Chapter 3

short chapter, sorry- ash

Bakugou POV:

We reached Kiri's house and I set him down. He immediately got back on my back. I rolled my eyes and fished a key out of his backpack. I opened the door and went to the kitchen. Don't ask me how I knew where the kitchen was, because I don't know. I guess I could.. sense the food or something.

Eijirou sat on the counter while I got cinnamon rolls from the fridge. I microwaved them and got plates for me and Kiri. We ate in silence for a few minutes, and then I felt a hand on my neck. Kirishima was still sitting on the counter, laying down now so that his face was right in front of my plate. I leaned forward to kiss him. His mouth tasted like frosting.

I never thought I would ever meet my soulmate, much less actually fall in love with them. But here we were. In my boyfriend's kitchen making out over a cinnamon roll. Wow.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" I asked.

"Sure." Kirishima slid onto my lap and hugged me. He got up and we went outside. When we turned the corner, I pulled Kirishima behind the nearest building. A massive villain was snarling at a small old lady, who was cowering and trying desperately to convince the villain to leave her alone.

"Bastard." I growled. "Who attacks a helpless old lady?"

"So unmanly." Kirishima shook his head. "Well, let's go." He activated his quirk, which made his entire body the texture and durability of a rock.

"Wait, what?!" I grabbed at Kirishima, but he was already almost on top of the villain.

Kirishima POV:

I can't just stand by and let this lady get terrorized by a villain. It wasn't like he was major, so I bet I can take him.

I hardened my body and ran at the villain, away from Katsuki. I heard my boyfriend start yelling, but I was too far now to stop.

"Wait, what?!" he shouted, and I heard him sigh exasperatedly.

I jumped and kicked the villain in the face with my hardened leg, and I felt his nose break. I turned and bent so I was face-to-face with the old lady, now that I could hear Bakugou taking care of the villain.

"Are you okay?" I asked, trying to make my voice as gentle as possible.

"I'm fine now, thank you young man." she dabbed her forehead with a handkerchief.

"I'm going to take you to the police station, okay?" I held my hand out and she took it. I could feel her hand shaking.

"Are you doing okay, Kat?" I shouted at Bakugou.

"Doin' great, babe." He grinned mischievously and blasted the villain off of his feet again.

I smiled a little when he called me babe.

~time skip because i'm lazy~

Still Kiri POV:

I stayed with the old lady until she finished telling her story to the cops. Apparently, we had come in at the start of it. He cornered her, threatened to hurt her if she didn't give him her purse, and then we showed up.

The old lady hugged me and thanked me for bringing her to the station and for saving me.

"Tell your boyfriend thank you, too." She smiled and patted my cheek.

"I will." I smiled back at her.

"You're welcome." I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder. I turned to see a slightly charred Bakugou.

He held the villain by a chain connected to his handcuffs, and was walking with the police, leading him to a cell.

Katsuki walked back over to me with a huge smile on his face. The old lady was visiting with the woman at the front desk in the lobby, so we had the room to ourselves. I grinned, flashing my shark teeth. I knew he loved that, because he always blushed when I did it. This time, though, he didn't blush. He just kissed me. It was short, but sweet. We walked out of the police station hand-in-hand. And I don't think I had ever been happier. 

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