Chapter 12

It's been a few years since Nightmare was attacked by Dream. He had won the battle, after seeing his one and only become dust.

Nightmare sat in his throne, his face expression showing no emotion. He skull laid as his hand, as his arm was propped up in the chairs arm.

He boredly watched people dance while music played, and try to entertain him. 

"Is this supposed to be entertaining?" He growled, having the whole room quiet, even the music stop. "We're sorry..." The main dancer said, her head hanging low. "I'm sorry too. Sorry I wasted my time with you. Get out my face. Now." They all quickly scattered away. 

Ever since Cross became dust, the castle has never been the same.

Nightmare had gone crazy, trapping Dream and the rest of them in a special cage that doesn't allow magic. Nightmare never shows emotion, and his usually in his room. But today was different. Today was his birthday, so he wanted to do something besides talk to Cross' dust. Don't get him wrong, he was still in love with him, even if he was dust. 

Katrina walked up to Nightmare holding a small cake. She had a nervous smile on her face, as she approached him. "Nightmare! H-Happy Birthday." She held the cake out, shaking a bit. "Stop shaking." Nightmare demanded as he took the cake, sitting up straight. "Thank you." Nightmare softly, staring at the cake. "Did you bring a f-." Nigthmare was cut off. "Of course I did! I would never forget!" Katrina handed him a fork, as Nightmare took it, poking the small cake on his lap. "I'm acually not hungry right now... I'm going to go to my room." Nightmare teleported to his room. 

He set the cake on the stand by his bed. His room was a mess. His bed was messed up, things were scattered everywhere too. "Cross. Today's my birthday." Nightmare said, grabbing a jar with black, white, and grey dust inside. He clutched it like his life depended on it, which it did. Without that, Nightmare would've destroyed everything. 

The sanity is holding on with one finger. Because without Cross, Nightmare would've killed every single living thing.

Nightmare laid down in his bed, holding Cross to his chest. "Cross... I really miss you... I wish you were here... With me..." Nightmare teared up as he closed his eyes, falling asleep.

Nightmare woke up by multiple knocks on the door. 

He growled as he got up, gazing softly atCross, then opened the door to reveal Horror, Error, Chara, Dust, and Killer. "What!?" He growled, making them all flinch back. 

"Ink made a deal. She said if you let them all free, she'll revive Cross." Nfighmare froze when Error said that. "Deal." They seemed a bit surprised at how quickly he went with it. Nigthmare grabbed across carefully with his tentacle, set him in his hands. "Alright. Let's go." Nightmare said, a light blue blush on his face. 

When they arrived at the special cage, Nigthmare looked at the kinda bright glass containing all the other people. Nightmare looked at the others, as they nodded, knowing he wants them to leave.

When Nightmare was the one left, he walked closer to the glass, getting all of their attention. "Brother!" Dream touched the glass with his hands, as she looked a bit Halley to see him, but hurt to see his emotionless expression. "Don't you dare call me brother." Nightmare growled, as Dream backed away from the glass. "Ink. It's a deal." Nightmare as the whole room became dead silent. "Really?" Ink broke it. "Yes." "But he won't have any-." Ink was cut off. "I don't care." Nightmare growled, snapping his fingers, having Ink teleport by Nightmare's side. 

Nightmare hesitantly handed Cross to Ink. She opened the jar, spreading the dust out, forming a body. "

Nightmare summoned a giant paint brush, handing it to Ink. She took it, waving it around, having brown ink spread around the dust.

The dust started to glow, as Ink spread two different colors on it. Black and White. 

After a while, Cross was made, laying on the floor unconscious. "Kiss him." Ink demanded, making Nightmare blush. "No." Nightmare said. "You want hi alive, correct? Kiss him." Ink said as Nightmare grabbed Cross, lightly pecking his teeth in his. 

A souls was formed, as it went inside Cross. He breathed slowly, as he slept peacefully. "Now set them free." Ink said as Nightmare growled, snapping his fingers, as the glass disappeared. "Now leave. And don't come back. Ever." Ink made a portal, having everyone walk through. Dream was the last with Ink. "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have-." Dream was cut off. "I don't want to hear it." Nightmare growled as Dream teared up, walking through the portal, then Ink.

Nightmare teleported to his room, holding Cross bridal style. Nightmare smiled softly, for the first time in years, as he looked at Cross. He set Cross on his bed, as he fixed up his room, using his tentacles of course. 

A few hours had last, and a small groan was heard. Nightmare looked at Cross, was opened his eyes. "Cross!" Nightmare said, hugging the smaller skeleton. "Who are you...?" Cross said tiredly. "It's me... Nightmare...?" "Nightmare?" Cross repeated, confusion in his voice. "You don't... remember me?" Nightmare let go of Cross, as he shook his head. Nightmare teared up. "It's OK. It's been many years..." Cross felted guilty, seeing him so sad. "Are you hungry, Cross?" Nightmare asked. "Who's Cross?" He asked. "You're Cross. Come on." Nightmare helped Cross up, and teleported to the kitchen, where everyone stared. "Cross!" They all yelled in unison, making him flinch. "Who's Cross again?" He asked, making them all quiet. "He doesn't remember anything." Nightmare said, pure sadness and pain in his voice. "You... don't remember..." Chara said, as Cross shook his head. "You're Cross." Nightmare said as he nodded. "Where am I again?" He asked. "You're at home." Dust said as Cross looked around. "Why don't you sit down, I'll get you something to eat." Nightmare said as Cross nodded. "I guess I'm Cross, eh? What's your guys names?" Cross asked, looking at the other. "Killer." "Dust." "Horror." "Error." Cross looked at Chara. "You better remember me. I swear." Chara seemed to be pissed. "I'm sorry. I don't-... Chara?" Cross thought of another name. "That's it! Can you remember anything else?" Chara said as Cross shook his head. "I cannot only remember white, You there, but a ghost. There's nothing else to be honest." Cross said as Nightmare came back with a plate of food. Nightmare set the plate on the table, as he pulled a chair out for him. "Thank you." Cross bowed a bit, using instinct, and sat down. "Did you see that?" Dust said as the others nodded. "He's remembering a few things." Horror said as the rest agreed. 

Hours later, Nightmare has taken Cross to Katrina. 

Katrina held Cross' skull gently, as a blood red aura came from her hands. "This should be impossible. He had every single dust, and he doesn't remember? It's either Ink did something, there was a spell when he got stabbed, or... He's faking it." Katrina said, taking her hands away. "He wouldn't do that..." Nightmare said. "I know..." Katrina sighed. "Can I... Can I leave this room. Please?" Cross had tears in his eyes. "You don't have to ask. Do anything you want." Nightmare as Cross nodded, leaving the room.

When Cross left, tears slid down his cheeks. I shouldn't tell them... Should I?
