How You Meet

You were asleep when you woke up to your phone blaring in your ear. You looked at the collar ID and it was your friend Sophia. You guys met through her agent and ever since then you two have become the best of friends. So you just answered the phone.

"Hello." You said. "Hey Y/N are you up?" She asked. "Yeah I am why?" You asked. "You wanna come to set with me?" She asked. "Yeah I'll get ready right now." You said. "Ok I'll see you in 10 bye." She said. "Bye." You said. Once you were fully awake you got ready for the day and you washed your hair over the tub and by the time you had gotten your left shoe on there was a knock at the door. "Coming." You said. When you had all of your stuff and keys you opened the door to see your best friend Sophia standing there. You guys hugged each other and you got in the car and you were off to set. While you were talking her phone rang with a FaceTime notification from her friends and since you were sitting in front of her she was talking to them so you were just on your phone until she hung up. When you got there you saw a security guard who was already expecting you and so you got a pass to come see Sophia only when she wasn't filming. So once you were let in and she was ushered to hair and makeup so you followed her.

She knocked on the door and you followed her inside the trailer and just stood off to the side and talked to her.

"So Y/N have you ever had a boyfriend?" She asked. "I-I-uh-no." You said. "You've never had a boyfriend before?" She asked. "Nope." You said. "Why is that?" She asked. "Because none of the guys that I went on dates with weren't really really interested in me or they really didn't like me." You said. "Well when I get done you have to meet my friends." She said. "S-Sophia I don't-what if they don't like me?" You asked. "Y/N they will like you just trust me." She said. "Ok." You said. So you followed her out of the hair and makeup trailer and towards where her friends were. Once they saw her approaching them they looked to the right and they saw you they all just starred at you. You just started blushing hard.

"Guys meet Y/N. Y/N meet the guys." She said. "Hi I'm Y/N." You said. "Hey I'm Jaeden." Said a brown haired boy. "I'm Chosen." Said a dark haired boy. "I'm Wyatt." Said a curly haired boy. "I'm Jack." Said another dark haired boy. "I'm Finn." Said another dark haired boy. "I'm Jake." Said a big looking boy. "I'm Logan." Said a blonde haired boy. "I'm Owen." Said a brown haired boy. "I'm Jeremy." Said another boy. "Your pretty. I-I mean hi I'm Nic." Said a very beautiful tall Australian boy as he kissed your hand.

You just blushed and so did he. You guys started talking and it was like you've known the guys all your life. You guys got along very easily. You guys were laughing about something that Sophia said when the director came in. "Hey guys whose this?" He asked. "Andy this is my friend Y/N." Sophia Said. "Nice to meet you Y/N." Andy said. "Nice to meet you too Andy." You said. "Guys I hate to break this up but Jaeden Sophia Chosen Jeremy Finn Wyatt Jack I need you guys for filming." He said. "I'll see you after filming Sophia I know your going to kill it." You said. "Bye." She said. You were just standing there on your phone when you heard your name being called.

"Hey Y/N?" Nic asked. "Yeah." You said. "Come over here I won't bite." He said. You just laughed and sat beside him. "So what do you do for work?" He asked. "I actually don't have a job." You said. He looked at you in complete shock. "How do you know Sophia?" He asked. "I met her agent when we just happened to be at McDonalds one day and she was there and I got her number and ever since then we've been best friends." You said. "That's cool." He said. "What was your dream job?" He asked. "I wanted to be an actress or a singer but that's like way outta my hands." You said. "Oh come on when they're done filming I'll talk to Andy about you doing a screen test." He said. "O-ok." You said. When they were done filming Nic asked Andy about the screen test and you get to come back tomorrow and do your screen test. You have no idea what it's about so you just keep guessing. They had just filmed their last scene of the day and you had to leave. "Hey guys this has been fun and I loved meeting all of you but I have to get going." You said. "Awe Y/N do you really have to go?" Nic asked. "Yes." You said.

You and Sophia made it to the car when you heard your name being called. "Y/N wait up." Nic said. "Yeah." You said. "I'm not filming tomorrow you wanna hang out?" He asked. "Yeah I'd like that." You said. "I'll give you her number Nic we have to go." Sophia said. "Ok bye Y/N." Nic said while giving you a long hug. "Bye Nic." You said. "Bye Nic." Sophia said. "Bye Sophia." Nic said. When you were in the car you saw Nic turn around and wink at you and you just blushed and Sophia just laughed at you. You just sat there and you were smiling the whole ride back to your house. You couldn't wait for tomorrow.
