Chapter 26 : Love : A man's weakness.

Author's pov

Y/n kept pacing up and down, feeling uneasy about meeting him for the first time in four years. Jungkook on the other hand, was oblivious to the fact that she was back.

"Agh Y/n! Calm down won't you." Rose said as she held Y/n's shoulders to look at her.

"I don't know how I'm going to handle meeting him again after so long. It's gonna be awkward."She said while fixing her bangs.

"It's not like you have to talk to him, you can avoid him for as long as you like." She said while doing some touch-ups on Y/n's face.

"Yeah I could, but I still need to tell him about jinyoung , remember." Y/n said sulkingly.

"I know but you don't have to say it like now. You could tell him some other time, so just chill. I'm sure all those years did something to you or maybe you're still as weak as he used to make you?" Rose said the last part while raising her eyebrows. She knew what she said could make Y/n be less nervous.

"Oh no! It's not like that , I have spent all those years without him and I literally got over him. There is no way he could make me feel something again." She said with confidence even though her heart was doubtful at that.

"Then prove me wrong by being more composed and stop overreacting." Her sister said while they exchanged smiles and a brief hug.

*Knock! Knock!*

"Come on in!" Rose answered. They both averted their eyes to the person entering. First : short limbs, chubby fingers , big doe eyes, well if it wasn't Jeon Jinyoung who could it had been?

"Mommy, I wanna come with you to the party." Jinyoung said with his pouty lips making his mother's heart soften.

"No baby, I can't go with you. You have to stay with aunty Rose and your cousin Hyerin." She said while caressing his hair.

"I don't want to stay here, I wanna come with, please eomma! Please!" Jinyoung kept on pleading making his mother soften up with every second he cutely stared at her. She was on the verge of saying 'Yes' but she couldn't risk having him along. It would only have taken people who knew Jungkook seconds to decipher that he was his son.

"I will be too busy dear, and I wouldn't be able to look after you. Please stay here with your aunty." She pleaded him feeling a surge of guilt flow in her veins.

Jinyoung started tearing up, enough was enough really. What mother could bare to see such a sight. He hugged one of his mother's leg and cried harder.

"Okay , you can come with me." She said as she took him in her arms and wiped his precious tears. His bunny teeth instantly showed , his faint dimples too.

" What about Jung.... , You know." Rosé asked anxiously avoiding to say Jungkook's name Infront of Jinyoung.

" Well....ok! Ahhm Jinyoung, you have to listen to everything aunty Rosé says to you. Don't move around okay, I will come check up on you as much as I can." She said looking at her son before averting her eyes at her sister.

" I don't think you guys should come inside, well I can ask dad to arrange a place for you to be. I can't afford having you in the hall." She said answering her sister's question.

Rosé nodded and she went to get her daughter, Hyerin who was a year older than Jinyoung. They got the kids ready and left for the big party.


Jungkook's Pov

I felt suddenly so uneasy about the party. My dad didn't even say anything about that girl yet. He didn't even mention the name of the company we were merging with.

It was as if I had to go to the party to only be welcomed by a set of mysteries. It was only stressing me out.

"Jungkook finish up please, we will be late." Jimin shouted on the other side of my room. I fixed my bow tie first and went outside.


At the party - Author's Pov

The moment he set his feet on the ground. He just felt more apprehension.

"Is it because of this girl I am meeting for the first time in like 20 years? Was Jimin right when he said that , us meeting was not a coincidence? Am I really feeling something. I am perhaps overthinking this." Jungkook thought to himself.

The latter didn't know that his hyung said that because he knew the girl already. Jimin looked at Jungkook's stressed face and smirked to himself. He struggled keeping the truth to himself seeing him worked up few days earlier, but he didn't want to miss the thrill on Jungkook's face when he meets the girl.

"You are sweating like crazy , man." Jimin said as he wiped Jungkook's sweaty forehead with his hankerchief.
Jungkook's uneasiness kept on filling in.

They got in and his parents who were already there smiled and waved at them. He didn't pay much attention to them until Jimin poked his arm to look at them again. His eyes widened when he saw Y/n's parents.

" They are back, does that mean... Y/n! my Y/n...back?!" Jungkook thought to himself. He started to panic even more. His heartbeat accelerated to the limit. He didn't know how to feel, happy , sad , frustrated. He swore he could feel thousands of emotions in him, if that was even possible.

He went to them while Jimin went to his now fiancee , Chungha.

" Is Y/n here already?" Jimin asked her while holding one of her hands. She nodded and pointed at the doorway.

Y/n got in wearing a long navy dress, with a long slit, up to her mid thigh. People who knew her back then wouldn't believe it was her. She was less shy, not like before. She was more confident, her beauty just striked even more. Jimin started to worry for his best friend's heart. It would beat a thousand miles per minute if he saw what he lost.

" Wow!" Jimin mouthed as he stared at her.

"Unbelievable right!" Chungha said smilingly, she noticed that Jimin was not paying attention to her. She slightly hit his arm.

"Stop that! I'm still here jiminie-pabo." She said a little angry at how her fiancee was admiring her best friend.

"Sorry , is just I can't believe it's her. She is different, in an extravagant way of course. Who is that she is with?" Jimin said as he pointed at the tall handsome man next to Y/n.

" Ohh that is her friend, Taehyung. His the COO of the company in America , they are very close friends." Chungha said while looking at the pair.

" I suddenly feel sorry for Jungkook now. He seems to have a competition, as per what I see, it's really a tough one." Jimin chuckled.

"No, they are only friends." Chungha dismissed her fiancee's words.

" Only friends huh." Jimin said as he tilted Chungha's head to look at Taehyung's arm which was wrapped around Y/n's waist. Chungha's eyes almost popped out, Y/n never allowed any other man to touch her like that. She immediately searched for Jisoo and Yoongi.

The moment her eyes landed on the newly weds, she went straight to them . She nudged Jisoo's arm and made her look at Y/n and Taehyung. Jisoo's eyebrows instantly rose.


Jungkook on the other hand was too busy catching up with her parents and other business associates, oblivious to everything else. He was way too far on the other end of the hall.

"Jungkook come , I want you to meet her. She is here." Jungkook's mother held his hand leading him to the bar counter. He saw only her back but his heart couldn't stop accelerating. He touched his chest hoping to calm it down. His mother gestured for him to go to her.

On the other hand , the girl didn't know anything about him too. She was only told that she was going to meet her cookie friend. It was absurd to her but then she didn't mind meeting a new friend.

Jungkook took a breath in and went close enough to tap her shoulder. The young woman almost choked on her Margarita. She didn't even know if it was the soft touch or that familiar voice that said "Excuse me!".

Her body went stiff but then she had to be composed, right. She slowly turned as she got of the synchronising stool.

Jungkook's glass fell straight to the floor , catching the attention of those near to them. His heart seemed to stop beating for a second and it felt as though it could pop out of his chest.

" Y/n!" Jungkook said completely shocked. The same woman he loved very much was actually his cookie friend, that his parents wanted him to marry. He didn't know whether to be happy about it, or be sad because, why would she marry the man who broke her heart.

" Jungkook! Jeon Jungkook. I clearly should have seen this coming. Why didn't I think about this. So you're my cookie friend?!" Y/n said composed, completely opposing Jungkook's reaction towards her.

Jungkook was taken aback a bit. His glass fell off , he couldn't even utter a word but yet she uttered three full sentences without stuttering. He wondered if she felt anything for him , even if it was just a friendship love or something. His heart started to prick at the thought. He just stood there frozen, he couldn't believe it was her. She was so confident and beautiful, unlike his sweet , naive, cute but beautiful Y/n. He didn't know how to feel about all that.

"Y/n~, I'm sorry I took so long I met some few people I...." Taehyung said as he slung his arm around her waist, Y/n flinched a little at the touch. Jungkook threw daggers at Taehyung's hand and back to his face. He just wanted to slit his throat right then and there.

"Sorry, my name is Kim Taehyung." Taehyung flashed a smile at him and held out his hand. Jungkook looked down from his face to his hand with a frown. Debating whether to cut it with the broken glass pieces or take up his offer.

"Jeon Jungkook." He said as he shook his hand with a strong grip before releasing it.

" Ohh the famous Jungkook, should've known." Taehyung said sarcastically earning a glare from Y/n. She knew what her friend was up to, she just didn't know what to do about it. Jungkook on the other hand raised his eyebrows at being called famous and averted his eyes to Y/n who had a neutral expression.

Jungkook glared at Taehyung again but Tae being himself, he shrugged it off and held Y/n's waist even more tighter.

" Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We have an announcement to make." Mr Min said after tapping his glass of wine with a spoon, grabbing everyone's attention.

" Me and my colleague and also best friend , Mr Min are to merge our main companies." Mr Jeon continued Mr Min's words.

"JDC and MDE!" They said in unison. Jungkook's eyes almost fell of their sockets, it was unbelievably astonishing. He liked that idea, but he didn't understand why they wanted to merge them at that time. He knew they were up to something, I mean Y/n turned out to be the girl they want him to marry. They were also merging their main companies , it was no mere coincidence that was obvious to him.

" The first project will of course be handled by our children. Miss Min Y/n from MDE and Mr Jeon Jungkook from JDC." Mr Min said with a smile. The crowd applauded as flashlights went straight to the two mentioned people. Jungkook looked over at Y/n who seemed unbothered by any of the things being said. It was as if she was oblivious to the fact that they were exes.

"Doesn't it bother her, does she want to work with me? Is she fine seeing me almost everyday? I'm happy about that but I would wish to stop this animosity between us." Jungkook thought to himself. People started to congratulate both of them. Y/n tried avoiding him by all means.

He started to feel a little lonely. The love of his life was busy laughing at things the so called Taehyung kept saying. They looked so cosy in his eyes that he thought she had moved on from him. He looked at Taehyung and back at her.

" They look perfect together, his good looking, he seems to be a nice man too. He makes her smile like that, something I failed to do when she was mine. Maybe this is her prince charming and I'm just a horrible nightmare she got over." Jungkook thought in his mind, his heart breaking with every glance at them.

He didn't feel the need of being part of the party anymore. He went out of the hall and stepped out of the building with a heavy heart. He couldn't understand why he was so weak.

" I am a man, am I not? Then why am I this weak, why am I so vulnerable. Everytime I see her with someone else or wanting nothing to do with me. I feel so bad, I cry, I feel my body weaken, my heart breaks. What's wrong with me?" He questioned himself mentally as he went to the car.

Jinyoung who was playing with Hyerin in the garden saw a glimpse of a familiar man.

"Appa!" He mouthed in awe as he saw the man he yearned for, all those years. He got up from his sitting position and ran after him. "Appa!Appa!" He called even though they were far away from each other. Jungkook was getting even further as he walked faster to his car.

He heard the faint shouts but then as per his knowledge, he was a father to none so he didn't feel the need to look back, even though he had the urge to.

Jungkook got in his car and started the engine. Jinyoung was closer but Jungkook didn't even glance his way, his heart was to broken to focus on anything.

Jinyoung saw a glimpse of Jungkook's teary eyes and he himself started to cry also. He didn't understand why his Appa couldn't look back when he called him. He started to call him again from a seven feet distance. His voice was almost inaudible due to his muffled cries. If only he was not crying maybe Jungkook could have looked at him but unfortunately he was crying.

Jungkook drove off and it made Jinyoung wail even more. The poor little boy fell on his knees as he endlessly called for his Appa.

"A-ppa! Ap-pa!" He called in between his muffled cries.


"The truth is there is no woman Nor a man in this game of love, it makes
Us all vulnerable and weak."


"It only takes four letters, two consonants to get to a man's weakness."


*To be continued*


Damn my heart hurts. Poor jinyoung.💔🤧
