Chapter 37: Wedding Bells🔔 💍♥️

Author's Pov

Even after the long night they both had, they were all hyped up for their wedding. It felt like a dream for both Jungkook and Y/n. They were finally going to tie the knot and make their biggest commitment ever.

"I wonder how she looks in a wedding gown honestly, I can't wait to see her. It just feels like the clock is moving anti-clockwise right now, I'm so impatient to finally see her." Jungkook sighed as he wore his jacket, fully completing his navy tuxedo look.

"She is my sister, so she is going to knock some air out of your chest when she walks to the altar." Yoongi beamed as he stood next to him to fix Jungkook's tie.

"He sure is right. Rosè did the same thing to me. Come to think of it, your family is just blessed with good genes." Namjoon said.

"Besides all that happening, I already know that he is going to tear up, so I will make sure to have a hankerchief with me." Jimin teased making Jungkook glare at him for 2 seconds. The others just laughed knowing how much of a cry baby, he can be.

"Well it is a beautiful moment that I yearned for all my life, so let me put my pride aside and cry just for seeing that moment finally come to pass." Jungkook justified himself in advance.

"Let's get moving then, you don't want to be late for your own wedding." Namjoon said as all four of them left the dressing room to go to the hotel's garden, where the altar was.

Jungkook's eyes roamed around the whole altar, from Y/n's favourite flowers on the red carpet and around the whole altar, the family and friends that watched them grew together, it felt surreal, as if he was deep in slumber and just having one of his beautiful fantasies he wished to stay trapped in, just this time the fresh breeze on his face felt real. His mother hooked her arm around his as she readied him to go to the altar, which gave him the reassurance that everything was real after all. She smiled at him as her eyes glistened with tears of joy and same time she looked so proud of him, for finally making her grandmother and having a family of his own.

"You look so handsome, son and I am so proud of the both of you for holding on to your love enough to make it to the altar." She said as she looked ahead and they walked slowly towards the priest, as they smiled back to the others, who looked at them so lovingly and also the flashing cameras that were all over the place, to capture the Jeon/ Min prestigious wedding.

"Thank you mother, all thanks to your exquisite genes and we are here today because of everyone's support. I love you." He said as they kept on getting closer to the altar his mother continued to smile more at his sweet words to her.

"You will make me cry and I love you more." She lightly hit his arm as they finally reached the altar and she engulfed him in a long, motherly hug.

"Don't please, because as beautiful as you are right now, dad might as well just remarry you now and we will have a double wedding." He whispered in her ear as he rubbed her back to soothe her tears away.

"Don't be silly, today it is about you and Y/n not us, so save all these words to yourself because I know how much of a cry-baby you are when it comes to her." She teased and he smiled realising that what she said was true, he had to save every kilojoule of energy he had because the woman he loved with every fibre of his being was going to walk towards him in a wedding dress and nothing could ever prepare him for that. Mrs Jeon held his hand for a brief second before joining her husband on the front seat, right near Jungkook and the altar. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and as the bride-maids appeared with their partners and Jimin nudged on his shoulder as he stood next to him.

"You might need to take a deep breath for this one, because I can tell you are not ready for this." Jungkook glared at him because he was already nervous and his friend was just making it worse.

"Do it man, you will thank me later." Jimin continued and Jungkook did as told and he closed his eyes in the process and the moment he opened them, he hardly blinked as he gazed at her amorously. It felt like his heartbeat was matching with every step she took towards him.

"I was beyond mesmerised upon seeing her, and every time she got closer, it was as if my heart just couldn't stop but to beat harder each time. Her gaze glued on mine and I could tell she probably felt the same way I did. It was finally happening, me standing at the altar, awaiting her to finally be mine officially, just this time it was real and she looked even way better than in those dreams. Her body looked so stunning in that thin white lacy dress, every curve, every motion, her beautiful, glowing face, I was enthralled by all that. It felt like the very first time I saw her, I guess I was probably falling in love with her all over again. There was no doubt in my mind that this was the best decision I have ever made in my life, marrying her and always choosing her every time."

"There he was, looking as stunning as ever in that navy tux, and his longish hair. His eyes were glued on mine the whole time, he was leaving me breathless due to his amorous glances and it set my whole body on fire how he looked at me. With every slow step, my heart was beating three times faster. If it weren't for my father who was walking me down the aisle, I probably wouldn't reach far, his gazes were that lethal. I kept looking back at him and he smiled so beautifully that it melted the last bits of my heart, what is this man doing to me? We were finally tying the knot and I could not believe that it was happening after everything that has happened. I was finally going to be his in every way possible and him mine, as surreal as that felt, it was the purpose why everyone gathered there in the first place and why I was dressed in a white lacy gown after all."

They finally reached the altar and Mr Min took Y/n's hand and placed it on Jungkook's with a smile. Jungkook bowed at him as he left to join his wife along with his parents and Jinyoung on the front seats.

"Don't forget your lines Mr Jeon." Y/n teased as she looked sideways and realised that he was still staring at her with the same amatory gaze.

"If I do, 10 years later when we show our kids this wedding's video, you should explain to them why you would be to blamed for it. Okay Mrs Jeon?" He whispered back at her before she chuckled as the priest started to talk. The moment he started to say 'Dear beloved', Jungkook whispered to Y/n again.

"Here comes that old, boring cliché speech, just wanna kiss you already."

"Same but don't worry we are stuck with each other for life." She smiled without looking at him, as she continued to look towards the priest that kept going on and on with bible verses on marriage.

"Marrying someone that matches your vibe, is another type of flex really." He thought as he glanced at her for the last time before paying attention to what the priest was saying. Thereafter, they were asked to look at each other and say their vows. Jungkook held both of her hands and kept on rubbing the dorsal part of each one with his thumbs, and it felt so soothing that it made her feel less nervous to have to say her vows first.

"When I first met you, I never really thought that you would mean so much to me as you do now, but now I am well aware that my life would be in demise if I were to lose you again. For during the days when I could've possibly hated you the most, or when we said painful things to each other, I was still able to feel more pain due to the void of not having you around rather than the things you could've possibly done to hurt me. You have been nothing but a loving, caring and supportive partner and I promise that I will continue being there for you, and from now on, I will not leave your side ever. I will love and respect you as both my husband and the father of Jinyoung and our future children. I love you so much Jeon Jungkook, in ways that I have never loved before, in ways that you have never been loved before, hope that line sounds familiar. I remember when you jokingly said that you would sabotage every relationship I plan to have with any other man, well guess what Mr Jeon, you succeeded because on this day is you that is my husband and the love of my life, guess you weren't joking after all."

Jungkook was trying so hard to hold himself so he could say his vows too but he was struggling to. Y/n was declaring him his, in front of so many people and his heart softened with every word she was saying about him, about them and the faith she had on their relationship. It still felt like a fantasy to him but looking into her eyes, it reminded him of how real that moment was. He smiled at her as she continued to pour her heart out and also to encourage her to continue saying her vows, without crying and even though she was struggling at first, she managed to.

He also chuckled when she mentioned a line he once wrote to her on a letter during their third Valentine's day. Everyone laughed including Jungkook himself when Y/n spoke about him sabotaging all her relationships. I guess he wasn't lying after all, Ethan, Taehyung, the guy she met at the bar, none of them stood a chance because her mind and heart belonged and still belongs to one man and one man only, him.

"I was actually never joking when I said that." Everyone continued to laugh at how Jungkook just confirmed Y/n's implications. There was a brief silence before Jungkook went ahead with his vows to her.

"I guess my heart always believed in our love even when both of us didn't and maybe that is why I never found it in me to forget about you even after so many years. I wish I could promise you a life without pain, a life without trouble or one that is so peaceful that we won't ever go to bed without being angry at each other. I also cannot promise you the seventh heaven but rather, I can make this commitment to you today, in front of all our family members and friends, that I give you my haven of endless love, a promise to treat you and love you as my wife and the mother of my children till the day I die. A promise to be your strength, your anchor, your love, your biggest fan, your best friend and the one that shares with you every anguish you will ever encounter. And I know you were probably sceptical about me when we first met but without a doubt, I knew you were different for me and that no other woman could ever take your place in my life, not now and not ever. I love you Min Y/n, and I promise to try and be a better man for you and our son, that is my promise to you."

Everyone cheered and clapped their hands while Y/n couldn't help but to embrace Jungkook in her arms and he hugged her so tight as her tears escaped from her eyes. His promises to her, the way he was declaring his love like that was so genuine and she knew that she was going to remember his vows to her forever. He didn't promise her an arrant life or relationship, or the heaven and earth that is impossible to attain that people promise to their partners. He promised a simple life, where he would always stand by her side, love and respect her, which of course isn't that simple but he is willing to try his best and do that for both of them and stay together forever.

They let go and Jungkook cupped her face and helped her wipe her tears without ruining her make-up. The cheers and the applauses came to a halt when the priest continued. He asked for the rings to be brought closer and Jinyoung went forward with a little basket that had both rings. Both his parents smiled at him as they took the small boxes in their hands.

"Do you Jeon Jungkook, take Min Y/n as your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked and Jungkook and Y/n smiled as they looked at each other.

"Yes I do." He said and slid the ring in her finger as she looked at the beautiful ring which was way bigger than her engagement one, before looking back at his eyes.

"Do you Min Y/n, take Jeon Jungkook as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." She replied so swiftly that it took Jungkook by surprise and he suppressed his laugh by biting his lower lip. He couldn't believe that she was just as impatient as he was to finally make her Mrs Jeon.

"I now pronounce you as Mr and Mrs Jeon. You may kiss your bride." The priest further said and Jungkook held and for once, Y/n didn't tense up kissing in public and everyone cheered as soon as their lips connected. He let go of her and they both started to walk down the aisle hand in hand, and they started taking pictures with their family and friends. Later on, they went to the hotel where they were having their reception.


Jungkook and Y/n both changed from their wedding attires and this time they wore matching black outfits. Y/n wore a dress similar to the one she wore during her graduation, the only difference was that it didn't have a slit like before and it was less revealing. She had it remade especially for Jungkook because he complained of the fact that she wore a dress like that when she wasn't his and he yearned to touch her so much then but because of their animosity he couldn't do anything about it.

They met at the corridor as they had planned to go down the stairs together. Jungkook froze when he saw her and so did she. He wore a black turtle neck, and he chose not to wear his jacket, which was total torture to Y/n. He knew that him in a turtle neck had always been a weakness of hers and he clearly ditched his jacket on purpose. He walked closer to her and held her hand as they started to walk where the reception party was.

"If it weren't for the people waiting for us downstairs, I was taking you back to my room now. You're looking too sexy Mrs Jeon." He said as his hand shifted to touch her lower back.

"I wouldn't even retaliate, you know that you in a turtle neck is my weakness right? Of course you do, is that why you ditched your jacket, to make sure that my eyes are on you the whole time?" She responded without facing him as she continued to walk down the stairs with his arm around her.

"Of course baby, what did you think." She sighed at his words and people started to take pictures of them and everyone's eyes glistened as soon as they were closer to them. Congratulations kept on flooding in from relatives and friends and they had said way to many thank you' and received way too many gifts for a day.

"I am thankful that there aren't too many people like in the wedding, I am so drained already." Y/n said as she leaned on Jungkook's shoulder as they swayed to the music, while both their hands are wrapped tightly around each other.

"I really wanna take you back to our room now, but we can't this whole thing is for us and we are obviously expected to be here." Jungkook sighed as he rubbed one of his hand in an up-down motion to help her relax.

"Well I guess they should continue keeping us here because this dress is clearly doing the job I wore it for." Y/n chuckled and bit her lip as she looked deep in his eyes.

"Wow okay. You are enjoying this too much, wait until this whole wedding thing is all over." He smirked and she laughed at how he kept on looking at her and went back to leaning her head on his shoulder.

"You know I hardly even saw our baby, today. Where is he?" She asked as she remembered that she hardly saw Jinyoung.

"He was with Hyerin, earlier. I know you won't be at peace until you see him, after this song we will go and look for him, okay?" He responded and she hummed at him. After the song they stepped away from the dance floor and she finally spotted Jinyoung talking with other two kids along with Hyerin, while they sat on the staircase.

"I guess he doesn't need us, he met new friends." Y/n said as she showed her husband, where he was and both their eyes softened as they saw him socialising with other children.

"They seem to be having fun, let's not interrupt them, love. We will talk to him later." He reassured her and she nodded, just then her eyes landed on Taehyung who was busy talking to a business associate and remembering how things ended last time she needed to talk to him face to face, to make sure that he was doing okay as he said on the phone.

"I will be back, I just wanna go and talk to him, its been a while. Is that okay with you?" She asked searching his eyes to make sure he was okay with it and he nodded, his eyes didn't lose the spark they had for a second and she realised that he meant it when he said that he trusted her and her love for him. Maybe the long separation really did come in handy.

"I will just go to Jimin and the others, we haven't really spoken and I believe that you and Taehyung have some business to finish. See you when you come back." He said and kissed her cheek before he went to his friends. Y/n stood there for a minute pondering about how calm he was and she was happy of both their progress when it comes to not doubting each other's love for one another.

"Hy Taehyung." She said to him the moment he bid his good bye to his associate.

"Hey beautiful, or should I say Mrs Jeon now?" He smiled as he hugged her and the tension she was expecting was just not there at all and she just couldn't believe how things have changed this much.

"Or you can still call me beautiful, like old times. You are the only one who calls me that and I hope you can still call me that just to assure me that our friendship is still the same even though I know it is not." Y/n's tone changed and Taehyung asked her to look at him.

"I don't want you to keep holding yourself accountable for what happened. I don't regret ever meeting you or falling for you and it just happened, no one had control over that but either ways I wouldn't change a thing. I know it left our friendship scarred but I can assure you that I am genuinely happy for you and I mean it. All you have to do is to let this guilt go. I have accepted everything as it is but I still want us to laugh, tell each others' troubles without acting all awkward. I have made peace with it and decided to move on with my life, so could you do the same for me and also start this new journey in your marriage with peace in your mind and heart?" Y/n felt relieved after hearing that, she just wanted to make sure that he was not pretending to be okay for her sake, but because he was. She looked at him as he said every word and he meant it.

"Either ways, I am sorry for how things happened between us. I just wanted to hear that you are okay and that maybe we can rebuild our friendship again, so it can go back to what it was and I too want to laugh at your lame jokes without feeling awkward. I hope that is not too much to ask." He looked up at her as he scanned her face, he could tell that she still has so much tension in her about them.

"Mrs Jeon, it seems like you are not hearing me." He held her shoulders and continued to speak.

"I made peace with everything and I need you to do the same for me, for our friendship. And what you are asking for is a lot because well it is not necessary, we rebuild what has been broken and our friendship was never broken, it was just a little hiccup that can easily be shaken off if you truly want it to go." She sighed when she realised that she was the only one who was holding back because of the guilt she felt and even though Taehyung may not be over her, he was fine seeing her happy, his love was genuine enough for him to accept that and allow her to be happy without feeling any guilt and besides he has been trying to move on.

"Well there is no reason for me to doubt you. Thank you, I just feel so much at peace that we are totally okay now." She hugged him feeling so happy.

"I would like to give all the credit to myself but I cannot, Jungkook deserves most of it." Taehyung said and Y/n immediately let go of him as he searched his eyes to make sure that what she heard was right.

"Wait what? Jungkook? What do you mean?" She was so perplexed and confused.

"Well, ever since I left, we have been in contact with each other. He actually was kind to me and he apologised for ever being rude to me or blaming me for coming between the two of you and whatever. But the point is, he started talking to me because he knew that I was important in your life and so was he, so we at least had to try and get along for you and he is the one that sent the invitation first." She looked at him with a stunned face yet again, Jungkook did that for her, even after all the insecurities he had about Taehyung, even after she had lied to his face to push him away using Taehyung's name. She couldn't believe it at all. She looked at him from across the room as he was busy talking to his friends.

"He did that? Jungkook did that, in fact both of you put your differences aside all for me? Wow I can't believe this." Taehyung smiled as he nodded frantically to assure her.

They continued to speak for a while as people kept on leaving and only family members were left, Y/n joined her two best-friends along with her sister as Taehyung went to the other guys and he wasn't really lying about what he said earlier. Him and Jungkook seemed to get along well and that made her happy. It felt like her wedding was a day of resolutions as well and that made it even more special.


*To be Continued*


"I can't promise you the seventh heaven, rather I can promise you my haven of love."



I would like to apologise for being on a hiatus for far too long that I haven't updated in months, however I will try my best to finish this book before college reopens, as then I won't have time for Wattpad. Thank you for being patient with me and I am thankful to the new readers as well that have started to read this book. MWM, is just this close to reaching 15k, I am speechless. And this chapter was a little longer than I intended and to think that it is not yet complete....damn. I guess I missed doing this and I would like to read your comments too, I missed you guys.

P.S: You just read about 4100 words.....BRAVO!!
