Mini-Story Mafia AU (Part 1)

I walk through the halls of the family mansion, hands clasped behind my back, spine ridged, nodding curtly to the guards that line the halls.

The winding hallways, spotless chandeliers, and dark lighting is all very familiar to me. After all, I've lived here almost my entire life.

As a baby I was abandoned on the street, never knowing my mother or father. Soon, the Manhattan Mafia got wind of me and picked me up. That's how a lot of the members of the Manhattan Mafia come to be. We're famous for picking up boys who don't feel like they belong or have no family to go home to. Often we get orphans knocking on our door, looking to join and have a nice meal for once.

Once they took me in, they realized I was a girl. Apparently, Crutchie didn't check my gender before picking me up off the street.

Of course, they couldn't kick me out again, so that's how I became the first girl in the Manhattan Mafia.

Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean that the boys treat me any differently. If anything, they treat me harsher.

Jack Kelly, the boss himself, started teaching me at a young age. Every Wednesday he would take me down to the training facility. For the first couple of hours, he would teach me a new weapon. Then we would spar, and he would beat the shit out of me. He's like a father to me.

Over time, I became better at fighting and could eventually beat Jack. That might've been the proudest moment of his life. He also taught me how to fight with a switchblade, knives, daggers, spears, guns, rifles, and the art of stick-fighting.

I am their weapon.

They nicknamed me Nickels, as I was as hard as one, but could slip through your fingers.

Growing up the the Manhattan Mafia was tiring, but rewarding. We all live in the mansion together (which was more like a castle) and we're like a family.

Living in the inner-works of a mafia was exhilarating. Jack Kelly always made excellent decisions, but he also was known for being a bit reckless. That's where Davey came in. He's Jack's second-in-command and keeps Jack in line. Race, Blink, and Crutchie were like my brothers, also some of Jack's closest confidants.

And then there's me. Y/n.

The sister figure to many of the older guys, a mother figure to the littler ones, and a daughter figure to Jack. I'm happy here, although a part of me always wonders who my biological family is.

I'm heading towards Jack's office when the alarm goes off. The chandeliers go out and the red emergency lights turn on. A loud wailing echos through the halls and the bodyguards lining the corridors either run off to some place or get out their guns.

I unclip my walkie-talkie from my belt and start running towards Jack's office. "Hello?" I say into the walkie-talkie.

"Nickels?" I hear Race's voice on the other end.

"Where is everyone? Are the little ones safe? What happened?" I ask frantically.

"We're all in Jack's office. Crutchie and Blink are with the littles. We're safe. There was a break-in. We think that the thief is still here, but it seems they stole some important files from Jack's safe. Can you find them?"

I nod, even though he can't see me, "On it."

I turn the other way and run down the halls, feet padding silently. I unholster my gun while putting my walker-talkie back in its place.
