|| F O U R ||

"She went around with a broken heart, and she wasn't sure who'd broken it. She thought it was herself, mostly"

Ann Brashares



Tossing my phone to the side, I take in a deep breath. The thoughts of a couple nights ago still fresh in my mind sent more than just my stomach stirring. I pull my knees to my chest as I let myself sink into the couch, welcoming the worn comfort that it never fails to bring. As I flip through channels, I mentally go over what I "accomplished" today, immediately regretting it. I groan inwards at the thought of all the papers that I have to write. My phone pulls me from my thoughts and a smile lights up my face. God, I look like an idiot!

Unknown number. Weird.

I cautiously pick it up, my fingers nervously picking at my nails.

"H-hello?" Can I sound more scared? It's not like I am in a horror movie!

"Hi... Amelia it's Adam I don't want to sound like a total creep okay, but you gave me your number and I can't stop thinking about you at all," I take a deep breath to relax and I find a small smile on my lips.

"Oh hey, Adam. I totally forgot I gave you my number," I laugh and pray that I don't sound like a seal, "what's up?" What's up? Really Amelia? I cringe at myself and hope that he looks past my naivety.

"Would you like to go out tonight?" He ushers nervously, and my stomach flips over. I look at the time and see it is nearing eleven.

"You do know it is eleven right?" I ask, stupidly. Fuck, fuck, fuck, what would Echo do?! I think for a moment, and decide to play what might be my riskiest card. "Tell you what, Adam," I begin, trying to sound as alluring as I can, "I will ask you one question and if you can get that right, then yes I will go out with you tonight, but if you get it wrong, I get to enjoy some Netflix and avoid school work for another night."

His laugh confirms his interest, and I sigh inaudibly at how for once something is going my way.

"I mean, you could come here and watch Netflix..." he jokes, and I roll my eyes playfully. He can't see you right now, stupid. Are you twelve? "But sure, I like those chances. What's the question?"

I did not think that it would ever get this far. I gently chew on my lip before I think of one that he couldn't possibly know. "What's my last name Adam?"

I hear him sigh and his voice deepens a tone, "You couldn't ask what colours your panties are?" My face drops and I stutter something that even I can't decipher. "Your last name is Bouchard, and for bonus points your panties are... dark purple."

"H-how did you know?" I mutter dumbly, my cheeks fully crimson at this point. "Wait are you watching me? Am I being stalked?"

I hear him laugh heartily on the other end of the line and he has to take a breath to catch up with himself. "No, no I promise, please I didn't mean to freak you out! I knew your last name because you wrote your name with a little heart on the sticky note you left your number on, and I said dark purple because I think you would look absolutely ravishing in dark purple..."

My heart fails to slow as I mutter an "mhmm" before kicking myself. "Thirty minutes, there is a pizza place down the road that we can go to," I finish, before adding a (hopefully) cute "see you soon."


I moan as the cheese melts in my mouth, not caring if I get any sauce on my lip. I close my eyes and let my foodgasm subside, before remembering Adam is sitting across from me. With an amused expression on his face, he shakes his head in wonder. "So you are telling me, that the average girl has to fake an orgasm but a slice of pizza does more than enough to finish you guys off?"

I nod my head slowly, as I take another bite. I chew thoughtfully, and take the moment to really look at him. His dirty blonde hair is styled neatly, but I already knew I preferred his morning after hair more. His eyes are a captivating green, and they always seem to have a soft expression. He has broad shoulders, and what is under his outfit is more than impressive too. "I mean, there really is no comparison.." I point to the slice of pizza and swallow the rest of my food, realizing how rude it is to talk with your mouth full. "Pizza, loves you everywhere. I wish boys were like pizza, the only thing that you guys got going for you is uh, well you know." My damn shyness reappears, and I blush slightly.

"I could, you know," he whispers slowly, his eyes scanning my expression as I mentally scream at how un-sexy I look. This time, it was my turn to look confused.

"You could...?" I ask, too enveloped in my pizza to notice his eyes darken a little.

"Love you all over," he says confidently. My face drops and I almost choke on my pizza. The feel of his hand on my knee under the table is enough to drive me over the edge. I quickly get up and reach for the box, not wanting to waste a single piece of this heaven. My inner sex goddess gives my brain a high five and I lace my fingers with his and keep them there the whole walk back to my place.


I tangle my fingers in his hair as he kisses me hungrily, the feeling of his body against mine only exciting me more. His hands expertly grope me in all the right places, and I feel my lips begin to swell slightly from all the attention they are getting. I stumble to unlock the door to my dorm, and I groan as I accidentally press my back into the handle. Finally opening it, I gasp as he lifts me and I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist, his grunt confirming I am not the only one struggling to contain my hormones. Placing me down gingerly, I take a second to breathe before my eyes almost fall out of my sockets.

A shirtless Adam stands before me, and I bite my lip as I look up at him nervously, "I'm not like this I promise. I don't just go around throwing myself at people..." I begin pathetically, wincing as his expression falters.

"We don't have to... honest. I am okay just cuddling or I can even go home if you want, I don't want to make you uncomfortable at all I am so sorry!" He stammers, and I can't help but chuckle. I reach for his hand and slowly pull him into my room, glad that I had tidied up before I left. I hook a finger in the waistline of his jeans and moan as I look up at him to meet his gaze.

"Please," I whisper, unsure that even I can hear myself.

"Please what?" He asks, his eyes darkening once more as he clenches his jaw.

"Love me all over..." I whisper weakly, before he lifts me once more and gingerly places me on my bed. I feel his hands on my breasts as he teases the peaks, and when I feel him place soft kisses from my neck down to my stomach I gulp. Each kiss leaves a burning sensation of need and desire, and as his hand bundles my shirt up my stomach I moan. Reaching quickly to take it off, I feel him gently trace along my hip with kisses. Wasting no more time, he takes off my bottoms effortlessly and my breath hitches as he looks like he is about to lose himself.

"Mmmmm.... I told you dark purple would look ravishing" he whispers, before keeping his promise to love me all over.


My girl Amelia needed to get some too!

I hope you liked this little update, please comment and vote if you did! 

P.s. I need some help casting Amelia and Adam (and a ship name please 😘) so if you have any suggestions just let me know! Next update we will get back to Narcissus and Echo.


