregon. We haven't had time to go on a formal date yet. Anyways, didn't you go to his concert with Big Red?," I ask her trying to change the subject since I don't want to explain to her more about what it's like to date a celebrity.

"Yeah, it was a few months ago. We had a lot of fun. Anyways, what kind of fashion advice do you need from me? Why aren't you asking Kourt for advice? Since she's the fashion expert" I listen to Ashlyn and watch her take a water bottle out of her bag.

"Kourt is still asleep. You know how she is with her beauty sleep. I don't know if I should wear a dress or not since it's still September. I could get cold if we're walking some place and the weather in New York changes all the time," I tell her and bite on my nails because I'm honestly nervous to see my boyfriend again.

He's an international superstar and I'm just a college student with diabetes trying to get my dress designs to be the next big thing at NYFW. I've only face timed, texted and called him in the last few months. The last time we saw each other was at my high school graduation then he had to go back to L.A for tour rehearsals.

"Gi, you're doing that thing where you are spacing out again. What's on your mind? Besides your outfit and cute pajamas by the way," I hear Ashlyn's voice through my airpods as I face my phone camera again.

"What if he's changed since Worldwide his tour? What if he doesn't like me anymore? What if he found a new celebrity girl to date? What if the paparazzi ruin our date? Ash, I'm nervous because this is our first time we are going to be in the public eyes since he came to Prom and Graduation," I tell Ash while biting my nails and facing the phone camera.

"Gi, babe please calm down. He sang an entire song to you at Prom and gave you an apology speech. You guys have been doing great with a long distance relationship and being in the spotlight. Just wear a cute top and your favorite pants. If you get cold, I'm sure he will have a jacket that you can borrow for the day. You've texted me everyday since you guys started dating while he's on tour and you're starting college. I know that you got this Gi and nothing will ruin your date not even the paparazzi," I listen to Ashlyn's calm voice through my airpods as I try to relax and take a deep breathe.

"You're right and you are the best Ash. Nothing is going to go wrong today and E.J probably hasn't changed since I last saw him. We text or facetime very chance that he gets so I'm sure that he's not with anybody else. I've seen his social media and the tabloids with rumors," I try to calm down as I face my iphone camera with the facetime call.

"Hey, I gotta go. I'm meeting Red at the library coffee shop in 15 minutes and I gotta walk there. Have fun on your date and don't stress out about the paparazzi. Just have some fun with your boyfriend," I see Ashlyn wink on camera and then hang up on the call.

After turning my phone off, I head back to Kourt and I's dorm.

First, I check my phone for the weather in the city and see that its going to be in the mid 60s and high 70s today.

Perfect first date weather. I think to myself since my roommate is still asleep.

For a few minutes, I have to quietly shuffle through my small dorm room closet and try my best not to wake Kourt up. But then after being indecisive on which shirt to wear with my favorite pair of pants, I finally pick out a grey off the shoulder shirt that doesn't show too much cleavage.

Since I'm one of those girls who likes to take long showers, I grab my shower caddy and clothes then head to the girl's bathrooms to shower.

That way I can let Kourt have her beauty sleep; and she can help me with my hair and makeup when she wakes up.

After my long shower in the disgusting shared girls' bathroom, I head back to my room in my new clothes with a towel on my head so that my hair can air dry a bit till Kourt wakes up.

"Good morning Gi, what are you doing today?" I walk into our room and dig through my drawer for my hair dry and curling iron.

"I'm going on my date with E.J remember? Or are you still half asleep?" I laugh lightly at her since she;s still in her pajamas.

"Oh yeah. I really like your outfit roomie. Do you need help with your hair and makeup? And are you nervous for your first public outing with your celebrity boyfriend since Prom and Graduation?" I listen to Kourt as I plug in my hair dryer into one of the outlets on my side of the room.

"Yeah, I was thinking that you could help me with my makeup. I'm going to blow dry my hair first then add a few tiny curls but I want it to stay natural for the paparazzi," I giggle to her as I put my towel on my door hanger.

"Ok, sounds good. I'm going to go shower and change out of my pajamas. Have you eaten breakfast yet?" I listen to Kourt before I start blow drying my hair.

"No, I haven't. Wanna get brunch at the dining hall?" I look over to her and watch her pick through her closet for her own outfit.

"Sure, Gigi. We can have some girl time before I have my class and you have your date," I listen to Kourt then watch her leave our dorm room to go to the bathrooms to shower.

While Kourt goes to shower, I blow dry my hair and check my phone for any messages from E.J but don't see any.

He's probably on the plane right now sleeping or planning our date.

25 minutes late Kourt comes back to the room dressed in a new outfit and helps me curl my hair since I'm not the best at doing it myself.

"It looks perfect Kourt. You did a great job with my makeup too. Thank you! I don't know what I'd do without you," I gently side hug her and try not to get makeup on her shirt.

"No problem, roomie. Now, I'm starving so let's get some brunch before you go on your date and before I have to come back to the dorm to study before my Fashion Advertising and Marketing class," I watch Kourt as she picks up her purse and dorm room key from her closet door hanger.

"Ok, Let me pack my bag first, slow down Kourt," I go over to my night stand and grab my phone, phone charge, dorm key, and a snack bar just in case my glucose reading drops then drop all the items into my purse.

Once, we get to the dining hall. Kourt and I get brunch and eat with a bunch of girls that we met in our Runway and Design study class. I try my best to listen to the girls talk about hair, makeup, dresses and more FIT stuff but can't help but think about how I'm going to see my celebrity boyfriend in a few hours.

"Gi, you good? You barely talked at brunch and it's 12:30 now. We were talking to the girls from class for almost an hour," I hear Kourtney's voice from behind me after I put my plate away in tray return.

"Yeah, just excited and nervous for today," I bite my lip and follow her to the student union which is right outside the cafeteria.

"I think someone is here for you," I look over at Kourt curiously and see her point to a black car waiting outside the student center where we are sitting.

"OMG, he's early. Kourt check my makeup do I look good? I need a mint," I start getting nervous since he's waiting outside with a security guard.

"You look fine Gi. Here's a mint. Don't have too much fun with Mr. Celebrity," I watch Kourt as she pulls a container out of her purse and gives me one.

"I won't," I wink at Kourt and pop the mint in my mouth before heading out to see E.J wearing a grey shirt, jeans and a blue hoodie while standing with a security guard.

"I missed you so much. I see that you didn't wear a disguise," I go over to hug my boyfriend tightly and ignore the fact that students are already taking pictures of us

"I promised you that I wouldn't wear a disguise on our first date. It's just me, E.J Caswell. I missed you too Gi. You look beautiful. I love the way you styled your hair," I watch him as he walks over to me excitedly and leans down to kisses me on the lips since he's a few inches taller than me.

I kiss him back for a minute and ignore the students behind us who are probably posting, tweeting and captioning photo's of us kissing right now

"Wow, I can't believe that I just had my first kiss before my first date even started," I get seated into the back of the car while E.J's security guard and driver get in the front seats.

"Just wanted to show everyone that you are mine," I see E.J wink at me as we buckle our seat belts in.

"Oh ok, well I missed you so much. Where are we going for our date?" I lean my head back on the head rest.

"It's a place called Clarkson's Restaurant and Bar, then we're going to walk around Hudson Yards Park," I listen to his deep voice and hold onto his hand and lean over so that we can cuddle a bit even though we're buckled in while the driver drives to the restaurant.

"I haven't been to that restaurant before sounds fancy," I lean my head on his shoulder while we sit in the back of the car and enjoy each other's company.

"It's casual don't worry," I feel him kiss my cheek since we haven't had our official first kiss yet.

I guess that we just haven't kissed yet because he's been so busy with his tour and music and I've been busy getting adjusted to college life and handling my type one diabetes. We didn't get to kiss at Prom because it was more of him apologizing to me for everything that happened.

Once the car stops in front of the restaurant, E.J is once a gentleman to me once again and opens the car door for me.

I never thought that I'd be treated like this before or even find love as a person with diabetes.

Unfortunately, E.J's security guard has to follow us as we get situated at a private table in the back but once we sit down at the table across from each other, the security guard finally leaves us alone.

"I still can't believe that you have to deal with security guards, management, and record label stuff every single day," I sigh as I look across the table at E.J smiling at me.

"Eh, I got used to it when I first became famous. So, how's FIT? Is it everything that you expected and more?" I look at E.J into his dreamy eyes and smile at him.

"It's only my third week and I already feel like this year is going to be 10x harder than any of the year's I've had to deal with in high school. I don't have my friend group anymore but we text all the time and check up on each other through social media posts. How was your world tour and what have you been up to since you got back home to L.A?," I answer his question and ask him how his life has been even though I have seen everything on his social media posts from his tour recap video, to his house tour.

It's just polite to ask someone how they are doing even though you see them on social media all the time

"You got this Gina. I know that you will shine at FIT. You got a full ride scholarship for a reason. The professors must like your work already. Tour was so fun and exhausting. The adrenaline rush was the best feeling. I've been writing and recording more music on tour and I've been busy in the studio in L.A but I'm here now with you," I feel my cheeks burn up from my blush and watch him as he reaches his hand across the table to touch mine.

"New music?" I look at him curiously and take his hand from across the table.

"Yeah, I'm currently trying to revise my second album. Gina, are you cold? Your hands are cold?" I listen to E.J as I stare into his eyes.

"Uh yeah a little. It's just something I have to deal with because I'm diabetic and cold blooded," I shrug my shoulder and then watch him as he gets up out of his chair and takes off his hoodie to wrap it around my shoulders.

"Thanks E.J," I smile at him as he sits back in his chair across from me.

"Want to see something cool? You have to promise not to tell anyone not even your roommate," I watch E.J as he pulls his phone out of his pocket.

"Sure, is it the new music?" I ask him while I look at the menu that the waiter placed on the table earlier.

"It's just the voice memos and first draft of the album but here take a look and let me know what you think," I watch as E.J puts his phone down on my side of the table.

"Woah, this looks so cool and legit. E.J, did you write all of theses songs about the weekend we met?," I gasp at him and hand him his phone back.

"Yeah, I've been writing a lot lately and these aren't all pop songs, Some of them are slow acoustic songs. I like my new sound," I hear E.J say confidentially as I smile at him.

"I'm really proud of you E.J, you are showing the world who you really are in these new songs and not who the media thinks you are," I hold his hand across the table as we look at our menus.

"I'm proud of you too Gina. Your life may not be like the movies but you have proven to everyone even your parents that you can be a strong, independent, hard working woman," I listen to E.J as I blush at his compliment.

A/N: and that's the end of Not Like the Movies :) I hope you enjoyed the story.
