Naruto the Date Champ Part 2

It was just too early in the morning but he wanted to perfect the date for tonight. He rose out from his bed with a slight groan and EM activated. He deactivated it and looked into the mirror.  His hair was no at his shoulders but behind his shoulders blades.

He sighed and went to take a shower but was stopped by a messenger bird outside his window peeking at it. He opened the window and the messenger bird started to have a nose bleed. (Some people would be like what the fuck. Birds dont have nose to bleed. But I will be like fuck yes how you think they breath? Through their ass? And then they will be like.... anyways back to the damn story.) He sighed and looked at the bird careful and saw that it was a transformation.

"What do you want Kakashi-sensei? I am a very busy person and I have things to do." He rose an eye brow.

"H-How do you know it was me?" He asked turning back to his perverty self.

"Your eyes were still the same, you had the cut of your left eye and which fucking bird wears a fucking shinobi headband over their eye?" He asked.

"Oh, whatever. Well anyways I am here to tell you that you have to meet us at our little training area."

"You got to be kidding me! I was planning for something today. Although it is going to be late but damn planning is needed."

"What have you have plan?"

"A date but don't fuck around as I am not prepared as yet but I have something in my head that are compulsory."

"A What!? You have a date? With whom?"

"None of your business. You will find out about that at the chunin exam." He smirked at Kakashi's shocked face.

"You know about the chunin exam? What am I kidding I should have suspected that. Well anyways for the surprise but you still have to turn up at the training field at 7 sharp."

"Yea, yea, yea. That would be 2 hours after 7 sharp." He mumbled the last part.

"Anyways be there. I will be taking my leave. For your information. I will be looking who is your date." He smirked.

"Well you are not the first jonin trying to finding out. How do you think Kotetsu and Izumo are in the hospital?" He asked with a goofy smile.

Kakashi physically paled and disappeared. He sighed and and went to the bathroom to take a bath. In the shower he ran a hand through his hair as the water ran through it. He activated his three tome sharingan and did some hand seals.

"Lightning Style: Electrical Murderer." He murmered.

A jolt of blue lightning shot from his eyes and electrocuted the water. It started shocking the life out of him but, he just stood still like nothing was happening. He stopped the jutsu and sighed. "Not even my jutsu can hurt me or even kill me." He thought with a sigh.

He came out of the shower but didnt wrapped a towel around. As he got into his room he realized that Hinata was sitting on his bed with a look of anticipation. He sighed and went to put on some clothing.

"You know if you wanted to see me naked in the early morning you could have told me?" He said.

She looked at him before with god's speed she sprang her head around back away from the sight that bestowed infront of her.

"I came her for... ammm... to tell you that be there at 10 as.... ammm..... I have to be at Sakura's for.... ammmm.... something." She stuttered and blushed very deeply.

"That's better for what I plan to do. So prepare for what I have to do. Oh and before you go. Wear something that depicts your beautiful lavender eyes. I want all yhe men to be jealous that I got the most beautiful girl apart from Ayame at my side, while they got bullshit to keep them company."

She blushed deeper, then looked down, then blushed again before fainting from thinking Naruto still there with his naked self searching for clothing. He sighed before placing her properly on the bed. He realized that she had the small necklace he got for her a while back. He smiled at that before snapping his finger and the same looking clothing. He did that because he didn't like the the orange and more orange and a hell lot more orange jumpsuit. He wrote a not and placed it on her hand. It inscribed the following.

To my lavender eyed beautiful flower.

It is your to be husband and I am saying that I have took my leave to the training area that my sensei told us to meet but as usually he will arrive late. Sigh. Anyways before my departure, I have took on the challenge of cooking something other than ramen and I think I have successfully made somthing that does look like shit or burn down my apartment. Tell me later of my cooking ok? Again, anyways. Make sure you consume something before you leave. I love you. For you information wear a white kimono. Don't place any chopsticks in your hair or any garments their as I have a surprise for tonight.
                                                  Your boy lolipop
                                            Naruto Uzumaki.

He was walking through the streets of to arrive at the scene where he will die from waiting. He was knocked out of his thoughts as he felt a presence behind him. A kick was aimed at his side but he caught it without even looking back at who it was as he continued. (Alright damn! If you want to know its Konohamaro. Geez you people are a muse to my writing. No offense intented.) He walked to the training field but was shocked to see Kakashi sitting down leaning on a tree reading his book. He sighed and lowered his chakra level  lower than those of an ant. He disappeared from sight as he reappeared infront of an Kakashi. The latter looked from his book to be shocked by his student standing infront of him.

"What!? How?! How did yo-"

He never got to finished as he was being dragged on his ass by his student.

Sakura spotted them as they came in face to face confrontation. She was going to shut until she met Naruto's cold gaze. She squirmed under his gaze and whimpered like a hurt puppy.

With untangling his fingers from the man's collar he let him get up from his hurting butt.

"You know you got no love for your old man. Atleast be gentle with me." Kakashi pouted. Well and recognition of a pouting face.

With no answer he sighed. Although the current Naruto was now matured, he still missed that Knuckleheaded brat.

"Well I got you elected for the-" he got cut off.

"Thanks Kakashi-sensei." His blonde student said before taking the paper and walked away.

"Were are you going loser." Sasuke asked shocked but tried to hide under his cool facade.

"I have two important things to do. See ya at the place in whatever days time." He said before disappearing to the wind.

"Sensei, is he alright. He seems different." Sakura asked.

"Well he is. All his life everyone was saying to him especially you Sakura to mature or grow up rather than acting like a total moran. He also changed because of you sasuke, you always told him he was a liser and needed to be more powerful, well now he is more powerful than what he lets anyone know. Guess in time we will now." He said shrugging and thinking about that possibility.

"I hate this Naruto. I rather the old one." She said.

He was walking towards the hokage's office when he felt his presence behind him, lurking at him like how mother can't be kept away from fucker. He sighed and stopped.

"Konohamaro, you can come out now. Stones dont move and plus you can't even hide your chakra presence."

The irregular shaped was thrown over and revealed a boy that used to dressed like Naruto but the jumpsuit was dark blue.

"As usual boss, your smart. I gonna surpass you anyways." He said shrugging.

"Oh, really now. Let us sew that in the future. If you can whoop my ass." He smirked.

"Whatever boss. But I was wanting to ask you. Can you teach me?" He said with a slight embarassed blush.

"Oh so I see your plan. Let me think." He said while holding his chin in a mocking thinking position while his back was still turned to his follower.

"Ok. But you have to do something for me in return."

He hesitantly nodded as he saw the evil glint in his model eyes.

"I want you to run as fast as you can in that direction and purposely run into a man that looks like a cat and has puppets attached to his back. Thats all and you have to apologize and get all teary. Deal?"

The little boy had stars in his eyes as he is giving him an easy mission.

"Ok boss here I go!" He shouted while running at full speed.

One minute later, a scream was heard from the direction he send his half-time student.  He disappeared from where he stood and appeared behind the wall and walked out casually.

"Kankuro how are you planning to have children if your dealing with one like than. And I know Gaara won't approve on what you are doing now." He shrugged.

The latter paled at the mention of his little brother's name but still managed to stuttered something.

"How do you know Gaara? You are not the boss of m-" He got cut off.

Within a flash he was at Kankuro's ear and his right hand on his students back.

"Even Gaara himself fears me so don't you dear try to pick fights with me. Let the child go and go meet the Hokage you fucking brat." He whispered coldly.

With that said Kankaru jumped back and ready to draw out his puppet but realized that the chakra threads were cut.

"I cut them. At the moment I apoeared infront of you." He smiled.

"Ho-" He was cut off yet again.

"Kankaru lets just go. He will be here any minute now." Temari told him.

"Hahahaha, who said he aint here. Sabaku no Gaara, you can come out from hiding." He laughed.

"Just the same as last time." Gaara smirked at him.

"Kono, go home. I will see you tomorrow ok?" He asked.

"Yea boss." With that he ran away with an Naruto-goofy smile on his face.

"Gaara, you can handle your siblings and my teammate over there. I have to meet the Hokage now. That old man is a pain in the ass and sometimes I wonder if HE HAS A STICK UP WAY UP IN THE FUCK OF HIS ASS." He shouted while looking up.

"Ok. Good deal with your business, I'll handle here." He nodded.

"Don't kill them like the last time I told you to deal with someone." They both smiled before Naruto went running.

He appeared at the door of the Hokages office. He barged in without even a knock but when he entered all eyes were on him and a kunai at his neck. The hokage sighed and held up his hands for the jonin to remove the kunai.

"What do you want Naruto?" He asked in a serious tone.

"I have something very important to discuss with you." He said in an equal serious tone.

"More than my merting here with the fuedal laws representative?" He nodded.

Hiruzen sighed and told them to give him a monent with him. They nodded and excused themselves.

"What is it?" He said quiet irritated.

"It is about the chunin exams."

"What about the chunin exams?" He asked aggravated.

"I need you to put it off for this month and start next month as my personal life is going to be ruined. I didn't had a personal life back then and now I have attained one and this exam is going to put it at risk. You know how long it took me to find love old man. Someone who could show me the true meaning. Please old man!" He pleaded.

"No can do son." He sighed.

"I didn't want to got to this but if you do as I say, I will teach you the most powerful wind style jutsu that I created and 3quarters of the truth about me in the chunin exams?"

"Tempting offer but I know your planning to reveal yourself already and I don't ne-"

"I can cut through chakra and permanently destroy chakra point."

"It also cut through everything until it reaches it's target."

The hokage was so shocked that his pipe fell out of his mouth.

"Show me." He asked eagerly.

Naruto sighed but did it anyways. He did the hand seal in his mind and whispered.

"Wind Style: Time-Space Cutter!"

He swung his arms in a cross motion. Nothing happened and the hokage was about to say something when the walls Naruto swung his arms infront of seperated. It fell apart amd Hiruzen's mouth was on the ground.

"How is that. Thats impossible. How did you create that jutsu?"

"Its an unexpected jutsu as you won't know that your dead until you fall apart into pieces. Also it doesn't hurt until the pieces cut fall off." He shrugged.

"Alrighti will push back the exams a month if you teach me that."

"I wont teach as that will take too long. I have created a simpier way of teaching without using hand seals."

The old man looked at him like he was mad but didn't say a single word.

"Here sign this contract with your blood. And no you don't have any clauses in it and no no one ever signed as I never want anyone finding about this." He sighed.

The hokage histantly signed and there the latter went out the door.

"Thanks doing business. Now I have gto go plan something bye Prevy Old Man."

(A/N hey all good people reading this book, I am really feeling lazy writing out the parts that will occur in the day so I am just going to skip to the part where he finished planned every thing. Patience is a virtue!)

It was now 8:30 in the evening and he had already did what he had to do. His plan was successful where he was going to carry Hinata out tonight. He placed an powerful genjutsu; (Not the Shi no Tochi) on the dating site. He walked no rather disappeared to his home and plopped down in his couch and looked to the ceiling. He activated his his MS and disappeared in a crimson red swirling vortex. He appeared on the outside of a large- wait no enormous stone in the forest. 

A cold object was felt at his neck so he looked down to see a kunai threatening to slice it open.

"What is your purpose here?" A cold husky voice was heard.

"I am here to see Pein or should I say Nagato." He said.

"What! Why leader-sama?"

"Release the kunai from my neck so I can show you Itachi." The man known as Itachi hesitantly removed it.

When Naruto turned around Itachi was shocked. His eyes wide open. He was staring Three Tome Sharingan to Three Tome Sharingan. He morphed it to the MS and stared coldly.

"How do you have to sharingan muchless the MS?" He asked still shocked.

"I am a direct descendant of an Uchiha." He said.

"Who?" He regained his composure.

"That I can't say. There are only 4 Uchiha's left alive."

"That is preposterous I massacred the entire clan." He said.

"No one knew about me, not even me. I also know the direct truth behind the massacre." Itachi by this time backed away in shock.

"H-How is that possible?!" He stuttered.

"I know everything. By the way Kisame you would want to come out here before I burn you alive with my Amaterasu." He said looking in the direction he felt the chakra.

"Oh butter my biscuit Itachi he is good and he seems to have the Sharingan like you. Lets test him" he hissed.

He launched at him but Naruto just stayed in spot. When the sword was just about to make impact he held up his right hand and caught it. Both the latter and Itachi looked at him shocked.

"If your sword is trying to take my chakra it wont work but I am taking your's if you dont retract." He saud with a shrug while Kisame latched his sword from the blonde.

"Can you take me to Nagato or should I just smash this stone?!" He said raising an eye brow.

They walked pass him and opened the stone and walked in. He walked behind them and 5 minutes later they stood in a hall.

"Itachi, Kisame what are you doing here so early. Your shift isn't over." A blonde hair ninja said with his hair covering his left eye.

"Leader-sama there is someone here to meet you." The black haired Uchiha said cooly.

"Who may that be?" Pein said raising a brow.

He stepped from the shadow only to hear gasped everywhere.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki as what I am known in Konohagakure. Outside of tge village I am known as Red Tome." He said shocking everyone except Kakazu who chuckled.

"I am going to kill you. You have alot of bounty on your h-" he didn't got the chance to finish when an enormous KI (Killer Intent) was felt.

Everyone was on the ground coughing blood. The KI disappeared and everyone stood up.

"You still want to continue. You are weak, thats just a little bit of my KI I released and your affected."

"Anyways I have to keep my meeting short, I am here to meet you Pein as I have a date to get home to. No comment about that please, lets go." He said walking to their leaders office. (Fyi he knows wereit is because of his sharingan and to search for where a cgakra presence have been."

In the office stood Naruto and Konan with a sitting Nagato.

"What do you want?"

I want to tell you that you need to stop your plan of hunting the biju's. I hid them and only Shukaka, Gyuki and Kurama are still existing in this realm. Kukuo, isomo, son goku, matatabi, chomei and saiken are in another." He said shovking Pein and Konan.

"How do you know about our plan and how you sent the tail beast to another dimension?"

"Those questions will be answered later. I have to go pick up my date. And be wary of me, I am a person who doesn't kill instantly although I am in the bingo book. I give two chances and so pein I give you also. Don't attack Konohagakure or else." He said disapoearing back in the vortex.

He got dressed in a lovely fishnet and a black with red strips of red tight jeans and a ninja sandal. He looked at the time and saw that it was 9:58. He snapped his thumb and middle finger together and there he was standing at the door. He ran the door bell and a pair of lavender eyes met him there. This wasn't Hiashi but you could tell that this person almost look the same as Hinata.

"Who are you? And what do you want?"

"If I can relate to looks I would say you Hinata's littler sister?" She nodded hesitantly.

"Well the beauty hasn't just bestowed itself on my dear Hinata but it looks like it was passed on to you also." By this she turned away blushing.

"Know I see why Konohamaro likes you so much. A little rough around the edges but the correct guy like him could even make this young lady infront of me blush." He saw her got a darker shade of red on her cheeks.

"Who are you?" She failed her attempt not to sound affected.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki, the sensei of Konohamaro and the boyfriend of Hinata." He said proudly.

"So you have been the one causing father problems. You son of a bitch!" She shouted while throwing a fist at him who caught it with ease.

"Thats a nice thing to do to someone who is feeling proud. I am anything but weak. Never underestimate your opponent and I think that is the first thing your father taught you. Anyways is Hinata here I was just 2 minutes early?"

"She isn't here, she is at Sakura's house."

"Damn she gonna think I am late. Thank you for your cooperativity." (Fuck yes created another word. Sorry lets continue.)

He released her fist and disappeared on Sakura's doorstep. He ran the door bell and a "comming" was heard. When it was opened it reveal a lady that stood about 5'4 and had Sakura's looks but not the cheery blossom pink.

"Hello there, how may I assist you?" She smiled at him.

"I am gere to request Hinata, is she here?"

"Oh yes, she is. Those two have been trashing up stairs all day.

"May you call Hinata for me, tell her its Naruto."

She nodded and told him to wait in the living room as she went into war to stop Sakura's madness when it comes to dressing. 3 minutes after, someone came downstairs that let him stare wide eyes and a gaping mouth on the floor. Infront of him was her wearing a lavender kimono with a dragon design imprinted on it. A pair of pearl earrings that completes the look that complements her eyes. Make up a stuff. Her hair caught in a high ponytail but it was twisted and two halved chop sticks running through the end of it. And least and finally her endearing lavender heals.

"If I could have made up my own word I would say 'youhotasfuck' yea." He said.

"You look wonderful Naruto-kun."

"Why thank you Mi'lady. Lets go before I stare on you the dntire time instead of no wanting to go."

They both went outside with them holding hands while walking through the streets.

"N-Naruto-k-kun where are w-we going?" She stuttered while asking.

"I need to keep that as a surprise. First I am going to work on your shyness." He said.

"W-" she was cut off when he placed his finger on her lips.

"Let me do the talking. Shadow Clone Jutsu." He said.

SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! Keep the rhythm now. 3X
I am holding your hands.
While spinning around.
I dont have to say your beautiful.

The snap sound by the fingers was heard here.

I now your shy,
But i will always here for you.
Your down, but i am up.
Give me your hands and never let go.
Your drowning but i will rescue you.
Slide to the left, spin around and slide to the right,
That is how you do the bisector.

Dance to your hearts content,
Feel the breeze hitting your face.
Now you dont shy anymore.
In the night that we are,
And person are waking up.
Do I have to say it again.

Dance your hearts content,
Feel the breeze hitting your face.
Now you dont have to be shy anymore


Up in the sky we will go,
Down through the valley.
Swimming in the spring.
Wave your hands in contentment
Kick your left foot to the right
And your rightto the left.

Dance your hearts content,
Feel the breeze hitting your face.
Now you dont have to be shy anymore


Up in the sky we will go,
Down through the valley.
Swimming in the spring.
Wave your hands in contentment
Kick your left foot to the right
And your righf to the left.



The song ended there.

He place her fingers in between his and he walked her in the direction. He was about to walk the startcase to arrive at the hokages faces when Hinata stopped him.

"Where we going?"

"Up to the hokages monument"


"Because there is a surprise waiting for you there love." He smiled when he successfully made her blushed.

With that he ran off with her up the stairs.
On arriving they stopped to see nothing but an vacant head.

"What going on Naruto-kun?"

"Its a genjutsu under a genjutsu but they are so powerful no-one can sense it no even the byakugan. But i made an exception for you Hina. Use your byakugan to see for yourself. But you won't be able to see my surprise."

She did as she was told and saw it was as said.

"Hina, I want you to look in my eye so you can see through my genjutsu. But its going to make you very weak for 5 seconds."

She hesitated but did it anyways. After turned his normal blue orbs to a burning red. He whispered "All Mighty Release" the she was about to faint when he wrapped his arms around her and caught her.

After 5 seconds, she was back up but was dumbfounded as the site in front of her was magnificent. Water lilies and Daisies surrounded her and those were her favourite. She saw a particular flower she has never saw in her entire life but it was not at bloom.

"Naruto-kun, why is that flower not at bloom?"

"Oh that one. I planted it a month and its deem to bloom at midnight tonight."

"I see, it's beautiful. What have you named it?" She asked with curiosity in hee voice.

"How about you name this one Hina?"

"A-Alright. I would call it....... ummm.... I dont know as yet. I will name it later ok?"

"Yea, now let us enjoy the scenery while the night is still young."

They walked to where a picnic was and they both sat. He took out the objects that were in the basket. The objects were as named: Two Ramen, 10 Rice Ball, BBQ, a pie, and a cake. Oh wait can ramen be eaten like that oh fuck no and some water in a thermo something another. He threw the hot water on the ramen and gave it to his girlfriend. The both of them ate in silence; of coarse with the exception of slurping of noodles from Naruto it was silent. After both were finished they ate the rice balls after it was shared equally.

Hinata was whining saying her stomach was packed so he skipped the BBQ and sliced the cake. He held the cake in his hands to feed her but she blushed and refused. After 5 minutes of refusing she gave up.

"Open wide Hina-chan." She blushed but did as what she was told.

When she opened her mouth she closed her eyes waiting to receive the food the unexpected happed. Cake was all over her face and a laughing Naruto on the ground holding his stomach.

Suddenly the atmosphere around them had gotten heavier and darker. When he stopped laughing he looked at Hinata and saw that a dark cloak was around her. Suddenly a pie was spattered all over his face. The atmosphere was light again and this time Hinata was laughing. Then and their a food fight began. It lasted for 2 minutes as their was limited amount of food.

She was was running him down but he was not slowing down. He tripped on on something and began rolling like a ball kicked across a football field.

He came to a stop and instantly she was by his side. She gave him a hand for help, he took it but pulled her down with him. She was now lying on top of him so he kissed her but she blushed before returning it.

They decided to train after the kiss.

"Hina-chan it's best to use your byakugan." She nodded and activated it.

The fight was a straight out taijustu battle. Fist with fist, kicks with kicks palms with palm. Hinata was on the line, she was exhausted from using too much chakra while Naruto had his normal breathing rate.

"Hina, you see when I made you look in my eyes at the start?" She nodded.

"I made you can see through all Genjutsu even my powerful ones except two or three I dont remember. You can also cast genjutsus with anyone looking in your eyes."

"What!" She shouted in shock.

"Yep. For you to do it efficiently you have to train under me. Wait no me but one of my clones ok?"

"Hai." She hesitated.

He took her to the edge of the forth hokage's face and sat with her in between his legs. They watched as the moon came in full view then they knew it was midnight.

"Naruto-kun isn't the flower going to bloom now?"

"Yes lets go see."

They walked hand in hand. They stopped at the closest point of the plant and stood at that spot. When the light of the moon hit the plant began to open. When it fully opened blood started to run out of it. After all the blood ran out of it a ring could be seen. Sapphire coloured stone and red band that the stone was attached to.

"Hina-chan this ring is for you. Its a promise ring and that I promise you."


She was speechless but he took it and placed it on her finger then kissed her.

"Holy motherfucker fuck me. Your dad is so gonna fuck me for fucking bringing you home late. Hina-chan lets go."

He teleported her to her house and stayed out their for a minute.

"Do you think I can take you on another date my love?"


He leaned in to kiss her but the door creeked open and a "Ahem" was heard. He drew back and scratched the back of his head.

"Hey Hiashi-sama, I was just leaving." As he said that he disappeared from their sites leaving a shunned Hinata and a angry Hiashi at the door.

"Are you going to come in or stay out here with that shock look on your face?" He asked irritated.

"I am coming father." She said as she went inside.

The first step to a new beginning.
