Bell Test

Training build ones physical, mental and emotional demeanor. Practice make you perfect a skill that you are desirous to master. Life can go two ways for you even if you worked to your greatest ability. It can go as you train and be successful or you train and be envied and persons be biased against you. Starting from the end of the rope to the top will take sometime but you will eventually get there. Team work is very essential as without team work you will always fail. Along the way of life you are goung to need someones help believe it!

Waking up from his ten hours sleep he slid of the bed and was about to head to the bathroom when he heard the alarm clock going off


Thats all was heard before a crashing and buring was heard.

"What is the use of an alarm clock if you always awake before it goes off."

He sighed and went into the bathroom. After half and hour spending showering he came out with a towel wrapped around him. He looked in the mirror and activated his sharingan and then analyzed his extended hair. His hair wasn't down to his neck anymore, it is in the below the shoulder bone. With another sigh he deactivated his sharingan and went to put on some clothing.

He wore his head band to tie his blonde locks, a yellow fish-net top, a skin-tight red shirt underneath, and a mid night blue pants with his ninja scandals.

He left towards the kitchen and made some ramen and took out some left over rice balls. He knew Kakashi told him not to eat but who would want to go on training with an empty stomach.

He left out of his home and locked everything before his apartment was out of view. He prolonged his journey at a slow pace as he knew his sensei was a man who obliged the rule of punctuality and rath be tardy.

He was in his own thinking world when somebody distrubed the peace. He looked to see a pissed Sakura. He wanted to shut her up by just cutting out her tongue but he had to carry out this acting shit until he has completely entered the chunin exams.

"Your late!" She shouted

"Sorry Sakura-chan but that doesn't mean I am late as you arrived before me!" He retorted back whining.

"What you said! Come here let me punch your face in!"

"Sasuke-teme help me from this freak of a monster!"

"You said it not me, face your beating" he shrugged and smirked at Naruto's shocked expression.

Sakura punched him in the gut but she was shocked feel some much abs. "He have more abs and more muscle than MY Sasuke-kun." She thought.

"You feel something you like Sakura?" He asked with a small grin.

"N-No.... Its just... Ugh..... Nothing" She was blushing like Hinata anytime she saw Naruto.

"I know you like the feeling of em abs and your thinking how I have some much abs than your dear Sasuke-kun right?"

"Ahhhh... just.... go wait for sensei." She blushed while walking away.

Naruto went and lie in the green grass and closed his eyes for some sleep until Kakashi decides to turn up.

Mean while in Hyuuga household.

A midnight-blue black beauty laid in bed not revealing her lavender eyes that makes her beauty more exemplary and out spoken. Her eyes lids finally and slowly opening with unseen pupil trying to balance the amount of light entering her eyes.

She looked around and saw a familiar setting she was more than used to. She was in her room. She remember she was going into the academy but now she was in her room. She pondered and pondered and pondered...... and pondered until something clicked in her mind. She sat up and had a shocked look on her face. She stayed like that for fifteen minutes bofore touching her entire lip and rubbing then slowly. "N-Naruto.-k-kun. Kissed me. What am I stammering about, I should be jumping for joy HE KISSED ME!" "Wait isn't that my first kiss but I didn't kiss back but still it felt so good. A kiss is still a kiss kyaaaas."

She continued to talk to herself until she heard the door creaked open. When she went face to face with the person that unlocked her door bowed while sitting.

"Good morning father."

"Good morning Hinata. May I ask you a question?"

"Yes father, do as you please."

"Why were you brought back here in the arms of that nine tail brat?"

"Father, with your accusations you are correct but I fainted from over exhaustion of my chakra."

"And he was the one who found you, correct."

"Yes father."

He sighed "Hinata I know you love the fool but he is so absurd to it, he is very dense."

"I know this already but no matter how long it takes I will wait for him even if it means being his second wife." She mumbled the last part.

Hiashi looked shocked at this. "What!? I object to this you being a sec-".

"Father you know in all my life I never objected on anything you said. I always did your bidding and never said anything. Father I can not seems to take when he is sad, I can not seem to take it when a tear is running loose down his cheek. I love him and I will do anything for his love in return."

Yet again he was shocked he then realizdd that her used to be little girl has now grown up.

"I see, do as you wish my daughter." With that he walked out of the room.

She held her hands to her chest to made sure it was still working. She jumped for joy and was praying to kami that Naruto held his words.

Back at Naruto

They have been waiting for three hours after the time he told them to be there. There was no peace of quietness as Sakura was ranting around in a circle and mumbling about something. Sasuke was on the merge of making an outburst when Kakashi decide to make an entrance.

Naruto was awoken when his loud mouth bitch of a Kinoichi. He glanced up to see Sakura shouting at Kakashi saying he's late and him replying about 'A black cat crossed his path and he had to take the long way around'.

He got up and walked up to the group with sleep still in his eyes.

"Is that a way to awake someone from there sleep? Anyways sensei lets just start I have 'things' to do."

"What type of things?" The curious Uchiha asked.

"Personal affairs now let begin!" He fist pump in the air.

Everyone sweat dropped from his idiotisy.

"This is a test that is very simple. All you need to do is take these bells from me." He poiuted to his side.

"But sensei there are only two bells." She pointed out the obvious.

"Yes, to make sure that one of you have to be tied to that pose and be sent back to the academy and I eat my lunch infront of you." She said eith a mischievous smirk.

"What!" Sakura cried.

"Yes. If you don't attain a bell by the time the alarm goes of you will be sent back. Anyways you will start when I say to begin and you can use weapons such as kunais, shurikins and senbon needles. You need to come to fight with the intent to kill."

"But sensei you could end up getting hurt!" Naruto shouted.

"Low graders are the first to talk first."

"Why you- calm down. Shimicadai."

Kakashi wanted a reaction but was surprised he was able to control himself. He is starting to get suspicious of his blonde student.

"Atleast I don't read porn infront of little children."

Kakashi sweat dropped 'guess i was wrong, typical Naruto.' He thought.

"Alright enough begin." He said.

Everyone jumped towards the trees and into there destined hideout. Sasuke was planning his atrack stragedy. Sakura was busy day dreaming about the latter. And Naruto was busy trying to figure out the main purpose of this test.

"So there are only two bells, and three of us. The though of a jonin against three genins is unfair as three genins can not stand against a jonin. We are on a team so the purpose of this test is...." he trailed of as he was making hqnds seals.

"Wood style: Mystical Morphing." He whispered. He then apeared behind Sasuke.

"What the fu-" he got cut of when Naruto slapped his hand over his mouth.

"Teme you want to give away your position?"

The latter glared at Naruto and shook his head.

"Anyways the purpose of this test is teamwork, lets team up on him?"

"No dobe. I don't team up with losers." With that he jumped to another hideing spot.

With a sigh he head of to where Sakura was. At arriving he did the same with her and told her what the test was about but she denied and went after her 'Sasuke-kun'.

He sighed again and jumped down infront of his sensei with his hands inhis pocket.

"Never thought you were the one to decipher the meaning of this test." He said with a small smile that wasn't visible.

"Never judge a book by it's cover. Anyways lets do this."

Kakashi put up his book when the latter came running towards him. They got in a taijutsu battle but Naruto got close and was going to kick him in the face but the latter held his foot. He then continued to try hit him with his other foot and he again held it. Naruto smiled and acted to shake free from the position he was in (upsided down). He grabbed the bells quicker than anyone could have seen and he whispered when he was finished making the hand seals in his mind.

"Shadow clone jutsu"

New bells were made and he did another sets of hands seals mentally them whispered.

"Shadow hardening jutsu"

The bells won't disperse like normal close and it can last up to three years.

He then proceed and turn the bells into two kunais and place them into his weapon pouch. He made a hands seal physically and shouted "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" The copy cat ninja dropped him and dispersed all the clones while the latter ran away to the other side.

"Kakashi sensei I want to show you two styles can I show you?"


He took out two shurikens and made it look like one. He threw them at Kakashi but they went the wrong direction. Naruto stood still while Kakashi sweat dropped.
"He missed huh, I should have figured."

As he averted his eyes back at the latter he saw him smiled. The second shuriken hitt the other and head to Kakashi who dodge at the last second. "What the heck was that." He thought

"Aw sensei I worked one week to perfect that attack. I call it Shuriken Manipulation."


"Anyways heres the other which took me two weeks."

He took out one kunai and started to spin it on his index finger. It started of slow but began moving so fast, you could track its motion. Kakashi looked amazed he started to think "What is he going to do with that anyways" he thought. Naruto threw the kunai at the latter. "So he flung it but that trajectory is impossible to attain, he good. I will have to dodge." He was set to jump when he heard his student said something
"Demonic Manipulation: A Thousand Kunai Storm."

With that the kunai multiplied and was coming at him from the front back sides and the sky. He was trying to analyzed an escape root but was unsuccessful. He sbapped his attention to his student who start to spoke.

"There is no escape but since your my sensei and don't want you to die, i will tell you the only way. Use substitution."

With that said he did it the substitution and went behind Naruto and shouted.

"Leaf hidden finger jutsu: A thousand years of death."

Naruto shouted 'HELL NO!" in his head and switched places with the clone he place under ground. As jis sensei was about to make contact with his clone Naruto beat him to it and did it to him. Kakashi was so shocked but it was too late to dodge. He flew in the air and landed in a lake after his student pushed his fingers up his butt.

The taijutsu continued with Sasuke joining along with Sakura until the alarm went off.

"Alright thats it, you guys failed."

"Anyways guys I have to leave. I have to make hay before the sun starts to shine. And on another note, heads up Sasuke and Sakura."

He flung the 'kunais' to them in which they caught and looked at him confused. He snapoed his fingers and they took form of the bells. They looked shockef, even the renowned Kakashi dropped his stotic face and asked how.

"While you supposedly held me upsided down, I used a shadow clone to replace them. Anyways I got to go and I still can be Hokage without being a shinobi. Bye!" He yelked ehile running off.

Kakashi mouth was almost on the ground but when the bells at his side disappeared it went through the ground. "That kid is hiding something and I will find out! First the hokage will know first."
