Chapter 10

"I'm Nightmare... Sorry to scare you."His voice was still the same, but his look was different.

 Nightmare's eyes glowed a purple, being another source of light for the very dimmed hallway.

"Woah..." She said, staring at his glowing eyes. Nightmare chuckled. "What's your name?" She thought for a moment. "Jewel." Her tail swayed slowly, showing that she was calm. "How are you here, Jewel?" Nightmare asked. "I don't know... I was playing a game, but then everything went dark, then you came." She said as Nightmare nodded. "OK... I'm going to take you to someone. But I have to be in my other form. Can I?" Jewel nodded, as Nightmare black tar started to engulf him again.

Nightmare stood up, taking the girls hand, as he teleported to his living room.

"And he said he was-." Killer was talking, but cut himself off, seeing the young girl hold Nightmare's hand, and kinda hiding behind him. Horror, Dust, Error, and Chara all looked at him, seeing the young child as well. "The stork finally came, eh?" Error said as Nightmare growled. "Where's Cross?" Nightmare asked. "He asked Katrina to teleport him to SwapFell. I don't understand why though." Chara said. "Then where's Katrina?" Nightmare asked. "With Cross, making sure he doesn't mess with her... 'BlackBerry.'" Chara said, sounded annoyed. "Oh. Watch Jewel while I go there." Nightmare said, letting go of her. "What? I don't wanna stay with them." Jewel whined. "Come on! It'll be fun to have another female here!" Chara said as Jewel rolled her eyes. "I don't like hanging out with old people." Jewel said sarcastically. "Hey! For you're information! I'm only 17!" Chara shot back, having the other skeletons laugh. "17...? Thousand." Jewel said, crossing her arms, and glaring at her. "You know what? I'm ignoring you." Chara said. "Go ahead. I don't like old people acknowledging me anyway." Jewel said, not getting a reaction, which made her a little upset. "How old are you?" Nightmare asked, as Jewel thought for a moment. "14." Chara snorted. "You look like a 7 year old." Jewel growled. "I don't have time for this. Chara watch her." Chara whined. "Why me!?" "You're think I'm about to trust these four with this girl?" Chara shook her head. "That's what I thought. I'll be back." Nightmare made a portal, walking through it, and closing it behind him.

Nightmare walked, the sounding of snowing softly crunching beneath his feet. He saw lights, as he walked faster, his tentacles whipping around, as the cold air blew on him. 

"It's a deal." Cross shook hands with SwapFell. "So what's a deal?" Nightmare asked, making them both turn around. "Oh Nightmare!" Cross seemed startled. "Nothing." SwapFell had a sly grin of his face, looking at Nightmare. "What was athe deal?" Nightmare repeated himself, expecting Cross to answer, but to his surprise, he kept quiet. "Cross." Nightmare looked down at Cross, who was blushing, and avoiding eye contact. Nightmare growled, grabbing Cross' wrist. "Where's Katrina?" Nightmare's grip was tight, and was hurting Cross. "She went to Muffet's." Cross answered, trying to ignore a feeling he always felt around Nightmare. "Come on." Nightmare let go of Cross, and grabbed him the the waist with his tentacles. Nightmare went to Muffet's, and walked inside, getting everyone's attention. "Nightmare?" Katrina said, as she held a box. "Come on." Nightmare growled as Katrina sighed. A tentacle wrapped around Katrina as she was lifted in the air. "Bye guuuuuyyys!" Katrina said as Nightmare pulled her away. "Bye..." They said, as they went out of sight. "What went You your as-." Nightmare cut Katrina off. "Finish that sentence. I dare you." Nightmare voice was dark, and filled with anger. Katrina and Cross looked at each other, then away. They stayed silent as they were both dragged in a portal, back to their home AU.

When they arrived, Nightmare squinted his eyes, light hitting him. "What?" Nightmare dropped both Katrina and Cross, not being able to see too well. "Haha! Like the castle Nightmare!" A girls voice said. "Jewel." Nightmare growled, as she appeared. "Yup! I'm glad you're back! Because my job is finished!" Jewel laughed. Nightmare sensed multiple different presences, but only one stood out. "Dream." Nightmare seemed really angry. "That's right! Remember that other monster that came and spilled our information!? He was supposed to get captured and tortured, then spill information! He's a good actor! Isn't he, Cross!" She looked at the other skeleton, who already had his weapon in his hands. "Calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you precious lover." Jewel said, Cross growing a huge blush on his face. "But Dream might." Nightmare tried to sense anything, but couldn't, because right now, Dream owned the kingdom. "Jewel. I was nice to you, and this is what I get! I'm a little hurt." Nightmare said. "You helped her?!" Nightmare nodded. "She looked like an inlocent little girl. That wa feisty." Nightmare said as Katrina rolled her eyes. "Youre tto kind for your own good." Katrina took a deep breath. "Look. Whoever you are, none of us want you here-." Katrina was cut off by another voice. "I want her here." They all turned around to see Dream holding a bow, and three arrows, about to shoot. She aimed it straight at Nightmare, who blankly looked at his twin. "Put it down. We all know you're not gonna shoot." Nightmare said as Dream shook her head. "I will. You've hurt so many inoocent people, and killed our own village. You've done so much crime, I don't think you deserve to live anymore." Nightmare felt something inside him break. "That's hurtful you know? I'm your brother." Nightmare said, ignoring his feelings. "You're not my brother. You never were. Because brothers wouldn't have hurt their siblings only friends." Dream teared up, pulling the string and arrows back more. "Oh... This is about Micheal?" Nightmare said, his voice cracked a bit. "Don't you dare say his name!" Dream said, her tears falling down her cheeks. "Katrina. Make sure the other OK. And make sure Lucy is fine as well." Nightmare said as Katrina nodded, teleporting away. "They're all the the dungeons. Being tortured like you tortured other people." Dream said as she took a deep breath, about to let go. "You know I can't die, right?" Nightmare chuckled as Dream's lack of knowledge. "I know... But he can." He pointed it at Cross. Nightmare flinched. "You wouldn't dare." Nightmare said, getting in front of Cross. "Nightmare...?" Cross said softly. "Let's see how you feel. When you loose your lover." Dream said, right as a cracking noise was heard. Nightmare turned to see Jewel holding a knife in Cross' soul. Nghtmare's eyes widened, as he completely broke. 
