Chapter 7

Cross groaned, as he sat boredly in his room. "Oh hush." Chara demanded, in a human form. "I'm bored." Cross laid on his bed, in the very dark room. "Why don't you go ask if you can leave?" Chara asked as Cross shook his head. "I asked, but he won't let me. I don't understand!" Cross stared at the ceiling. "You're smarter than me, and I know. He cares about you, so he but you on bed rest." Chara said, stating the obvious. "Maybe I'm just useless now... I have been doing things that fail him." Cross sighed. "Oh my X! I'm done! Just done! Bye!" Chara walked out, closing the door behind her.

Cross sighed as he heard a knock on his door. "Go away!" Cross yelled, not wanting to be taunted to leave. "Cross? What wrong?" A female voice asked. "Oh... Sorry Kat." Cross said as he opened the door to reveal Katrina with a tray with medicine food and a cup of water. "It's fine. I just brought your medicine, food, and water." Katrina said, setting the tray on a stand by his bed. "Thanks..." Cross said, looking off to space. "Cross. Cross. Cross! Cross!!!" Katrina yelled, finally getting his attention. "What?" Cross said, oissing Katrina off. She took a deep breath, calming herself down. "What's wrong? You're drifting off to space." "Oh... Um... I was just wondering. Why Nightmare won't let me leave. I'm supposed to protect him, and be his loyal sevant, and yet, here I am. Stuck in a room." Cross groaned as he fell back on his bed. "You're one of the most intelligent people I know, but when it comes to feelings, you're even worse than Nightmare." Katrina said, as Cross groaned in annoyance. "I can think of plans, fighting skills, and everything else, but when it comes to others feelings, I'm the worse." Cross said, staring at his ceiling in his dark room. "I just said that..." Katrina whispered. "Maybe... I don't know..." Cross cheekbones turned a light purple. "Maybe what?" Katrina asked, crossing her arms in a comfortable position. "I was thinking about asking him himself, but I'll just piss him off more. He probably hates me right now." Cross teared up a bit. "Cross. He doesn't hate you. The complete opposite actually." Katrina whispered the last part. "Hm... Why don't you eat, take your medicine, then I'll talke you to him." Katrina said as Cross shook his head. "I thought he was pissed. I mean... It's more darker, and heavier to do things." Cross said, knowing what feelings the darkness has, depending on his emotion. "Cross. You've been He for so long. When he's pissed, it's painful, heavy, and darker. Right now... He's upset." "Oh... I thought it was pissed, and totally inraged." Cross said, chuckling a bit. "No... Why don't you cheer him up?" Cross thought for a moment. "He'll probably-." Cross was cut off. "Stop bringing yourself down." Katrina sighed. "I'll be back in 30 minutes. Eat, then take your medicine. Lay down, and let the medicine do this magic. OK? I'll be back to take you to Nightmare." Katrina walked out, as Cross sat up.

Cross nervously followed Katrina through the dark halls. "Maybe I should go back... He'll be more upset." Cross said, his voice echoing through the empty halls. "Too late! We're here!" They stood in front of two carved double doors. Nightmare's room. Katrina knocked on the door. "Katrina... What is it?" A voice asked from inside. "Come on! Cross wants to see you." Cross blushed, as he got more nervous. The door opened, revealing an exhausted, hurt Nightmare. "What happened?" Cross was the first to ask. "Nothing important. What are you doing out your room? I told you-." Nightmare was cut off. "Don't tell him to go back in his room! He's cramped, and needs to talk to you! It's important! But I have people to heal, so I'll be off! Oh! And! ... I want to be a GodMother!" Katrina ran off, leaving a confused Cross, and a blushing Nightmare. "What is it?" Nightmare pulled Cross inside and shut the door, with his tentacles. 

"I-I... I..." Cross looked at the floor, fiddling with his fingers. "Look up and speak." Nightmare said as Cross did as he was told. "I don't know... It's just..." Cross said, avoiding eye contact. "Come on. Say it." Nightmare said as Cross sighed, a deep blush on his cheeks. "Why did you do it?" Cross asked as Nightmare tilted his head a bit in confusion. "Why did you store me away? I mean... I'm supposed to protect you, and make sure you're safe. And yet, you store me away like I'm... Am I.... A-Am I useless to you now? I know I've been slipping up lately... And I'm sorry... I don't like being useless to you..." Cross said softly, as he teared up.

Nightmare said quiet, thinking about what Cross said. "I-I'm sorry. It was stupid..." Cross said, looking at the floor. "It's not stupid. It's good to say how you feel..." Nightmare took a deep breath. 

Nightmare stepped closer to Cross, and lifted his skull up, bye his chin, using is index finger. "Cross. You're far from useless." Nigthmare said, in a stern, yet soft voice. "But I..." "But Nothing, Cross. You're not useless. Never think that." Nightmare let go in Cross' chin, but he still looked up at him. "Then if im not useless... Why'd you store me away like I was?" Cross asked, his tears falling down his face. Nightmare's heart shattered, seeing Cross upset. 

He cupped Cross' cheeks with both of his hands, and soft wiped his tears. Nightmare brought their foreheads together, staying there for a minute. "I didn't store you away. You're in bed rest. I've noticed you've been under a lot of stress. I have been giving you a lot of things to do, and it's unstandable. If you get more stressed, you'll be sick, and then I'll get more upset. You're very important to me..." Nightmare still cupped his cheeks softly, and still held their foreheads together, but closed his eyes as he spoke. "Do you really mean it?" Cross asked softly, tears still streaming from his face. "Yes. Now stop crying... You're making me upset." Nightmare said softly, as Cross looked up a bit, just as Nightmare opened his eyes. They both blushed when their eyes met contact. "You're eyes... They're purple... I thought they were blue." Cross said, staring deeply into them. "They change sometimes..." Nightmare didn't let Cross go, but he wiped his tear again with his thumbs. "They're so pretty..." Cross commented, making Nightmare blush more. "They're not... But Thanks for the compliment." Nightmare said, smiling at Cross. "Why don't you think they're pretty?" Cross asked, not taking his eyes off of Nightmare's eyes. "No... I don't want to talk about it." Nightmare said, knowing Cross would ask. Nightmare let go of Cross' cheeks, and backed away from him. Cross saddened at the lack of Nightmare's warm touch. 

"Can... C-Can you..." Cross blushed more. "Can I What?" Nightmare asked, his tentacles waving around slowly. Cross put his arms out, wanting a Nightmare in them. "You want... a hug?" Cross nodded, avoiding eye contact. Nightmare blush, as he grabbed Cross' hands, wrapping his arms around his neck, then wrapping his own arms around his waist, pulling Cross closer. Nightmare teleported them in his bed, still in the position, as they laid down, cuddling each other. Cross loved Nightmare's warmth, but didn't find it enough. "Hug me more." Cross demanded, as Nightmare did so, hugging Cross tighter. Cross smiled, as he started falling asleep, feeling safe in his arms.
