Surprising Nic On His Birthday

A/N: Since today is Nic's 20th birthday I thought I do something cute in honor of today. Happy birthday Nicholas William Hamilton. Love you lots.

It was the day before his birthday and you were on the phone with his mom getting his address so you could surprise him. Everyday leading up to this point you sent him birthday presents with instructions so that he wouldn't open them until his actual birthday.

Mrs. Hamilton: Y/N dear you got everything you need?

Y/N: Yeah I was just looking at the earliest flight is all.

You and her made small talk back and forth up until you found the perfect flight. It was gonna cost a little more but to see your best friend on his birthday he is worth it.

Mrs. Hamilton: You excited to see him?

Y/N: Yes.

Mrs. Hamilton: Are you planning on telling him how you feel about him?

Y/N: Yep.

You've been friends with Nic since you met him while he was doing press for IT chapter 2 and ever since then you guys have been best friends. But recently you've caught feelings for the boy and he doesn't know. It's kinda a good thing that you didn't tell him when you caught them because you thought that it would pass because you were telling yourself he was just some crush but he wasn't just some crush. To you he was your best friend and it doesn't matter if he does or doesn't feel the same way as long as you guys are still friends is all that matters to you.

Mrs. Hamilton: So when is your flight?

Y/N: Since I'm already packed if I leave now I can get to the hotel and get some sleep before I go surprise him.

Mrs. Hamilton: Ok well you have fun and text me when you get to the hotel ok?

Y/N: Alright.

Once you got off of the phone with Mrs. Hamilton you got your ticket printed on your phone and you got your bags, turned everything off, went to the car, packed everything and headed off to the airport.

Time Skip: At the airport.

When you got there you saw that your flight was right on time because they were letting people off so you shoved your way through the airport, checked in and waited at your gate. When your flight was called you scanned your ticket and made your way to the plane where you would find your seat. Luckily for you there was less people on this plane and so you had a row all to yourself. Right as you got comfy you got a text on your phone from your best friend Nic.

Nic: Hey.

Y/N: Hey.

Nic: Did you get your ticket so you can fly out and see your parents?

Y/N: Yeah they'll be excited to see me. I wish I could come see you on your birthday.

Nic: It's ok. When I fly out to see my parents and brother you and I will do something ok.

Y/N: Ok sounds like a plan.

He doesn't know that your coming to see him and not your parents. He's going to be so shocked to see you tomorrow. You guys have been texting your whole flight only because he couldn't sleep. Before you knew it you had landed at the airport.

Y/N: Hey I'm at the airport.

Nic: Ok. I'll see you soon.

Y/N: See you soon.

You got off the phone with him and made your way through the airport, got your bag from baggage claim, found your taxi and you made your way to the hotel.

Time Skip: At the hotel.

When you got to your room you had texted his mom.

Y/N: Hey I'm here.

Mrs. Hamilton: Ok darlin please say hello for me when you see him.

Y/N: Alright will do.

You then got ready for bed. You couldn't wait to see him in a few hours and spend the whole day with him.

Time Skip: A few hours later.

You woke up early today for a reason. Today your best friend turns 20 and so you hop on every social media platform that you have and wish him a happy birthday. You also send him a happy birthday text to wake up to Incase he's asleep.

(To Nic) Y/N: Happy Birthday I hope your day is as perfect as you are. -xoxo Y/N.

You shut your phone off and get ready for the day. Once your ready you look through your list of things that you have to get today for his surprise. You grab your things and head out the door. You went to the bakery, got him some cards with money in them, some food gift cards he could use and a bottle of Champagne. You went back to the hotel to get your stuff and then you made your way to his house.

(A/N: Your 21 just for this).

Once you got everything you needed you made your way to Nic's house. When you got there you saw that there was a delivery truck. The delivery guy saw you and he smiled at you.

Delivery guy: Hi.

Y/N: Hi.

Delivery guy: Is this for that guy that lives right there?

Y/N: Yep.

Delivery guy: Well here are his presents that has been shipped to him. You can put your stuff in the bag.

Y/N: Does he have to sign anything?

Delivery guy: No. but I will ring the doorbell for you though.

You guys walked up to the door and he knocked on it and rang the doorbell. He then got in his truck and left. You heard footsteps and the voice you know and love.

Nic: Who is it?

Y/N: Special delivery for Mr. Nic Hamilton.

You didn't hear anything at first but you just waited. You can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees that your at his house instead of your parents house.

Nic's POV: I was getting ready to go on a walk when I heard a knock on my door and the doorbell ring. I got confused but I made my way to the door.

Nic: Who is it?

Y/N: Special delivery for Mr. Nic Hamilton.

That's weird I don't remember ordering anything. So I opened the door and I helped unload the stuff and set it aside. I was about to close the door when I saw two suitcases. I looked around for the owner of the suitcases and then I heard a voice I know all too well.

Y/N: Surprise!

I just stood there in shock. I can't believe she's here. She's actually here. My birthday is now complete.


Y/N: Surprise!

He just stood there for a few moments just looking at you and then he came over to you and hugged you. You hugged him back. You go to pull away from him to get your stuff but he pulled you back into him.

Y/N: Someone's happy to see me.

Nic: I've missed you so much.

He finally let go of you and he helped you get your stuff into his house and he shut the door. You guys made small talk and then he began to open some of the presents. You guys spent the day together and you even got stuff for dinner that you would be making tonight. You didn't know what he wanted so you just cooked whatever. After you guys ate you went and got the cake along with the champagne and you lit up the candles and sang happy birthday to him. Between Nic opening the presents and the champagne you guys had drained the whole bottle. Then you got an idea. And started to play music.

Nic: What are you doing?

Y/N: You'll see.

You turned up his stereo system a little and then you went back over to him. You extended your hand out in front of you for him to take. You took his hand in yours and you brought him to the middle of his living room and began to slow dance with him. This was only half of your plan to tell him that you like him. While you were slow dancing he started to talk.

Nic: Y/N?

Y/N: Yes?

Nic: I love having you here.

Y/N: And I love being here.

Nic: If there was anything that you could change between us what would you change?

You just looked at him frozen in your spot. You really weren't expecting him to say that at all. You were hoping that he wouldn't catch on but you think he already has. But then you looked at him and smiled.

Y/N: If I could change anything between us. Hmm.

You thought about it long and hard and then you finally decided to spill your feelings for him.

Y/N: If I could change anything between us it would have to be that I want us to be more than friends. I really like you Nic.

Then he stopped and looked at you. You couldn't wait to hear what he has to say. Weather what he says or does is good or bad. You guys just had to stay friends.

Nic's POV: I was sitting on the couch when I saw her get up.

Nic: What are you doing?

Y/N: You'll see.

She started playing music and then she came over to me and extended her hand out for me to take. She took my hand in hers and brought me into the middle of my living room and we began to slow dance. While we were slow dancing we started to talk.

Nic: Y/N?

Y/N: Yes?

Nic: I love having you here.

Y/N: And I love being here.

Nic: If there was anything that you could change between us what would you change?

She just looked at me frozen in her spot. I could tell by the look on her face that she wasn't expecting me to say anything like that. I can see that in her eyes that she hoped that I wouldn't catch on but she believed I did. But then she looked at me and smiled.

Y/N: If I could change anything between us it would be. Hmmm.

I could tell that she was thinking about it long and hard and then she began to spill whatever was bottled up inside her.

Y/N: If I could change anything between us it would have to be that I want us to be more than friends. I really like you Nic.

I stopped and looked at her. I could tell that she couldn't wait for whatever I have to say. Weather what I said was good or bad. We just had to stay friends.


Nic was starring at you but you weren't expecting what he did or said next. You took a deep breathe and got ready for the possible rejection. But that never came.

Nic: Y/N ever since we became best friends when I met you during the press tour for IT chapter 2 I wasn't sure what my feelings were but over the years and the time that I spent with you my feelings for you have grown. I really like you Y/N.

You didn't know what to do so you brought yourself closer to him if that was even possible and looked at him. You leaned in and kissed him. He instantly kissed you back. The kiss began to get heated. You pulled away before it could go any further.

Y/N: So you like me back?

Nic: Yes.

You just smiled at him. You were the happiest girl in the whole entire world. You guys spent the rest of his birthday relishing in your guys' feelings for one another. When you went to bed you guys had smiles on your faces knowing that you both like each other.
