|| P R E V I E W ||

"she got lost in the rush of blood to her head when he pinned her against the wall and paused as he searched her eyes. whatever he was looking for, she hoped he found it"


The feel of his big hand gripping my wrist is intoxicating. The smell of his cologne envelops my whole nervous system and even on auto-pilot I am failing.  Fast. The flimsy band on my garter belt gives way under the pressure of his free hand, and a sensual whimper escapes my small lips. I grip the waistline of his rough jeans, the pads of my fingertips savoring the feel of the fabric.

"N...Narcissus.." I barely stammer out, the heat between my thighs becoming too much for even me to handle.

I feel my breathing become more shallow. His eyes are hollow; I know deep down that this is nothing but a cheap fuck for him. I try my best to enjoy his attention, even if it comes in fleeting moments such as this.

His lips crash onto mine, our bodies moving together euphorically. My body craves the feel of his, and somewhere in that pretty head of his he knows that we were made for each other.


Kit Harrington as Narcissus

(Blonde) Emilia Clarke as Echo

|| note; this is how I imagine the characters; feel free to imagine them however you wish ||

|| side-note; this is has absolutely nothing to do with Game of Thrones (unfortunately), I just think that both Kit and Emilia are gorgeous, and wanted to cast some sexy looking people!||

mature scenes || coarse language || violence || sex, sex, and more sex!

[ this book is definitely rated mature ] 

This story came to me as I was re-reading some old lecture notes from my first-year. I am really excited to write this, so please enjoy! Also, feel free to check out my other book "The Accountant", I am equally as excited for that one!

with love,


A/N: If you enjoyed this preview, please vote! It would make me so happy!
