Chapter 4

(big ol time skip. sports festival time now beaches) and this ones just a one shot bc im lAzy

Kirishima POV:

I was tired, I was embarrassed, and I missed my boyfriend. I had just woken up in Recovery Girls office. I had been knocked unconscious by Tetsutetsu. He was in the bed next to me, still out cold. I closed my eyes and drifted off again, but it only lasted a few minutes this time.

"Is he okay?" I heard the door slam open and an angry voice.

"He's fine. Just resting." Recovery Girl sighed.

"I'm awake now." I still didn't open my eyes.

I heard the person run over to my bed. He grabbed my hand and I finally opened my eyes. I smiled.


"Are you sure you're okay?" He looked worried. I kind of hated that I had made him worried about me, he seemed so out of character.

"I'm fine." I smiled at him. "The only thing thats hurt is my ego."

"Thank goodness." Bakugou planted a quick kiss on my lips

"You know, I like your sweet side." I put my hand on his cheek and he leaned into my touch. "Why don't you show it more?"

"You want the truth?" Bakugou's eyes were soft

I nodded.

"I only feel comfortable acting that way around you I guess because I know you wont judge me or whatever." Bakugou ducked his head. "I know it sounds stupid."

But it doesn't sound stupid to me. It just sounds, cute I guess is the word I'd use to describe it.

I smiled. "I'm glad you trust me enough to act yourself around me."

"Yeah, don't get full of yourself, Shitty Hair." he grumbled.

"Out!" Recovery Girl whisked over and ushered Bakugou out the door.

"I want to hang out with my boyfriend, god damnit!" Bakugous face was red, either with anger at Recovery Girl or embarrassment at accidentally telling her we were dating.

"He needs rest. Now out."

Recovery Girl shoved him out the door and I barely managed to get out an "I love you!" before she slammed the door.

"Touching." the healer stuck an IV in my arm, and I slowly drifted back to sleep.

(pls vote on this story if u like ittt)

