NCT Reaction to beginning to think of you as being more than a friend [Part 2]

Ten :

Ten would become more gentleman like? I think he'd try to show you that he could be more than just a friend that you laugh with. He would obviously be nervous about telling you his feelings but at the end of the day he knew that he wanted to be with you as more than friends. He'd tell you one day when you were both just relaxing and be as honest about it as he could be and hope you feel the same.

Mark :

This man would forget all his words when you were talking to him. Mark would definitely be an obvious one. He'd become more clumsy too. Over all he'd be a mess. Meanwhile he was making a fool of himself the rest of NCT would just be shaking their heads. You'd know that something was up about right away. Finally when you ask what's been wrong with him he'd just tell you. It can get pretty exhausting to be a mess all the time.

Haechan :

Haechan is pretty much a schoolboy. He'll totally tease you more in like a loving way? He wouldn't be as obvious since he teased you about little things before. The other dreamies would notice though and every time you'd come over they'd just be like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Haechan would eventually have to tell you before one of them spilled it. It wouldn't feel rushed though. He'd get a little distant before it but when he'd tell you his feelings the distance would be long gone.

Jaemin :

Smiley boy. Every time he sees you he'll be all smiles. At first you'd think maybe he was just having a really good day. That then turned into everyday and you'd just wonder why he was so happy. Not that you were complaining about it though. Whenever you'd ask him about it he'd act oblivious whilst still smiling. On top of that he'd be all heart eyes. He'd tell you kind of out of the blue I think. You'd just ask him why he was staring at you and he'd just drop the bomb right then and there.
