Chapter 2

Kirishima's POV:

It was the day before school started. My mom handed me my training uniform and got in the car and started it.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You aren't going anywhere." my mom said. "Your father and I are going to America for a while, remember? So you have the house all to yourself. Don't burn it down or break anything expensive. We already spend enough money on you."

My dad got in the car and slammed the door. I backed up a few feet as they sped out of the driveway and down the street on the way to the airport. They didn't even say bye.

I pushed open one of the double doors to our too-big house. I always felt bad that my trash family was rich enough for a mansion when perfectly kind people had to live on the streets. It was just plain unfair.

As I clomped up the stairs to my room, thoughts of my soulmate ran through my head. I thought about how he hadn't acted surprised or anything, and wondered if maybe I wasn't his soulmate, even if he was mine. I had never heard of something like that, where there's only a one sided match, but I hoped it wasn't a thing. Even if I hadn't known if he was my soulmate, I was attracted to this boy, I wanted a chance with him.

I stood in front of my bathroom mirror and looked at my reflection. I felt like it didn't suit me. It was a reminder of my old, weak self. A reminder of the unmanly kid who got bullied. That wasn't me anymore. Now, I was stronger. I was manlier, and I had a soulmate.

I hopped on my bike and rode down to Plus Ultra Cuts. (pretty much super cuts but idk if i can say that lol)

"What would you like today?" asked the hairstylist lady.

"Red." I told her. The color of his eyes. I looked in the mirror in front of me and realized for the first time that my eyes weren't grey. And mine.

Bakugou POV:

"Bye, sweetie!" my mom tried to give me a hug, but I ducked away and sneered. "Have a great day at school!"

"I might if you would ever let me leave the house, hag!" I snapped.

"Don't speak to your mother that way!" my dad said.

"Whatever, old man." I rolled my eyes and hitched my backpack further up on my shoulders. I would never admit it, but I was nervous for school to start and excited to see my soulmate.

I hope we're in the same class. I thought as I walked into UA.

"Oh, wow, HI!" I heard a familiar voice. I turned around to see a boy with shark-like teeth, like my soulmate, but he had spiky red hair. I was sure it was him, though, because of the scared and hopeful look I recognized on his face.

"You're hair's different." I noted. I walked over to him so we could talk more easily. This seemed to scare him even more, though, and now he reminded me of a lost cat. So cute.

"Oh, um, yeah." he grinned and rubbed the back of his neck.

"What class are you in?" I asked.

"1-A. What about you?"

"Same." I said. "Do you want to walk there together?"

"Oh, yeah!" he smiled even bigger and walked alongside me on the way to homeroom.

Pssh. He's a dork. I thought.

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked.

"Kirishima Eijiro." he held his head high.

"I'm Bakugou Katsuki." I said. "Hey, Kirishima?"

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Your hair looks shitty." And then I kissed him.

Kirishima POV:

"There he is!" I pointed to the blonde boy.

"Go and talk to him, bro!" Denki shoved me.

"Okay, okay." I smiled nervously.

I ran up to my soulmate.

"Oh, wow, HI!" I waved at him. He turned around and my heart started beating a little faster.

"Your hair's different." He said. His hands were in his pockets, and he looked so cool and manly in his uniform. Awesome.

"Oh, yeah." I had honestly forgotten about my new hair. I had spiked it up, so now my head kind of looked like an explosion.

"What class are you in?" he asked me.

"1-A." I was glad that he was going to lead the conversation. It felt so unmanly that I had no idea what to say. "What about you?"

"Same. Want to walk together?" he offered.

Heck yes! I want to spend as much time as I can with you, you beautiful creature. But of course I didn't say that. Instead, I said "Oh, yeah!"

We started walking. He walked pretty fast, I had to power-walk to keep up.

"Hey, what's your name?" he said.

"Kirishima Eijiro." I smiled.

"I'm Bakugou Katsuki." His facial expression hadn't changed at all since we had started talking.

A few seconds of silence.

"Hey, Kirishima?" He stopped walking and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Yeah?" I was slightly confused. What would he say?

"Your hair looks shitty." he smirked.

My surprise was cut off by his cool lips against mine. My eyes widened, and then I melted into it. I grabbed him and pulled him closer to me. He didn't resist.

Eventually, we broke away. He had a huge grin on his face.

We walked the rest of the way to class hand-in-hand. I laid my head on his shoulder, but he pushed me away when we reached the door.

"Not in class." He said.

I was slightly hurt, but I understood. He didn't want to get judged for being gay. I could relate. It didn't really matter though, because now I knew for sure that we were meant to be. He had seen his color that night, and I wondered what it was.

After school, I asked him.

"Hey, Katsuki?"

"Yeah, shitty hair?" he squeezed my hand when he said that.

"What color did you see?" I asked.

"Orange." he said.

"What was it like for you?" I couldn't break away from his shocking red gaze.

"Beautiful." He murmured.

I had never heard him sound so... gentle. All day long at school, he had been yelling at this kid he called Deku.

"The whole sky was grey, and then I looked into your eyes, and...." he seemed at a loss for words. "And then everything seemed so alive. It all sparkled from the light, and it was all because of you."

My heart melted.

"Kat...." I smiled at him.

"Your hair's still shitty." he said.

"It's the same style as yours!" I gasped with fake astonishment.

"No way, yours is much more stupid." He started to smile.

"You know you love it." I cocked my head at him, and, to my surprise, he blushed a little. Cute.

Bakugou POV:

Why is he so damn cute? I was actually blushing. I never blushed. What was this boy doing to me?

"Do you want to come over to my house?" Kirishima asked. "Just to hang out, I mean."


We rounded the corner and saw Todoroki and Midoriya sitting together at the bus stop. They were sharing a vanilla milkshake.

My heart hardened. I used to have a massive crush on Deku. The only person who knew, a random girl on the internet, called me a tsundere because I was always mean to him even though I liked him.

I had always thought that he liked me, too, because of how nice he was to me no matter how much I beat him up or teased him for being quirkless, but now he was obviously dating Todoroki.

"Hi, Kaccan!" Deku scooched a little closer to Todoroki, like he was relying on stupid half-and-half to protect him.

"Deku." I stormed towards them.

"Kat, what are you doing?" Eijiro grabbed my wrist, but I shook him off.

I grabbed Midoriya (Deku)'s shirt and lifted him up. Todroroki shot up.

"Watch yourself, Bakugou." He snarled.

"Calm down, Melanie Martinez boy. I might not hurt him."

Todoroki looked disgruntled, but he didn't let his guard down.

"So, after all these years of looking up to me and helping me and being such a sunshiny and happy person all the time to me, you decide to fall back on Todoroki?" I shook him. He choked a little.

"I-I used to like you," he rasped, "But it seemed like you would never like me back, and... Shouto is my soulmate."

I dropped him. "Whatever. Go be happy with peppermint stick. I have shitty hair here."

I hugged Eijiro and kissed his forehead. He hopped on my back and wrapped his arms and legs around my body.

"Is it too early to say I love you?" he whispered in my ear.

"Maybe." I said back, "But I love you too, hair-for-brains."

I felt his smile against my neck and smirked a little.

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