Chapter 20: "What happened?"

Gina's POV:

I open my eyes and stretch my arms out then realize that there's an IV in my arm.

What happened?

The back of my head hurts. It just feels like a bruise though. Why are there wires connected to my body it's definitely not my pump. Where am I?

"Oh my gosh, you're awake," I look across the room and see my two best friends sitting in plastic chairs crying.

"Where am I? What happened? Why is their an IV in my arm?" I look around the room and notice that I am in a children's hospital room.

"You fainted in front of those interviewers the other day. Your mom came home just in time and thought it was your glucose reading. We knew that you hadn't eaten since that small bite of apple so we told her what happened before. She tried to look for your glucagon nose spray to wake you up but I guess you really did faint. You were rushed to the hospital and the paparazzi are outside. The IV is to make sure you are hydrated," I listen to Ashlyn explain to me after she gently goes over to hug me.

(A/N: as an author with type 1 diabetes I need to explain little things like Glucogon to my audience. BAQSIMI is the first and only dry nasal spray that can treat low blood sugar emergencies. It is a form of glucagon given as a puff in the nose. Ok keep reading)

"Wait, the other day? How long have I been asleep?" I look around the room for a clock.

"Oh you've been asleep for 14 hours. You must've really been tired. Your parents are in the cafeteria getting food. We told them we would keep an eye on you and tell them when you wake up," I look over at Kourtney who still looks sad.

"How did you guys get here? Aren't there paparazzi outside?" I ask them since I'm still confused about what happened.

"Your parents drove us. We couldn't stay over night though so we went home to change and freshen up. Let me call the doctor and your parents," I see Kourtney get up as if she's the adult in charge.

Wow, I'm still so confused. One second I'm crying over E.J Caswell the next second I'm in the hospital.

"Hey, are you feeling okay? Do you need water? Is your head feeling okay? You fell on the carpet the other day," I look over at Ashlyn who scooted her chair next to the hospital bed.

"I think it's just bruised. Can you get me some water?," I tell her since I do need water but want to be left alone for a moment to think.

What happened?

"I'll go get a cup of water, Kourtney is coming with the doctor and your parents. Please lay back and rest," I see Ashlyn get up and it all comes back to me.

Everything. The beach, the not eating incident, the interviewer, the paparazzi, everything.

I just sit there for a moment alone and I want to cry but I don't I just sit there and stare at the wall.

I don't know where my phone is so I can't check social media and I don't think that's a good idea right now.

"Hi, can I come in? I'm Dr. Ramirez, I've been taking care of you for the last day," I hear a knock on the door and snap out of my thoughts.

"Are my parents here?" I look up and motion for the doctor to come in with my hand without the IV in it.

"They are outside. I told them that I wanted to do a general procedure first before they come in and ask questions. How are you feeling Gina?" I watch as the doctor walks over to me.

All of a sudden, I get flashbacks of when I was in the hospital and first got diagnosed with diabetes. It's not traumatizing or anything. I just remember it clearly.

"I'm okay. My friend said she would bring me a cup of water since I'm thirsty. My head hurts a bit but it just feels bruised," I shrug my shoulders at him.

"Well, I'm just going to do a few things and check to see if you have a concussion just in case," I see the doctor take out a flashlight and stethoscope.

I sit there for a few minutes and let him do his procedure. It's nothing too bad like needles and IVs but I just feel so alone here.

"Well, everything looks fine. I think you just hit your head, your mom said you hit a carpet which is good. Your glucose reading was 25 when you arrived yesterday. It must have dropped in the ambulance and when you fainted. Can you remember why that happened? I know that it's not easy to take care of diabetes, school, and life but this is weird because you've never been this low I checked your charts from your meter," I look up to the doctor and listen to him.

"I guess I was too busy working on design portfolio and I forgot to eat," I lie to him but it's partly true.

"Well, that is certainly important but your health is too. I'm going to have you stay overnight just to monitor you. Don't worry it's just to monitor your glucose reading nothing else. A nurse will come in shortly with an ice pack and your lunch. I am going to tell your parents they have been freaking out for the last few hours that's why I didn't bring them in even though it's part of the protocol," I see the doctor smile at me and wave.

I'm so thankful that he did not have anything to say spit the paparazzi outside. He's probably ignoring that situation for privacy reasons and to keep his job.

After he leaves, I lay back down and sigh in relief. I'm glad he believed my lie about my portfolio but wait? My portfolio is due at the end of this week, what day is it?

"Hey, your parents are outside talking to the doctor. It sounds like you're staying one more night," I see Ashlyn walk in with a bottle of water and Kourtney come in with a nurse following her.

"Yeah, it sucks," I shrug my shoulders at her while the nurse places a tray of food down on my table and checks on all my monitors.

After the nurse leaves, Kourtney and Ashlyn stare at me while I give myself some insulin since my pump is still attached to me.

"What are you staring at?" I look up and take a bite of the hospital food sandwich.

Ugh. Gross.

"When are we going to talk about you know who?" I look up see Kourtney blurt at me and watch as Ashlyn pulls her chair back and whisper something to her.

"Who?" I look up at them and lie to them since I don't want to talk about it.

"E.J Caswell," I listen to Kourtney whisper since we're in a hospital.

"I don't know who you're talking about," I deny to them.

"Then why is your face all over twitter with the # mystery girl?" Kourtney holds out her phone to me and I see the familiar photo that Carlos sent me the other day.

"Can we talk about something else? I'm eating," I chew on the sandwich the nurse gave me.

"Ok, but you're going to have to talk about it soon. By the way, I forgot to tell you that I picked out some of your dress designs from Miss Jenn's art show for your portfolio and I really think that the FIT admission group will like them. They look beautiful and I saw that you weren't finished with a design when we were arguing in your room so I thought I would help out. This was at school when you were faking sick Miss Jenn helped me," I look over at Kourtney sitting in the hospital room chair and suddenly don't want to be mad at her anymore for talking about you know.

"Awwww, Kourt, you didn't have to do that for me. I just didn't think those designs for the art show were good enough so I left them at school for Miss Jenn to hang up in her room," I smile at her since I'm actually not mad she went behind my back.

We've both been working on our goal to get to FIT and this hospital stay is a set back because my portfolio is still due at the end of the week.

"I'm sorry if I went behind your back but I know how much you've been working on other stuff and I wanted to help. Your dress designs are better than mine too," I look over to see Kourtney tearing up and Ashlyn comforting her.

"I'm not mad at you. I'm actually happy. I was so worried about my portfolio when the doctor came in. I don't even know what day it is. I applied for a full ride scholarship but I doubt I'll even hear back," I smile at her and continue to eat.

"You're going to get it. I know how hard you work and you inspire me. It's actually Tuesday afternoon but we skipped school for you," I listen to them as they go over to hug me gently since there's still and IV in.

"Guys, I'm eating. I might choke," I say to them as we back away from the hug.

"Sorry, I'm just happy that you aren't mad at me," I see Kourtney sit back down in her seat.

"Oh my gosh, Gina what happened? Are you okay? Why weren't you eating on Monday? Why is your face all over the TV?" I see my parents come in without knocking.

"I'm fine," I put the sandwich down on my tray and see Kourtney and Ashlyn quietly leave the room.

"You weren't fine when I found you talking to camera men and when you fainted on our carpet. Your mom told me what happened," I look over to see my dad place his hand on my arm gently.

Does he not understand what I've been through in the last 24 hours and does he not remember dinner? I do.

"I'm fine," I place my hand on the hospital room tray.

"Can someone please give me my phone? I need to text my friends and tell them what happened and text my boss," I look at my dad angrily.

"I will, when you tell us what happened the other day. Your friends told us part of it but we don't understand everything," I look up to see my mom holding a bag with my clothes and phone.

Ugh, hospital gowns.

"I don't remember," I lie to them since they didn't care 36 hours ago.

"The doctor said that you don't have a concussion so you obviously remember some things," I look at my mom holding the plastic bag and listen to my dad.

"Did that E.J boy do something to you before I came home from work?" I look over at my mom looking at me seriously.

I can tell she cares but she is still holding my phone back from me.

"E.J? I thought his name was Ethan?" I hear my dad start to argue with my mom.

"He didn't do anything, can I please have my phone?" I lie to them since I don't want to tell them what happened

"Fine, but we are going to have to say something because the paparazzi or cameramen or whoever they are won't leave from outside the hospital parking lot and entrance and security is trying to control them," I watch as my mom hands me my phone.

I smile at her and lean over to hug her.

"I'm sorry for scaring you mom. I know I can't explain the paparazzi right now but can I please just rest and text my friends?' I look at them even though my dad still looks confused and mad at me.

"Ok, we'll talk tomorrow when we have some private space back at home. Get some rest and eat your lunch. I'm going to go ask a nurse how we can get home tomorrow," I look at my mom half smile at me and ignore my dad.

She must still be mad at my dad about dinner the other night.

After they leave the room, I notice that Ashlyn and Kourtney have texted me, I read their messages and also read Seb and Carlos' texts but don't even dare to open up social media just yet.

Ash Moon: I'm coming back after I do homework, my mom picked me up from the back of the hospital exit. There's paparazzi everywhere outside. Get some rest Gi.

Kourtney (Designer): Sorry, I couldn't stay any longer, my mom found out that I skipped school and is mad. I got a ride with Ashlyn. C U tomorrow!

Sebby: I heard about what happened from Kourtney I feel so bad that I wasn't there for you. I had farm chores. Sally the cow says that she wants you to feel better soon. I won't ask about you know who since I know Carlos will. Love yaaaaa

Sebby: When you feel better and when things die down, I want to invite you to meet Lizzie, she's the cutest baby sheep and she was just born over the weekend. Sorry if it's awkward, just thought it would cheer you up.

Sebby: Carlos is nagging me about you know who but I told him that I'm putting you first and not the caswell club

Carlos (Caswell Club Prez): E.J is talking about you on tv again. He said that you were just a fan who wanted a photo

Carlos (Caswell Club Prez): Oops... I pressed send before I read Seb's message from Kourtney. I really hope you feel better soon. I can't visit the hospital my mom says I have to focus on school.

Carlos (Caswell Club Prez): I am discontinuing the caswell club just so you know

Carlos (Caswell Club Prez): Miss Jenn said that she heard about what happened in school today she wants to send flowers but I told her I don't know if she can because of the situation

Carlos (Caswell Club Prez): Kourtney texted the groupchat and said you're finally awake. I'm sending lots of virtual hugs. I'm sorry if E.J did something to you. Ok, I'll shut up now.

Carlos (Caswell Club Prez): Are you going to Prom? If you don't have a date by April I'll go with you bcs nobody's going to ask me anyway. Ashlyn is planning the best senior prom ever.

I read off my phone and already feel a headache coming. What is E.J saying about me on TV? I'm still just a fan? Ouch, that hurt again.

I should probably check my social media to see what this is all about because the paparazzi are at the hospital for a reason.

I know I said I wouldn't but I just have to see for myself.

A/N: thanks for 2k reads!
