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Potential(?) Game of Thrones spoiler at the end? I mean I was just waiting for it to happen and it did.
Also a mature scene for all my horny people ;)

"I want him to see the flowers in my eyes and hear the songs in my hands"

Francesca Lia Block


"...and with that class, don't forget to finish your assignments. I expect all of your papers to be on my desk next Tuesday within the first ten minutes of class. Have a great week." A chorus of groans cascades through the auditorium, bouncing off the walls as the students shuffle out of their seats. Typical Tuesday, and it is only the third week of school. I can't help but to laugh as I see all of the students scramble, especially when I have all the time in the world.

"Your name is actually Echo?" I turn to see a shy girl, a little shorter than me. I nod as I bite the tender inside of my lip, deciding whether or not it will be fun to toy with her. She looks so nervous, her bright blue eyes looking up at me with hidden wonder and I decide on the latter.

"Unfortunately yes, my parents must have a twisted sense of humour," I start with as genuine a smile as I can. The real smiles were reserved for him, not that he cared to notice. "I uh, like what you did with your hair today..." I offer weakly, my smile faltering. Why is this so difficult? She is just a silly girl, it's not like I need to impress her.

The girl visibly relaxes, and she lets the breath she was preciously holding on to out. She does have pretty hair, it's a nice soft shade of brown and is very girl-next-door. She has a small face with subtle features, but her eyes are breathtaking. Azure orbs are lined with lashes that are so long even I am jealous, meet my own. "Oh, my name is Amelia. Did you transfer here? I haven't seen you around before. I am on the student committee and I like to know as many students as I can and well... you don't really look like you are from around here. N-not like that... I mean I'm not rude I promise I just don't know what I am saying to be honest." I can't help but frown as she looks up at me defeated, and I take a deep breath.

"I did transfer actually, and no, I am not from here." I laugh softly, instantly taking a liking to the girl. "Amelia, right? I think we are in the same program. Literature, right?" Her eyes light up again and she fixes the straps on her backpack. She really is innocent. So why is she interested in talking to me? I quickly gather my books and exit the room with her, ignoring the stares that followed us.

"Yeah actually. I love the classics, and I am a sucker for romance!" She lets out a giggle and shakes her head, clearly lost in thought. My skin soaks in the sun, the warmth welcome against my face as I tuck some stray blonde hairs behind my ear. "Is it natural?" she whispers, her eyes full of wonder again. I feel slightly offended and scowl at her, before noticing her staring at my hair. Composing myself I nod, I can't blame her.

"Sorry, yes it's natural. Everyone in my family has snow blonde hair, it's kind of the only thing we have in common really. Anyways..." I lose all train of thought as I look ahead, and I instinctively bite my lip once more.

My stomach erupts in butterflies as I look at him. Each time is just like the first. Here he stands, in grey worn sweatpants and a white t-shirt that has some logo on it. His black hair is combed back, and he didn't shave this morning. He flexes to show the group of guys he is talking to his arms, boys are so weird.

I must have caught their attention because one of them turned and dropped their jaw. He looks up to see me, and his face lights up. My heart speeds up and I try to keep my cool, and his smirk tells me he knows exactly what he is doing. I hold Amelia's hand and drag her over to the group of guys, she mindlessly follows as she gawks at him. It isn't offending really, I mean have you seen him?!

His arms circle around my waist and I let out a soft moan as I wrap my arms around behind his neck. His cologne fills my nostrils, and my eyes almost roll back as I feel myself on the verge of letting go. Almost. "Hey baby," he huskily whispers in my ear. "Good class?" I nod weakly and feel one of his arms shift so he can grab my ass, completely oblivious to the group around us. I hear Amelia squeal, and I laugh as I pull his face closer for a kiss. They make it too easy, and I don't mind skipping the chase. Not with him at least.

"This is Amelia, Amelia this is Narcissus." I gesture my hand between the two, more focused on wanting to leave a hickey on the sweet spot on his neck. Mine. All mine. I refocus on Amelia, noticing her chest moving slow as she takes deep breaths. Clearly at a loss for words, I snap my fingers and she shakes out of it.

"Oh? Narcissus and Echo. Wait like mythology? That is so cool! So how long have you two been a couple?" I notice that she rambles when she's nervous, and I feel the air escape my lungs as she asks that damn question.

"Baby?" he asks, his eyes burning into mine.

"Oh we aren't. He's my uh," I blush for the umpteenth time and look down to my fingers for comfort.

"I'm her roommate... and her ride." I feel myself shiver at his powerful voice, and with his emphasis at the end I felt my insides twist.

"Yeah..." I pathetically begin before one of the stupid boys smirks.

"I need to get me a roommate like that! Do you know anyone, doll?"

I look up to Narcissus who simply nods. His face is striking, even when he holds no emotion like now. I smile sweetly at the one who was stupid enough to try me. Completely oblivious to our exchange, I feel his gaze burn a trail down to my chest.

"I think that I may know someone, if you're that interested." I shrug casually, and his friends silence behind him, I could hear him gulp in anticipation. "But you see the thing is, doll, is that you simply wouldn't do. See, you play with dolls no? She'd just make you her bitch. Still interested?" I smirk at his baffled expression, and when he furrows his brows and opens his tight lips to make some stupid remark I quickly hold a finger to them. "Hush now, a temper really isn't that attractive."

I turn back to Amelia and offer another kind smile, and she just nods at me dumbfounded. The look on Narcissus' face is priceless, and I suddenly feel tired from this meaningless interaction. I scribble my number down and hand it to Amelia, and focus my gaze on that of my love's. "Narcy, can we go home now?" I pout knowing it drives him wild, and smirk when he motions to the car. In the background I can still hear the idiot's friends laughing at him.

Putting my seatbelt on I chime in my head "safety first". I feel a hand grip my bare thigh, internally thankful for the short shorts that I wore today. Pretending to not pay attention, I hear a low growl from the base of his throat as his hand slides dangerously close to where I need him at the moment. I blink slow up at him, and bite my lip as I look down to his neck. I personally think that a hickey there would look nice.


I hear the familiar ding of a notification ring from my phone, and I lazily reach to grab it. I see a message from an unknown number, and smile as I open it.

You are my goals now. Like all of them. I mean you're really pretty, you got that sexy beast wrapped around your finger, AND you shut Colton up! I don't know anyone else who ever has, please tell me you'll be my best friend!

I save Amelia's number and think about how to respond. I like her a lot, and having a friend doesn't sound that bad when you are stuck for an eternity with the "sexy beast" that can't love you back.

Instant best friends? I don't know if you can handle all of me...

I begin, before a door opening catches my attention. I almost drop my phone at the sight of Narcissus wearing nothing but a towel wrapped loosely around his hips and I see his eyes darken. I quickly delete my draft and respond with a simple:

Of course! I'm going to work on that paper now, I'll message you in a bit!

I hear him laugh softly, as a drop of water slowly rolls down his treasure trail, before continuing its way down what was beneath the towel. His hand grips the knot holding it together and as he goes to sit next to where my head is on the couch, he drops the towel.

I feel my eyes widen and I practically drool at the sight. Moving to where I am more comfortable, I take the base of his member in my hand and I hear him groan. "So, who has you smiling... doll?"

Earth to Echo... It takes me a moment to remember he walked in on me texting, and I shrug it off as I look at not-so-little-Narcissus hungrily. Wrapping my lips around him softly, I slip my tongue down his member to where I know is the most sensitive.

I hear him hiss as he tenses, and I can't help but smirk at the effect I have on him

"Fuck doll... do it just like that..."

A/N (potential spoiler (?) too)

-mini rant over- -not actually because it was so hot-

Also special shoutout to the people who read the preview it means a lot to have people read my work! (Especially to dasia1234 for being the first to vote and for being so excited to read this story! Thanks so much💕)

Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed this first chapter, it was fun to write! Please comment and vote it would make me so happy!

And if you don't want to vote for me... hit that little star for Kit Harington 😍
