NCT Reaction to falling for a fan

Ten :

He wouldn't care that you were a fan at all. Ten was just happy that he got to know such a lovely person. However around the company he'd want to keep it a secret just to not get you involved in anything with the media or get him in trouble. He would just be so happy that doing what he loves led him to you.

(oh my gosh that last sentence was so cheesy)

Lucas :

You know when he says let's pretend they're our girlfriends on vlive? Yep he's really talking about you. Lucas isn't afraid to tell people about you which may get him in a bit of trouble but mainly it just embarasses you. Especially when you show up at the studio and strangers know who you are. Lucas also sends you stupid videos with the members so that's a plus.

Mark :

Mark would love that you were a fan. It saved him the talk of why he'd be away so much. He knew it wouldn't be easy to date him so he'd always feel lucky to have you by his side. Would be a bit hesitant about introducing you to people he worked with and the boys. Only because he just didn't want to throw you into this different world.

Jaemin :

This boy honestly wouldn't know what to do. Could he date you? What would SM say? Does he even have enough time? He would care for you so much and always thank you for supporting them. Sometimes he'll invite you to come watch the dance practices just so he can see you. (also so you can see him being amazing...)
