Chapter 31: "What You Mean to Me"

E.J's POV:

Today's the day I'm going to perform at Gina's prom. I'm doing this because her friend Ashlyn needed a musician to play at Prom but most importantly to show Gina that I still care about her.

It's been a tough last 24 hours for me so far getting to Oregon and getting prepared for tonight. My mom asked me why I was getting a red eye flight to Oregon from LAX airport last night and I obviously didn't respond to her since she isn't my manager anymore.

I had to make this entire trip a secret. I told my assistant, Antoine, about it and he let me go because there's no more Teen Award Press but he said I had to take security and he wouldn't be able to come on the trip.

"Mr. Caswell, your room service is here," I look up from my bed and see my security guard walk in unannounced.

This new security that I have is unlike the guys that I had back on tour or in L.A. There's three big buff guys who wear all black t-shirts and pants. They are very rude and don't even talk to me unlike Gina who can talk to me all day.

Gosh, I miss her so much. I wish that I could use a time machine and travel back to the day before our beach trip where I said she was just a fan of mine.

"You could've knocked first," I roll my eyes at the security guy who didn't even bother to knock and see if I was dressed or not and then go over to the small table where my dinner is set.

Gosh, this trip would've been easier with my old security guys from tour and Antoine.

I have no assistant or manager with me. I guess this is what it's like being 18 and a celebrity

"Could you uh go stand outside please?" I try to tell my security guard that I need space to eat breakfast alone.

I wait for him to go stand outside to make sure that no crazy fans get in and then when he's gone I go over to my back pack and pull out my journal that has my song for Gina and apology speech to read over.

I need to make sure that I don't mess tonight up. I only have one chance to get her to forgive me.

If I mess this up, her best friend Ashlyn is going to kill me for being the Prom entertainment and for making Gina sad on her Prom night.

After I finish my dinner from room service, I grab my phone from my night stand and see that I have 11 new messages. 6 of the messages are from my management about tour, music, Teen Awards and modeling, 4 of the texts are from Nini asking about the movie again even though I told her NO, and the last text is surprisingly from my only friend, Ricky.

My management can wait. I can reply to them about music, tour, and the Teen Awards later.

Gina is more important.

I look down at my phone and see a picture of my former high school best friend wearing a burgundy suit and posing by a wall.

"Looking good Ricky" I text him back then set my phone down on the table and read over the song that I wrote for Gina.

While I write in my journal and drink my tea, my phone ring rings on the table scaring me half to death since I'm still daydreaming about tonight.

I pick up my phone and quickly check the caller ID to make sure that it isn't my mother or father or my management, and see that Ricky is calling me.

"Hello?" I talk on the phone and try to sound as casual as possible because Ricky and I are friends and he doesn't see me as some celebrity teen wannabee.

"Hey, so I need some advice. Should I third wheel with Red and crash Ashlyn's Prom or go to my school's Prom by myself?" I listen to my best friend talk while listening to him shuffle through his closet or drawers for something.

"That's why you called me? Seriously? Why didn't you text me instead? I could've been in the studio or at a photoshoot. And I thought that Ashlyn went to the school in the district across from your house?" I tell him and vaguely recall him telling me that he knew Gina and Ashlyn from the pizza shop but didn't go to school with them.

"What happened to my best friend?! Oh, wait he became famous, and doesn't want to give advice to his best friend anymore," I listen to Ricky's voice through my phone.

"I thought that you forgave me and were over that?," I put my phone closer to my ear to talk to him.

"Yeah, I thought I was. So what should I do? Should I third wheel with Red and crash Ashlyn's Prom or go to my school's Prom by myself? And what's up with you and Gina? Dude, you sound sad even while I talk to you over the phone" I listen to Ricky and realize that he's probably right.

My voice has gotten lower and became much more sad and emotionless when I do interviews or sing since I left Gina on that beach and said she was just my fan even though we spent a whole weekend together.

The best weekend of my life.

"E.J are you still there?" I hear Ricky's voice through my phone and realize that I'm daydreaming about Gina again.

"Yeah, I'm still here," I mumble to him through my phone.

"So, what should I do?" I hear him repeat his question again.

"I think that you should third wheel with Red and crash Ashlyn's Prom because then you can see me again," I tell him over the phone and hope he gets what I'm hinting to him since he doesn't know that I'm coming tonight to perform as the Prom entertainment at Ashlyn's Prom as her favor.

I'm glad that Ricky was nice enough to give me Ashlyn's number but I kinda forgot to tell him what my plan was after that.

My plan to get Gina Porter to forgive me is my secret plan, no one else knows besides Antoine and a few other people in my security team.

"Wait, what do you mean see you again? Aren't you in L.A recording and rehearsing for your world tour? What happened to that song we recorded when I came for your birthday? Are you doing something with that or putting it on your album?" I listen to Ricky talk excitedly since he's into music too, he's just not famous.

He doesn't need to deal with the paparazzi and media interviews. His voice is really good and he doesn't need to go viral to prove it.

"Calm down Ricky, I'm actually in a hotel in Oregon right now," I smirk at myself even though he can't see me since we are talking on the phone.

"Wait, you are in the same state as me for once? Why didn't you tell me yesterday? I would've canceled my plans for today so that we can hang out again like old times," I listen to my best friend's voice through my phone as he gets excited.

He probably forgot about my situation with Gina and me being famous for a second, I think to myself while I listen to Ricky rant about how excited he is to see me.

"Ricky, calm down. Yes, I want to see my you again but I' m actually in Oregon because I'm the entertainment for Ashlyn's school prom. I've never met this Ashlyn girl before but she seems pretty serious about Prom and her friend Gina Porter. I got in contact with her since you gave me her number and talked to her about that Gina girl that you saw on the news who did an interview about me. I really need all the luck that i can get tonight, Ricky. I'm going to sing a new song to Gina and tell her how sorry I am for throwing her under the bus. Ricky, I love Gina. She isn't just a fan to me. She's amazing and so talented. I think I fell in love with her over a weekend. She changed my life and made me see me for who I really am not who the media thinks I am or my fans think I am," I spill out my entire plan to him and whisper the last part of my rant to him quietly since my security is outside.

"Wow, you really have changed since I last you in L.A. So, how do you know that she's going to be there tonight? Red told me that he's taking Ashlyn to her Prom. I guess she changed her mind and didn't want those E.J Caswell concert tickets he tried to give her. And I guess he's skipping our school Prom for hers," I hear Ricky's voice get softer as he speaks.

I bet he feels left out since red has a date. I wonder if Big Red will recognize me as Jay from the video game counsel because we've never met before. We've always just talked over the headset while playing COD.

"Ashlyn told me that she's going to make sure that Gina is there tonight. I can't mess this up again because the media has already seen what I did to her a few months ago and I don't want to make her life even worse. She's already dealing with a lot at home," I tell Ricky over the phone and leave out the fact that Gina has diabetes, and interesting parents.

"Well good luck and I hope that you don't mess things up tonight because that will look bad for your image and I'll probably have to give you the silent treatment again," I listen to Ricky's voice on the phone and realize that he's probably right.

I'll probably lose my fans and my only friend if I throw Gina under the bus again tonight and mess up my apology.

I've already hurt her feeling enough from what I heard from her best friend Ashlyn.

"See you tonight Ricky. I hope that I don't mess this up," I tell him before hanging up on the call so that I can edit my apology speech a bit more.

After finishing my tea and re-reading my apology letter to Gina, I finally take a look at the suit that I'm going to wear tonight that's laying in my small hotel room closet.

I'm hoping that it will be good enough for a high school Prom.

Ashlyn said that the theme is Once Upon a Time and I am going for a prince charming look without a crown of course. I already have that specialty treatment I need and I hate it because the paparazzi suck.

"Mr.Caswell, your car is here. You better get dressed now because the event is at 6 and the drive is almost half an hour long," I hear a knock from my door and look up from my seat to see that annoying security guard again who doesn't even to ask before coming in.

I could have been getting undressed or in the shower.

"Ok, and the name is E.J by the way. Mr. Caswell is way too formal," I roll my eyes at him then head to the bathroom to change into the blue suit that I choose for this Once Upon a Time Prom.

Once I've changed into my suit, put my journal in my backpack along with Gina's senior hoodie and my water bottle, i head to the black car that's outside of the hotel waiting for me.

It's now or never. I have to do this apology speech and song perfectly for Gina.

During the car ride to her school where the prom even is taking place, I read over my journal in the back seat and make sure that I have my sunglasses in my backpack in case of paparazzi.

"We're here Mr. Caswell, you can get mic'd up and everything in the backstage area of the gym," I watch the car stop as my security guy opens the door for me.

I'm 18 now. I should be able to fire that guy.

"Ok," I give him a nod in response and head to the back of the school gym to prepare for my performance.

After getting my mic on and re-reading my apology speech again one more time, I hear a knock come from the smelly gym backstage where I'm getting ready.

"Knock knock, can I open my eyes now? Are you dressed? I Oh, my goodness you really came. Gina's going to be so happy. She's been in a sour mood since we got to the gym because everyone has a date except for her," I look up and see a redhead girl wearing a light blue Cinderella style dress.

"I'm dressed and I'm assuming that you're the famous best friend that Gina always talks about, Ashlyn Moon. Nice to meet you, the name is E.J Caswell. You can call me E.J," I look over to her while she stands by the gym backstage door looking shocked to see me and put my hand out for her to shake.

"Oh and thank you so much for helping me with my apology plan for Gina. It really means the world to me. Thank you for inviting me to your Prom and I really don't mind being the entertainment for tonight as long as I get to see Gina and tell her how sorry I am," I go over and shake Ashlyn's hand as she stands by the doorway.

"It's no problem, but if you hurt my best friend or say one wrong thing, I will never listen to your music again or go to your concert. My date got me tickets to see you on tour but no promises that I'll go," I listen to Ashlyn talk to me as if she's the calmest fan I've met in the world besides Gina, who isn't a fan of mine.

"Once again, thank you for inviting me here and I promise that I won't break your best friend's heart again. Enjoy the performance and let me know if you want an autograph or something," I wave to her as she leaves to head back to the dance floor while I prepare to get on the gym stage.

Ok, breathe E.J. This is going to go well. I mumble to myself before getting on stage with my band to start my speech and song.

"Gina Porter, there are some things that I forgot to say to you over that weekend when you changed my life and saved me from the paparazzi," I look into the crowd of students on the dance floor to see Gina wearing a beautiful, sparkly dress looking nervous to see me again and Ricky waving at me.

Can't blame you for thinking
That you never really knew me at all
I tried to deny you
But nothing ever made me feel so wrong I thought I was protecting you
From everything that I go through
But I know that we got lost along the way

Here I am with all my heart
I hope you understand
I know I let you down

(A/N: Imagine E.J singing this at Gina and Ashlyn's Prom wearing that suit too and lyric cred to Disney Music Company and songwriters)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"What did you think? That you could just come to my senior Prom and sing to me. And everything would be fine for you and your reputation," I watch Gina walk over to where I'm standing and listen to her talk to me like she's my enemy.

"Um yeah. Sort of. Yes. I don't know. Maybe," I stutter as I put the microphone down even though students are crowding around us, probably because I'm Mega super star, E.J Caswell performing at their Prom.

"Well which is it? Because if you're here to waste my time and ruin my senior Prom, I don't care. I want to dance the night away with my friends who actually care about me," I watch Gina as she speaks in a sassy tone again.

This time its probably not from a high blood sugar, it's probably because she's still mad at me for ruining her senior year and calling her just a fan on that beach months ago.

"I just came to say that I am sorry for all the trouble that I caused when I last saw you and all of the lies that I've told in those interviews that you saw. I really didn't mean any of the things that I said in any of those interviews," I look straight into her beautiful eyes and see that she still isn't happy to see me.

"Don't you think you're a little late? Everyone here is just begging me to give you a copy of your autograph before I graduate. Everyone thinks that I'm that girl who met you and is that #mystery girl. And don't you have Nini now to compliment and write songs for?," I watch Gina as she ignores the crowd of students and staff surrounding us as she steps closer to me.

While I look into Gina's eyes, I hear foot steps come from the entrance of the school gym and see a reporter and camera man walk into the area where the dance floor is.

I take this second to take a deep breath in and out then continue speaking the truth to Gina and the rest of her peers.

"No, Nini and I aren't together. And I'm the one who lied to everyone and to you. You are the most amazing girl that I've ever met, you inspire me everyday to be who I really am," I start to stay but then see that the reporter lady has come up to me to hold a microphone in my face.

Great. She's from StarBuzz TV way to make this even more public.

"I lied about meeting Gina Porter in all of those interviews. The truth is that I know Gina Porter. She is more than just one one of my fans to me. In fact, she wasn't even a fan of my music when I met her. Gina is an amazing pizza delivery girl who can be a bit too sassy at times, she's talented in so many ways that she doesn't even realize, and most importantly she's resilient and honest. I admire her for everything that she does and want the world to know how amazing she is. She understands me like no one else does. She makes me a better person and I have to thank her for that. Oh and I'm crazy about her. I think I'm in love with her," I face the camera men and hold the microphone up to my mouth so that everyone can hear me loud and clearly.

After I did my impromptu interview with camera man, I turned to face Gina to see a big smile plastered on her face.

The biggest smile I've ever seen.

"Gina Porter, I am so sorry that I hurt you and called you one of my fans on that beach when we last saw each other. You are so much more than a fan to me. I promise you that I will never do that to you again. Please forgive me and will you dance with me?," I reach my hand out for her to take and look around and spot a blonde haired boy watching us and gasping every second.

"Of course I will Ethan," I hear her her whisper to me while the camera man, interviewer and group of students watch us.

"Go away now please," I shoo the interviewer and camera man away before I dance with Gina.

Before I can place my hands around Gina's waist to dance with her, I hear someone walk up to us as the music starts to play again from the loud speakers.

"E.J, this is my friend Carlos. Carlos, this is my good friend, E.J Caswell," I wink at Carlos knowing that he's still a huge fan.

"Carlos, I've heard a lot about you from Gina. Do you wanna dance with me?" I smirk at the boy that Gina told me ran something called a Caswell fan Club for me in school.

Instead of hearing the boy's reply, I watch him double over and almost faint in front of us.

"I got this for you, bro. Enjoy your dance," I look back behind Carlos and see that my best friend Ricky already has Carlos in his arms.

"That's what happens when I meet my super fans. Now where were we?" I turn to face Gina as I wrap my arms around her neck as we start to slow dance to the song playing.

"You didn't have to come all the way to Oregon for me," I listen to Gina's voice as she steps closer to me.

"Yeah I did. It's not cool to sing to a girl and ask a girl out over the phone. So, will you go out with me on a real date?," I give her one of my famous E.J Caswell smiles.

"Do I have to wear a disguise?" I listen to her as we slow dance together.

"Nope," I reply as I look into her eyes.

"Do you have to wear a disguise?" I listen to Gina as she looks around the gym to see her friend Ashlyn dance with who I'm assuming is my online friend, Red.

They look cute together. Maybe one day, Ashlyn will get to go to my concert when I go back on tour.

"Than I'd really like to go out with you, E.J Caswell," I hear her giggle as she calls me by my full name.

"Oh, and I almost forgot, I bought these from L.A just for you and your hoodie is back at my hotel room. I washed it," I smile to her and hand her a pair of my sunglasses that I use to protect me from paparazzi camera lights.

"You remembered and I almost forgot about my senior hoodie," I listen to Gina and watch her dress sparkle under the disco ball lights.

"How do I look?" I watch Gina as she puts the pair of sunglasses on even though we are in a school gym.

"Like a superstar," I tell her then put my hand back on her waist, making sure that I don't touch her insulin pump that's clipped to the back of her dress so that we can dance to a more upbeat song that's playing from the speakers together.

"You look like one too," I quickly pull out a matching pair of sunglasses from my suit pocket to wear.

"Well you are a superstar silly. You're E.J Caswell," I stare into Gina's eyes as we dance to the pop song that's playing from the speakers.

A/N: There's one more chapter left :)
