Headcanons for a Spot Conlon x preformer!reader

This was requested by someone on my Tumblr, and I think from now on if someone requests something on Spot Conlon, I'll just put it here :) Hope you enjoy!

-You were the protegee of Miss. Medda Larkin herself

-And, as we all know, the newsies all love her

-About a month after the strike, the newsies decided to get together and celebrate. Of course, Medda let them use her theater

-Medda encouraged you to be the first act, even though you blatantly disagreed

-But, she practically forced you out on stage

-Before your act, you peeked out from the curtain, and couldn't believe your eyes. There were so many newsies!

-At the front tables sat the famous Jack Kelly and his all of his Manhattan newsies and at the adjourning tables sat newsies from Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, Richmond, and so many more!

-You started to hyperventilate, but Medda pushed you on stage and signaled for the curtain to rise

-Oh boy.

-The curtain rose and the performer side of you took over

-Singing one of Medda's most famous songs, you danced around the stage, flirting with some of the newsies in the audience

-At the end of the song, you lifted your arms above your head, tucking your head down

-The place went wild

-Not only had they gotten to see someone preform (and get a couple of drinks out of it), but they had seen an eligible young woman, their age, preform

-And Spot Conlon was pretty sure he was in love.

-The minute you had come out onstage, he thought that you were the most beautiful thing ever to walk the Earth

-While on the streets of Brooklyn, he had seen a lot of pretty girls- even flirted and kissed some of them- but he realized than none compared to you

-He knew that he had to talk to you

-Unbeknownst to him, however, a lot of the other newsies had the same idea

-After the show, he practically had to push through two dozen newsies just to talk to you

-You were hovering next to Medda, smiling nervously as she talked to Jack. You weren't really used to people flirting with you, so you just smiled, blushed, and said 'thank you' over and over again, trying to silently tell Medda that you were out of your comfort zone

-Obviously, being the queen that Medda is, she noticed that. She just didn't do anything about it

-You were very close friends with Jack Kelly- you two had met through Medda- so when he started talking to you, you did grow more comfortable

-"'Ey, uh, Jackie boy." Spot pushed himself to the front of the small crowd, "Do ya wanna introduce me ta your friend?"

-Jack rolled his eyes, used to Spot's flirting. But who was he going to say no to the King of Brooklyn?

-"Y/n/n, dis is Spot Conlon. The King of Brooklyn." You noticed a hint of sarcasm within those words, "Spot, dis is Y/n."

-Spot took off his hat and kissed your knuckles, "I don't tink I've 'ad da pleasure of meetin' such a beautiful goil such as yourself."

-Boy, were you a blushing mess

-And Spot was eating it all up

-The newsies around you had quieted, knowing that when Spot claims a girl, it's a big deal

-"Thank yous." You said, "But if I'se 'ad known dat I would be meetin' you taday, den I'm not sure I woulda come."


-The newsies all 'oooohhhh'ed and gasped. No one ever disrespected Spot like that!

-To be honest you weren't sure where that had come from. You weren't the one to flirt back

-But oh my god, Spot was in love

-He knew that he had to get you

-From then on came a long battle of wits.

-Spot would find excuses to come to Manhattan and then stay over to see your performances. He would then stay after the show and flirt with you

-You, would flirt back, but not without a deeply colored blush on your cheeks at all times

-Jack hated this, but what was he to do?

-After a couple of weeks, Spot finally got the courage to ask you out. Who knew that the King of Brooklyn could get cold feet?

-Spot had tried to ask you out a couple of times before, but he had always chickened out

-"Hey Y/n?"

-"Yeah Spotty?" Oh, he loved it when you called him that.

-"Well... ya know... I wanted ta tell ya dat ya did great!" Dammit! He just couldn't do it...

-"Thanks Spot." You softly smiled. It wasn't often that Spot gave you a sincere compliment. But when he did, you knew that he meant it.

-So, Spot tried again

-He came up to you after a specially rewarding show

-And frickin' asked you out.


-"Yeah?" He met you backstage, out of the way of the prying eyes of the other newsies. You could tell that Spot was nervous- but that was a rare instance. He must wanna talk to you about something important.

-"Would ya wanna do sometin' wid me sometime?"

-"Like what?" Your heart fluttered and you couldn't believe it. Spot Conlon was asking you out on a date!!!

-But of course you had to make him squirm

-"I'se mean, I don't know." Spot shrugged. He took off his cap and ran a hand through his hair, "Whateva you wanna do."

-"Would dis be a date?" You asked, trying to bite back a large smile

-"I- I mean I was tinking it would be butifyoudon'twannaden-"

-"I would love ta go on a date wid you, Spot. Pick me up tomorrow at eight, yeah?"

-Spot was so freakin' relieved


-And when you kissed him on the cheek and left him standing there.... he almost died

-Needless to say, the date went wonderfully

-And now that Spot had you, he was not letting go.

-Let's talk a little about your relationship with Spot *pulls up chair and clears throat* You ready for this? 'Cause this boy is a mess.

-Even though Spot is the "King of Brooklyn" this guy is a huge softie

-But he can't let his boys know that

-And yet he still wants to show his affection for you.... As you can see, he's very conflicted.

-So, this usually results in pulling you into alleys and kissing the life outta you

-No matter the social rules of the 1890s, Spot always has his arm around your shoulder or waist

-He loves giving you kisses on you cheek or forehead

-But the place he loves to kiss you most is your jaw and neck (cause it always leads to something else)

-Spot is very very very (I can not stress this enough) very protective of you

-If a boy even looks at you wrong, Spot'll either soak him, or send his boys after the guy while he treats you like the queen you are

-While on the subject of the queen you are, your official title is "Queen of Brooklyn" and all of the boys look up to you

-The rare times that Medda and Jack let you go to Brooklyn, the Brooklyn boys are all very excited

-You play and sing with the younger ones, bring them all food, patch up some clothes, and let Spot take a break from the harsh duties as head of the Brooklyn newsies

-But after the little ones have been put to bed, Spot pulls you into his own bed and you two have a very fun night *wink wink*

-Speaking of which, Spot is always horny

-Anytime that you're onstage in those cute little costumes, Spot finds himself getting... aroused

-He likes it when you wear his newsies cap or suspenders. He especially likes it when you pull him towards you using those suspenders

-Ever since you and Spot got into a relationship, you had become a whole lot more confident in yourself

-And Spot really likes it when you use that confidence in the bedroom

-I'll say it once, and I'll say it again, he's a horny boy.

-Although he's always horny, he'll never say no to cuddles (because the poor boy is touch-starved)

-But let's be honest, all the newsies are touch-starved

-Spot really likes it when he's the big spoon or when he lays on you and you play with his hair

-Spot, interestingly enough, also knows how to braid hair (not canon, just something that seems like him)

-He'll sometimes do it before shows or just whenever he wants to

-Spot loves you very much, but even the greatest couples get into arguments

-On the rare occasion that you two fight, it'll probably start with something small, but then snowball from there

-For example, Spot wants you to spend more time in Brooklyn with him, but you also have other commitments to Medda and the Manhattan newsies. From there on, it comes to how Spot is too overprotective of you and won't let you do anything but "'e's sorry dat 'e wants ta make sure his goil is safe!" (that was sarcastic in case you couldn't tell)

-It usually ends in either you storming out or you two coming to an uncertain ceasefire

-If you were at the Brooklyn lodging house when you stormed out, Spot would hurriedly walk after you, trying not to make it seem like he cared so much. By the time he caught up to you, you were already down the street and he would always use the excuse "I can't let my goil walk home in da dark" so that you would let him stay. You would usually make up on the walks home

-If you walked out when you were at Medda's, Spot you try to come after you, but Medda would normally protect you. She would either make up something like "Y/n has to inspect all of her costumes for holes and tears." or "Y/n has to go on stage soon, she can't talk." And then Spot would either go home or wait for you. But no matter what, he would settle this

-If the fight ended in an uncertain ceasefire, you would sit on other sides of the room and talk quietly about anything but the fight. Slowly but surely, you two would inch your way back towards each other and make up

-Spot figured out that he loved you ever since he first saw you patch up a littler newsie

-His love for you only grew when you would rub his shoulders and back while he ranted about the Brooklyn newsies or when you would comfort the little ones after they had a nightmare

-He especially loved you when you would climb on top of him and start kissing him

-When you finally turned eighteen, Spot, being the old fashion boy he is (I mean, it was the 1890s, so everyone probably did this but-) wanted to go to your father to ask him for your hand in marriage. But you didn't really know your father. The closest thing you had to a family was Medda and the rest of the newsies.

-So, he sat Medda and Jack down and asked them good and straight, "I wanna marry Y/n. Do I'se have your permission ta do dat?"

-Jack said no but Medda smacked him upside the head

-Medda said yes (of course). Seeing how happy you and Spot made each other was enough for her. She then gave Spot a really big hug that left him gasping for air

-Jack, however, was a little harder to convince. But in the end, he reluctantly said yes

-So, the next week, Spot proposed to you with a ring that Medda helped pay for

-It was old and the gold was faded and a bit dirty, but you couldn't love it any more

-Spot's engagement speech was really sweet: "Y/n. I'se know dat I'm a poor newsie, but that doesn't limit my love fo' you. You're da light of my life and 'ave made me a much better man. I hope dat you accept dis ring an' make me da 'appiest man alive by marryin' me."

-Davey helped him write it

-But you said yes (obviously) and you two spent the rest of your lives together in a very happy marriage
