NCT Reaction to pointing out insecurities in an argument

Ten :

He wouldn't be happy that you were both in an argument and after awhile of bickering he'd get more agitated. So agitated that he began to just get a bit defensive and then says hurtful things. This had never happened before and quite honestly Ten was shocked he could even think something so hurtful about you. He'd have to apologize right away but if you really needed space he'd understand.

Jaehyun :

Like Ten his hurtful words wouldn't come out early on in the argument but if the fight had been going on for so long he'd be too annoyed and mad at the time to think about what he was saying. It'd take him a good five minutes or so to finally realize what he just said and when he thought about it he realized he was being a jerk to you. He'd wait about a day to come and apologize to you so that the both of you could cool down.

Jaemin :

The moment he let out those words he knew he was screwed. Not that he would immediately show it especially if he were trying to prove a point but once he came around oh boy was he guilty and sorry. Jaemin wouldn't be able to apologize right away because he wasn't sure if you'd even want to see him anymore but eventually he'd come back and ask for you to forgive him.
