"Hey there. Guess I don't have to introduce myself, huh? I get that this is probably confusing, seeing yourself like this."

"Guess I should start from the beginning."

"First things first. I am you. No tricks no actors. It's you. The reason you don't remember this was because that memory was erased. Think of this video as the message from the Rantaro before you lost your memory, to the Rantaro after you lost your memory. So, let's get to it then. The reason I recorded this footage—"

...xNonentity Presents...


TRIGGER WARNINGS: Angst. Death. Blood. Murder. Violence. Swearing. Self-Harm. Trauma. (Basically, everything Nankidai lists for his game).

✦ Rantaro only has ONE sister that he lost

✦ The context behind the "Ultimate Survivor" is a bit different (You will understand if you keep on reading)

✦ Different elements from Danganronpa and YTTD are combined.  (Think of it as if the two different universes *meshed* together)

I have no idea how the yttd canon ending turns out (since the final part hasn't been released...) so writing the ending to this fanfic is going to be a SURPRISE. But I promise you won't be disappointed. I have a story direction I want to go for, so I'll do my best with the wild imagination I have.

And trust me. The story gets crazier. 😁

Anyway, I'm putting my own twist on this DRV3 x YTTD crossover!  Rantaro is the protagonist. Yay!

Sincerely, xNonentity.
