First off, I am SO sorry that this chapter is bad... I had a bit of writers block and that's why its out so late and everything. It's also really short because of a plot twist at the end.

Nickels pov

I threw open the doors to the Bronx lodging house. The room went silent. I smirked. I've always had a flare for the dramatics. 

I tilted my head and said, "I'se need Emerson." No said anything. I sighed, "Wells, I'se don't have all day." 

"'E-'e's i-in 'is r-r-room." A small boy said. 

"Danks kid." I flipped him a nickel. "Woah." The kid breathed. I smirked and waved Jacky boy, Davey, and Spot forward. 

As we passed, I heard murmurs of, "Dat's Nickels..." "What's 'e doin' 'ere?" "Wonder what 'e wants ta talk about." 

I heard Spot grumble from behind me, "Oh look, dere's da King a Brooklyn, Spot Conlon!"

We went to the back of the lodging house and I knocked on a door, "Emerson." I whispered quietly, "It's... Nickels. I'm wid (with) Jack Kelly an' Spot Conlon. An' anoder (another) kid, Davey. Wanna talk 'bout da strike. Can we come in?" 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jack and Davey look at each other in confusion. I snarled at them. "'Ave any of yous actually seen Emerson?" 

Spot nodded sadly. Jack said, "Nah." At the same time Davey said, "No!" 

"Come in." I heard from the other side of the door. I pushed open the door, wincing as it made a sharp squeaking noise. 

It opened to reveal a small boy, maybe twelve, lying on his bed. (Btw, you are around 15-16 in this story.) His dirty blonde hair was long, covering his eyes, but revealing the long scar running down his face. He was curled up on his side, facing away from the door. 

He turned and a small small smile formed when he saw me, "Nick-" His smile grew wider as he remembered what he could now call me, "Y/-" He saw the others in the room and his face darkened, "Nickels." 

My heart broke. I whirled around to the others, "Close da door." Davey slowly pushed the door closed, eyes wide. I huffed and pursed my lips, "Da yous swear not ta tell anoder soul what yous sees?" 

Jack jokingly held up his hands in surrender, "No one else was in da room where it 'appened-"

"Is dat a yes?" I interrupted. 


I rolled my eyes and kneeled down next to the bed. "'Ow are yous doing, kid?" I asked, letting my voice finally take a rest from having to be an octave lower. 

"Y/n." Emerson smiled at me, "It's good to see you again." 

"Y/n?" I heard Jack ask. 

"Can you take it off?" Emerson asked, gesturing to my cap. I swallowed hard, but nodded. I took of my newsies cap, and my hair fell to my shoulders. I turned to Jack and Davey, the former with his mouth wide open, the latter with his eyebrows raised and looking down at me, creating a double chin. (If that makes sense. Just imagine really freaked-out looking dudes.) 

"Surprise!" I said sarcastically. 

I turned back to Emerson, who was smiling widely, "They didn't know?" He asked. I shook my head and he laughed. It quickly turned to a cough and I grabbed some water that was on his bedside table for him. He drowned the whole glass as I stared at him sadly. 

"Is it gettin' any better?" I asked. He shook his head, so I gently lifted up his shirt. I took in a long breath as I saw the the wound on his chest hadn't gotten any better. The scar, similar to the one on his face, slashed across his chest. After all, it was made by the same person on the same occasion. I lightly run a finger over it. 

"Ya need anymo' bandages?" I asked. 

"No." Emerson said, "I just want to be with you." 

I laughed quietly and ruffled his hair. 

"Erm," I turned back to look at Spot, who was looking very uncomfortable, "Are yous two in a secret relationship or someting?" 

I looked back at Emerson who started laughing, "No!" He cried, "She's my sister!" 
