First Duet

You were with Nic and his friends at his moms house when his friend suggested completely out of what you were thinking of. "Hey guys I know what we should do." He said. Nic you and his other friend looked at him as if to say continue. "How about Nic and Y/N sing their first duet as a couple?" He asked. This made you really nervous but you were cut off when his other friend spoke up. "Yeah that would be awesome. I would love to see it." He said. "I mean I'm down to do it what about you Y/N?" He asked. "Guys I don't know I get nervous I have stage fright and I don't know if I'll sound good because none of you have ever heard me sing." You said. "Well why don't you sing in front of us no camera's just pretend like us knuckleheads are not here and your in your home singing to yourself." His friend said. "Ok I'll do it but I don't want any of you laughing at me if my voice cracks." You said. "We're not gonna laugh at you we promise." He said. "Ok then start the song." You said. His friend went onto YouTube and looked up the song. Once he had found it you were moved to a different spot from where you were before and you calmed yourself down and yourself ready. When you were ready and the boys were sitting in front of you and you gave him a thumbs up to play the song. When the first note on the guitar from the song came on you got into your own little world. And now you were gonna start singing. When you sang the first note of the song you were already into your zone.

When the song was over all of the guys looked at you in amazement. It was silent so you decided to break the silence. "So guys what did you think?" You asked. "Oh my god baby that was so good how come you didn't tell me you could sing?" He asked. "I don't know but now you know I'll have to sing for you more often." You said and winked at him. "Y/N that was amazing your voice is so beautiful." His friend said. "Thank you." You said. "Dude Y/N you killed it." He said. "Thank you." You said. "So Y/N could you do it while being filmed?" His friend asked. "Yeah." You said. No one spoke after that. Nic had moved beside you on the bed and you him were warming up your voices so you could sing the song. The other two boys were getting ready by setting up a camera and a guitar. When everything was all set up you guys were ready and began being filmed.

"I'm Y/N and this is Nic and we'll be singing She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5." You said. And then the guitar began to play. Then it was your turn to sing.

Y/N: Beauty queen of only 18 she had some trouble with herself. He was always there to help her she always belonged to someone else. I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times but somehow I want more.

Nicholas: I don't mind spending everyday. Out on your corner.

Both: In the pouring rain.

Nicholas: Look for that girl with a broken smile.

Both: Ask her if she like to stay awhile.

Y/N: And she will be loved. And she will be loved. Tap on my window knock on my door I want to make her feel beautiful. I know I tend to get so insecure doesn't matter anymore.

Nicholas: It's not always rainbows and butterflies. It's compromise it moves us along.

Y/N: Yeah. My heart is full and my doors always open. You come anytime you want.

Nicholas: I don't mind spending everyday.

Both: Out on your corner in the pouring rain.

Nicholas: Look for that girl with a broken smile.

Both: Ask her if she like to stay awhile.

Y/N: And she will be loved. And she will be loved.

Nicholas: And she will be loved. And she will be loved. And she will.

Y/N: Please. Don't try so hard to say good.

Nicholas: Be loved. And she will be loved.

Y/N: Please don't try so hard to say good.

Nicholas: And she will be loved. And she will be loved.

Y/N: Please don't try so hard to say.

Nicholas: And she will be loved. And she will be loved.

Y/N: Please don't try so hard to say good.

Nicholas: And she will be loved. And she will be loved.

Y/N: Please don't try so hard to say good.

Nicholas: And she will be loved. And she will be loved.

Y/N: Please don't try so hard to say.

Nicholas: And she will be loved.

Y/N: Goodbye.

Once you were done his friend was getting ready to edit the video but before he could edit the video he got Nic's attention. "Hey Nic?" He asked. "Yeah?" He asked. "Could I borrow your phone?" He asked. "Sure." He said and handed his friend his phone. His other friend that was there had to leave and go see his girlfriend so he said his goodbyes and he went out the door. You Nic and his friend were in his room minding your own business. His friend had on headphones so he was tuning you and Nic out and he couldn't hear a thing you and Nic were saying. You felt Nic starring at you so you turned your head to see him still starring at you. "What?" You asked. "Nothing." He said. "If your starring at me there must be something you have to say now would you spill it Hamilton." You said. He was still starring at you looking into your eyes. "No telling no kissing." You said. That made him perk right up and he was finally gonna spill the tea. You've been waiting for.

He pulled you onto his lap so you were facing him. "Y/N. Your the greatest thing to have ever happened to me." He said. "Your the greatest thing to have ever happened to me Nic." You said. You and him were just starring in each other's eyes and then he kissed you and you kissed back. While you were off in your own little world his friend tried to get your attention.

"Guys. Guys. Guys. HEY LOVEBIRDS!" He yelled. You guys broke away from your kiss to look at him. "Yes?" You asked. "Here is your phone back Nic I'll be back in a sec my mom needs me for something but I'm not done with that video." He said. "Bye." You and Nic said in unison. "Bye." He said. You couldn't wait to see how the video turn out.
