"start locking this door!" i yelled as i walked inside onikas house. she texted me saying she was hungry and i'd just finished cooking right when she did. it's like she knew. so i decided to bring her a plate because i know she can't cook for shit. i don't want her to starve herself. "why you just laying here like that?" i chuckled seeing her sprawled across her bed.

she looked so bored i poked my lip out. either that or she's just beyond tired. i wouldn't put that past her because she works so much. they be having me messed up, i request breaks. don't nobody wanna model 24/7 of their life. i have kids.

with onika being a model, photographer, and a designer, she's always booked. no telling which she has to do. hopefully she's off today because that wedding took her out the other day. she had came back with no shoes on and just her pants and bra. girl got undressed in the car.

kind of made me mad that she was walking on the ground with no shoes but i just told her not to do that. it's gross.

"here's your food."

she didn't say anything and pointed to her night stand. so i sat it there before sitting on her bed. all she did was look at me from her laying position. just spread out on her stomach.

"what's wrong? why haven't you said anything?" i pushed her hair back and kissed her cheek. she flinched a little at that making me look at her weird. why she acting like she scared? never in our years of dating had i ever put my hands on her so... "nic..." she creeping me out. haven't said a word. just watching me.

i sat there looking at her confused. i'm guessing my staring made her look at me with an annoyed expression.

"you're the one not saying anything to me... why you flinching?"

she pointed to her mouth but that did nothing. i'm still confused. so i showed it on my face. before i could ask another question she sat up. the side of her mouth looked swollen and my eyes widened.

"what happened?" i got up quick grabbing her face. she hissed pushing my hands making me apologize. "what happened?"

"i went to the dentist." she grumbled cuffing her chin as slob came out her mouth. ew. i scrunched my face as she went to the bathroom. that explains why it hurt so bad.

"what'd they do?"

"wisdom tooth."

"they didn't put you do sleep?" my eyes widened. if she took that pain then she's really too gangster. no way i could've done that. they had to put me to sleep with no hesitation.

"i don't trust that shit." she came out holding her jaw with a towel. everything she said sounded so muffled, like she was talking with her tongue. i followed her around while she did something for her mouth. all i did was take medicine so i don't know what she's doing. "i can't even eat that.... i'm sad as fuck." she mugged a little while laying her head in my chest. i rubbed her back for comfort while she whined. "can i have a kiss?"

"will you feel it?"

"please don't be funny right now."

i softly grabbed her jaw and kissed her a couple of times. she was looking like a little kid with her pout while i wanted to laugh. she's so cute.

"lay with me. where are the girls?"

"rumi is with my sister and lyric is with miles." i spoke taking my shirt off. might as well stay here with her since my house is empty. the girls are always on the go. i be missing them.

"pants too." she spoke before i even laid down. i sighed stepping out of them and got in bed with her. her cold hands touched me but i dealt with it. it's weird how cold she always is, i'm always warm. we're opposites in a way but we connect. "i'm in pain."

"i bet you are." i rubbed my fingers through her hair. she started whining and i shook my head. lord. she can get so whiny sometimes. shouldn't have got this shit removed without being put to sleep. think she so tough.

"i'm about to sleep this shit off." she got up and i knew what she was about to do. we're gonna be in bed all day when she does that. i'm not tripping, we don't have anything to do.

she came back to bed with a pill bottle and i watched her shake two in her hand. once i realized what she was about to do i grabbed her hand really quick.

"don't do too fucking much. one."

"but it hurts so bad." she pouted. i wanted to laugh at the way she was talking but i don't wanna get yelled at. everything she said had drool coming afterwards. "like really bad baby." i watched her take one and put the rest away. she doesn't take high doses of them, so taking two wouldn't hurt. it's just the fact that she's never taken more than one, that i know of. if she has, i don't care. not around me. "i'm about to die."

"take more than one and you'll really die."

"i don't appreciate the threats being sent my way."

"shut up. lay down." i pulled her over to me and let her grab my waist. she was kissing on my arm the best way she could and i was letting her. everything felt so normal. like no mistakes existed and we moved on with our lives from the spot we left off on four years ago.

i love that it feels that way. or at least she makes me feel like that.

my baby is really knocked out right now. she asked me to make her a smoothie a little bit ago but ended up falling back asleep while i made it. when i came back up i just chuckled and turned right back around to put it into the freezer. it'll be ready when she's awake.

i laid back down next to her balled up body. americas next top model has been going for a minute. this is what she was watching before she fell asleep so i've been going with that. i'll keep where she left off in mind so she won't get mad about me continuing.

while i was intensely watching, she rolled over and wrapped her leg around my waist. her upper body didn't move though. so i started rubbing and playing with her thigh. she probably can't even feel it. i was pinching and smacking.

"janice get on my damn nerves." I grumbled sighing heavily. 

"where's my smoothie?"

"shit. you scared the hell outta me...i made it, it's just in freezer for you." i looked over and her eyes were closed as she nodded her head. didn't even hear what i said for real before she fell back to sleep. i'm gonna stop answering her.


"yes onika?"

"my smoothiiieee."

"if i get up and get it will you be awake when i get back?"

"yes i'll be woke." she grumbled like she was falling asleep again so i just laid there looking at her. not even a minute later and she was relaxed again. sleep.

i'm not getting up no matter what she says because imma be pissed if i go get it and she's asleep.


"are you awake? sit up and look at me."

"i can't sit up, my mouth hurt."

"did you take the medicine that was given to you onika?"


i sighed heavily getting up and going to her bathroom. that's her problem. she never takes pain seriously. always trying to do stuff her way instead of the way it needs to be done. just get on my nerves sometimes.

right on the counter i saw the pills she was supposed to be taking. i grabbed them taking two out like the instructions read.

"up. now."

"i'm not getting up."

"get. up. now."

"i don't wannnaa."

"take this medicine and stop being dumb. that's why your shit is still hurting, you not doing what you supposed to do."

"i'm not supposed to do anything but be black and die." she got up though.

i make her take the pills before i went to get her smoothie. luckily she wasn't asleep when i got back, but she did look upset. when i gave it to her she looked at it weird like something was wrong.

"the fuck is th-" drool cut her off and she wiped her mouth.

"it's good, drink it." it has beats and spinach, lord of fruit. it's really good, i always drink that when i'm going through my phase of working out.

"i'm not drinking this shit."

"drink it tanya."

"no. get it out my face." she gave it back and i sighed heavily. no way she's being ungrateful. i stood in there and put my heart and soul in this smoothie. "movvveee. i don't want it."

"drink itttt. i think i did good with it." i pouted a little making her roll her eyes and take it back. when she drunk it she didn't have an expression but a second after is when her face scrunched up.

"that shit is-" she drooled making me laugh out loud. that's what she get, ready to talk shit. "disgusting yo!"

"it's not. i drink this a lot."

she shook her head frowning. whatever, i'll drink it then. better not ask me to make her shit else.

"are you going back to sleep?" i sat on the bed while drinking the smoothie. it's actually really good, she's just dramatic. she's never drunk it before so of course that'll be her reaction.

"no. you're about to go to the store with me."

"why?" i didn't plan on going anywhere. just sitting in the house with her is fine. plus she shouldn't wanna do anything besides lay down.

"i need to buy some material. it's prom season and i have a couple dresses to make." the way she was slobbing just had me wanting to laugh so much. "stop fucking giggling before you piss me off."

"baby! it's nobodies fault that you had to get that done." i laughed putting my clothes back on. she didn't say anything else while changing clothes so i went downstairs to wait for her.

it's so cold in this house....i'll be glad to step outside for a minute. feeling outside heat after being in a cold home is the best feeling ever. just defrosting.

"come on."

"baby just stop talking. you drool every time you do."

"shut up. please."

"don't be rude to me."

she huffed opening the door as i went out. now it's time to be in a nascar race. i'm just gonna catch an attitude with her if she start that speeding shit.

"bruh i'm dying."

"no you're not, stop saying that." i glared over at her and she smacked her lips. before i could even say anything, she turned the radio up on me making me roll my eyes. petty ass.

The Need To Know by Wale and SZA was on and I know that's one of her favorite songs. she can't even sing it right now, poor tink. i rubbed her thigh to it because it's one of those songs..

"im not trynna pressure you, just can't stop thinking bout you. you ain't even really gotta be my girlfriend."

i swear this how she had me feeling when she was ignoring me all those years. like we don't even gotta be together, just be with me. and yes that does make a lot of sense.

this girl is literally my soulmate. like from now on, can't nobody else have her. i don't care if she does fuck up on me, nothing can beat the mistake i made. so if she makes a mistake, i'm delusional so i'm staying with her. i don't care.

"moovvee." my rubbing had to be turning her on. she was trying to ignore it but i ended up pushing my hand further up.

"don't push my hand away. i can touch you." i mugged moving to her stomach. she's gonna get pregnant for me. one of these days it's gonna happen, i don't care. no matter how much she denies it and tells me fuck no. it's gonna happen.

i get what i want.

"when we get in please don't start looking for other shit to buy. i'm getting material and things i need, that's it."

i love marshals. it's full of decorations and i live for those. my house is well decorated but i still change things around little by little.


"no. i'm not trynna hear-" she was cut off by drool. i was about to laugh and surprisingly she laughed with me. it's funny she can't lie about that. juicy mouth. "bruh just don't."

"i gotchu mama."

"don't talk to me like that."

"how i'm supposed to talk then?" i chuckled looking at her while she got out. following behind her and going inside. "what colors?"

"blush pink and black."

"cute." i was already looking at stuff to get. she's just gonna have to be mad at me. cause i'm about to go shopping in here.


"baby please?" i pouted. i'm going either way so it doesn't matter.

as soon as she turned around to look at material, i snuck away. i don't care.


y'all will get something better soon. this was just there lol.
