Thorned Flowers

As he scampered into the small den under the rock, Ravenpaw kept his pace smooth and gentle; not trying to be loud but not trying to be predatorially quiet. Firestar slowly rose his head from the small kit he was grooming. He friendlily but professionally smiled. "Hi, Ravenpaw, how are you? I'm just taking care of Birchkit while Ferncloud is helping set up camp and Dustpelt is hunting," he meowed. Ravenpaw smiled back, kindly greeting him as his old friend but also respecting his authority as ThunderClan leader. He mewed, "Hi, Firestar! Not to alert you or anything, but I saw Scourge near the barn when I was eating and Barley was sleeping... I don't know where he came from, and I think—no, no, I know he has sinister intentions." Firestar froze, and kept his gentle grip around the slithering and squeaking kit. He stayed silent for a few seconds that felt like moons. "If this is true, we will have to perform further investigation," he finally replied. Ravenpaw nodded, his paws shaking under his weight. Firestar shot him a sympathetic and nervous glare. He purred, "Don't worry; we'll get it under control, tooth and claw if necessary." Ravenpaw curtly nodded again, and sighed. "I'm just really worried about Barley..." He mumbled. "Wait—Barley! HE'S STILL THERE! He's s-sleeping, and... And...." Ravenpaw squeaked horrifyingly, not stopping to breathe. Firestar gently shushed him, placing his paw near Ravenpaw's. He assured, "It'll be okay. Calm down. We won't let him hurt you or Barley. I-I'll tell the Clan, and we can launch an attack if necessary. Though, it will likely be more problematic if he brings the rest of his Clan... Perhaps this is necessary talk for the next Gathering." Ravenpaw (AGAIN?) nodded, trying to take deep breaths to calm down. "Ok. I understand." He still sounded uncertain and skittish, but was feeling calmer. "I'll... Get going now an-" "No, no, please stay. If he's at the barn, it isn't safe for you there," Firestar interrupted. "B... But what about Barley?" Ravenpaw cried. "We'll get him later," Firestar mewed. "You can stay in the spare den for now while we get this sorted out."

