Stormy Silhouettes

His thoughts were interrupted by a ringing. He flinched, squinting and clutching his ears. Around him, was a colorless, misty sky and a long, dull gray river. He was sitting in a stretching, vast area of pale ginger sand. But it was getting louder. And louder. And louder. And louder, and louder, and louder, AND LOU- "Ravenpaw, Ravenpaw! RAVENPAW! Are you OKAY?" A voice frantically murmured in his ear. Ravenpaw found himself in a fetal position, his jet-black fur a total mess and jumbled, and a dark brown paw anxiously prodding him in the side. He groaned, rolling over and trying to make sense of what just happened. He recognized the tabby as Brambleclaw through his blurred sight and iffy hearing. "Mmph," Ravenpaw sputtered. "You're awake! I'm so glad... You just randomly collapsed," Brambleclaw mewed nervously. Ravenpaw just humorlessly snickered, jumping to his paws and shaking the sleep out of his eyes. "I'm probably/hopefully fine," he purred in a hoarse voice. "I'm j-ju...  Ju... Just gonna go home!" He hissed, grumpy and nervous. "You still can't go home," Brambleclaw replied. "As I assume you heard from the meeting, your suspicions were right. BloodClan is back, and they brought their damn tiny homo edgelord demon." Ravenpaw snickered at Brambleclaw's snarky comment about Scourge. But could he deny it? No. No, he couldn't. His thoughts were interrupted by howling. Ravenpaw stepped out the center of the camp away from Brambleclaw. He was met with an unruly sight. A scrawny black tomcat was scuffling with a pale gray she-cat; a terrified kit standing below the two. He recognized them as Scourge, Ferncloud, and Birchkit. A black and white tom was grappling with a white, long-haired tom; Bone and Cloudtail. Ravenpaw was stabbed with a pang of fear and rage. He lunged at Bone, and began clawing at him and biting him with all his might. Blood was splashing and sputtering everywhere. Then he saw it. A white, small, bloody, limp body. It laid in the grass. Whitepaw. "NO!" Cloudtail cried, rushing over to her and nosing her small body. She was definitely past saving, but still lightly huffing for the time being. "F-Father..." Whitepaw muttered, before slouching back down, her fur turning cold and her eyes turning duller. "Please, don't leave yet!" Cloudtail wailed. "It's too late," Leafpool solemnly rasped. Cloudtail's painful, sorrowful wailing sounded over the sounds of battle.
