I Feel Okay As Long As I'm With You

As they walked through the river, it began to rain. It drizzled over them. Ravenpaw felt slightly uncomfortable, but he could never be upset or uncomfortable when he was with Barley. Barley shivered, and looked at Ravenpaw. "Maybe we should go back to the barn now..." Ravenpaw suggested, his teeth grinding and his paws shaking. Barley nodded, flicked his tail, and began to turn backwards. Ravenpaw did the same. Barley placed a slightly larger then average leaf on Ravenpaw's head. He chuckled, and smiled. They loved eachother, but neither one of them felt like breaking the ice. They just silently flirted and hinted. Even though neither of them outright said it, both of them knew. Ravenpaw shivered, but still smiled. After all, how could he not smile near Barley? He just couldn't be mad around him. He was like his other half. The voice in his head. He couldn't frown around Barley even if he was held at gunpoint. Barley smiled as well, trudging along aside Ravenpaw.
